走进平常分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/cosismine 40岁,追求卓越,却走进平常



已有 4495 次阅读 2013-8-13 18:22 |个人分类:我美丽的秃瓢岁月|系统分类:科研笔记| 白细胞

August 12,2013, the number of the white blood cells increase to 6.85. It is a really good news for me, the number was 3.41 five days ago. 3.41 is such a low number that can take all courage away.


however, white blood cells is growing in my spinal cord. Why did it grow so fast? here is what I did these days, it may help a little bit if you also have the same problem.


Take Chinese medicine, though bitter, but very useful. one reason why the number of the white blood cells decrease was that I stoped Chinese medicine. I had diarrhoea on August 2, stoped Chinese medicine from August 3 to August 7. on August 7, after the nurse drew my blood, I began to drink Chinese medicine. Since then, I drink three times a day. I don't want to waste these Chinese medicine.


Lying in bed. though I was panic and could not sleep well, I did nothing but lie in bed and watch TV.


Drink the soup of pigeons and fishes. these five days, I ate two pigeons and one fish. so only vegetables are not enough for our health.


I didn't take any pills......

sum up:

足够的休息rest enough;

均衡营养eat balance;

坚持喝中药take Chinese medicine


上一篇:Continuing as always helps to fight the panic
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