《How to Write a Successful Science Thesis》2006年由德国Wiley-VCH出版社(德国应用化学会志的出版社)出版。
p. 38. 说到一段话里面句子和意思的起承转合。"The first sentence in every paragraph warrants special sttention. One of its principal functions is to let the reader know what the ensuing discussion is about, for which reason it is often referred to as the "topic sentence". The corresponsing topic is then pursued in sentences that immediately follow, with the final sentence in the paragraph so crafted that it supplies a bridge to the next paragraph.”
p. 91.说到写结果部分要"tell a story",不要报数据。"Establish the objective of 'telling a story', with a beginning, a gradual unfolding, and a 'happy end', and encourage each thread to envolve naturally from the one preceding it; make sure, incidentally, that episodes related to sideshows (because they have little to do with the central message) are readily recognized as such--or else omitted altogether."
p. 94.说到写结果部分,说什么话,都是要有目的的,不能为了堆数据而堆数据。"Finally, make your objectives clear to the reader throughout your exposition. Don't be one of those writers who seem intent on spewing forth a relentless torrent of isolated facts. Maintain a consistent focus on your goals."
p. 98.说到不必根据真实的实验顺序来描述和讨论数据,而是要有全局观点,想我要反映什么观点,达到什么目的,“卖”什么东西,然后“整理”出一个“故事”来,出的每一张牌都围绕着这个观点。"As you organize your thoughts, make a conscious effort to distance yourself from the actual chronology of the research experience. Experimental work is by definition a journey into the unknown, fraught with detours and dead ends, but all such obstacles are basically irrelevant from a scientific standpoint. Look upon your dissertation--as you would any other research report--not as a memoir documenting and explaining your every activity, but instead as a proclamation of a set of new insights. How you achieved your results may perhaps play some role in your mentor's appraisal of your efforts, but otherwise it will be of interest only to the extent that certain intimate details may be critical from a methodological standpoint."
p. 102说到在讨论部分的结尾该如何使用画龙点睛之笔。"Near the end of your discussion you may want to be bold and suggest interesting avenues for future exploration: promising approaches to resolving remaining uncertainties, ideas for broadening the scope of a methodology you have developed, or ways of possibly refining your results. If so, be sure the suggestions you make are concrete... Of paramount concern in a Discussion is setting your findings in the proper perspective, which entails emphasizing--just as you presumably will in the abstract as well--the novelty and significance of your accomplishments."