The Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University (CNS-ASU) seeks to fill one POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE position in the societal aspects of emerging technologies, starting Winter 2015.The post-doctoral research associate is expected to collaborate closely with CNS-ASU researchers on the Center’s ongoing research and outreach activities, perform significant independent research, and contribute to educational programs. A post-doctoral associate specializing in “futures methods” is especially sought, with skills and interest in theoretical and applied research in qualitative and (perhaps) quantitative approaches to futuring. The fellowship is available for one year and renewable for up to one additional year, given funding availability.Required qualifications for the post-doctoral fellowship include: a doctorate in a related area, such as science and technology studies (STS), communications, media studies, design, business, political science, etc.; demonstrated interest in the societal aspects of scientific and technological advance in general and emerging technologies and futuring in particular; capacity to design and implement scenario development workshops; and evidence of high achievement in both research and teaching. Desired qualifications include interest and/or experience in: working in cross-disciplinary teams including scientists, engineers, social scientists, humanists and artists; research and/or practical experience with public engagement and deliberative processes.Closing date is 16 January 2015; if not filled, every Friday until search is closed.A complete application consists of a detailed letter of application stating qualifications, experience, research plans, and teaching interests; curriculum vitae; and the names and contact information of three references. Please submit these materials to: Deron Ash, Program Manager, Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University atderon.ash@asu.edu (applications by email ONLY). Applications missing any of the required documents will not be considered.This appointment is dependent upon funding from a specific source other than state appropriations (i.e., a cooperative agreement and supplementary awards from the National Science Foundation for CNS-ASU). As such, this appointment may terminate if funding is not available.The Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University (CNS-ASU) (http://cns.asu.edu) is a federally-funded research, education, and outreach center dedicated to understanding the legal, ethical, and other societal implications of nanotechnology. CNS-ASU works intimately with the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes (www.cspo.org), which is highly ranked internationally among science and technology think tanks, according to the Global Go-To Think Tanks Report. CSPO offers an innovative, interdisciplinary environment for developing and testing research and teaching ideas related to the governance and conduct of science and technology in the public interest.ASU conducts pre-employment screening for all positions, which includes a criminal background check, verification of work history, academic credentials, licenses, and certifications.Arizona State University is a new model for American higher education, an unprecedented combination of academic excellence, entrepreneurial energy and broad access. This New American University is a single, unified institution comprising four differentiated campuses positively impacting the economic, social, cultural, and environmental health of the communities it serves. Its research is inspired by real world application blurring the boundaries that traditionally separate academic disciplines. ASU serves more than 70,000 students in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona, the nation’s sixth largest city. ASU champions intellectual and cultural diversity, and welcomes students from all fifty states and more than one hundred nations across the globe.Arizona State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.ASU Center for Nanotechnology in SocietyConsortium for Science, Policy and OutcomesCollege of Liberal Arts and SciencesInterdisciplinary B 366 / 1120 S. Cady MallPO Box 875603Tempe, AZ 85287-5603
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