走进平常分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/cosismine 40岁,追求卓越,却走进平常



已有 3301 次阅读 2014-6-30 18:52 |个人分类:我美丽的秃瓢岁月|系统分类:科研笔记

this morning, I touched a lump in my chest when I had shower......stomach cancer! it was the first signal that come to my mind.


I was nervious, however I was calm, I touched  it throughly and tried to figure out it was benigh or malign, it was a little bit pain, but not very much, just a little bit sore. it should not be a bone since it was not very hard, and it was different from the other ribs. it should be something in my stomach or something under my skin. I just drank a lot medicine, was it the medicine that still in my stomach? It could be something bad...... if it was something under my skin, probably it was a bad sign......


Anyway, I should see a doctor. then I went to my GP and told the receiptor that I am a cancer survivor and I touched something this morning. the receiptor then make an urgent appointment with a doctor to me.


half an hour later, a nurse called me in and she also touched a lump, and she arranged me to lie in her bed and asked a doctor to see what it was.


it turns out sify Sternum, normal anatomy!


I really admire myself, cancer become something that is lurked in a concer of my life, but I can handle it calmly.



上一篇:New vacubulary from The Green Enterpreneurial state
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IP: 180.166.244.*   | 赞 +1 [1]杨莉   2014-7-8 14:27
Take care yourself!And take it easy!

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