几个月前前看见一本书,题目是Natural Abundance: Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Guide to Prosperity,没有书页样本,但喜欢Emerson,也喜欢这个标题,就下了一单——昨天突然送来了,打开一看,原来是解读老爱的思想,特别是他的“自然观”(超验论)。原以为像剑桥的companion系列(有的中译本就称“指南”),错了;作者真的是在讲“指南”,为了普通的生活,不是为了“学问”——例如,讲了老爱名篇Spiritual Laws的“精义”之后,作者还列出了Applying the Principles,下面是一点:
Create a new calendar and to-do list for the next week made up of activities that you know you enjoy doing and want to do, remembering to schedule time for just being or sleeping in the sun (or shade). How does it feel? What thoughts do you have about this new list copared to the old one? Write down everything that comes to mind, and then cross these words off as you rewrite your list and calendar. Write down what you’re thinking now. do this until your thoughts are either quiet or supportive.
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