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已有 3845 次阅读 2012-5-24 10:02 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:人文社科




桌上有本Signet Classic版的王老师(Oscar Wilde)的小书,随便打开,看见The Decay of Lying(有点儿模仿柏拉图的对话)的片段,有一段说“Enjoy nature”——提出一个有趣的悖论:


Enjoy Nature! I am glad to say that I have entirely lost that faculty. People tell us that Art makes us love Nature more than we loved her before; that it reveals her secrets to us; and that after a careful study of Corot and Constable we see things in her that had escaped our observation. My own experience is that the more we study Art, the less we care for Mature. What Art really reveals to us is Nature's lack of design, her curious crudities, her extraordinary monotony, her absolutely unfinished condition. Nature has good intentions, of course, but, as Aristotle once said, she cannot carry them out. When I look at a landscape I cannot help seeing all its defects. It is fortunate for us, however, that Nature is so imperfect, as otherwise we should have had no art at all. Art is our spirited protest, our gallant attempt to teach Nature her proper place. As for the infinite variety of Nature, that is a pure myth. It is not to be found in Nature herself. It resides in the imagination, or fancy, or cultivated blindness of the man who looks at her.


——人家都说艺术令人更爱自然,老王宣扬的却是,艺术的存在正是因为自然的缺陷。所以,艺术是“谎言”(当然不是政治家们玩儿的那种,那是有功利的;“真正的谎言”是为谎言而谎言的:The only form of Iying that is absolutely beyond reproach is Lying for its own sake, and the highest development of this is, as we have already pointed out, Lying in Art.)。


接着刚才的话,作者也借了老爱的一个词儿:Whim,“随心”——要把它写在书房的门上——尽管老王和老爱的自然观不同,他们都“随心”,特别当我的天才召唤我时(when my genius calls me这是老爱的话)。





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