关于政府必须资助科研的理由,学界有许多讨论,几乎都是从积极方面说的――政府资助科研,会带来什么样的经济效益、社会效益、精神文化效益,等等。Technology in Society杂志2012年第2期发表的瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院Stefan Andereggen等三位学者的文章Honest but broke: The dilemma of universities acting as honest brokers(诚实然而“终结”了:担任诚实中介者角色的大学面临的困境。博主注:这个标题很妙,将broke从broker中剥离出来,副标题谈到honest broker,主标题谈到Honest but broke,即“诚实然而穷得叮当响”的意思。为了反映broke与broker的联系,我权且将主标题翻译为“诚实然而“终结”了”,因为“终结”与“中介”发音接近),则是从消极的视角去分析的:如果政府削弱对科研的资助,会发生什么不好的后果。他们的基本观点如下(在叙述时,我加进了我自己想到的例子):
Universities and government research organizations (GROs) are increasingly being thrust into the role of an honest broker. They gather scientific data on technical, social and economic issues and present potential policies and courses of action to interested parties. However, they must remain unbiased at all times, whilst offering expertise in a wide range of subjects, especially in areas concerning controversial technologies. In this article we argue that today's science funding paradigms make universities and GROs increasingly vulnerable in their role as honest brokers in society. We exemplify our arguments with a descriptive case study surrounding Swiss nuclear energy research, which offers insights into past and current funding strategies. Dedicated funding strategies, such as funding professorships or technology platforms that allow honest brokers to safeguard their integrity and conduct research in controversial areas are presented and discussed.
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