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美国历任国务卿(Secretaries of State)( 1789-2009)

已有 11485 次阅读 2009-1-22 15:59 |个人分类:美国问题研究(07-11)|系统分类:海外观察| 美国, 国务卿

美国历任国务卿(Secretaries of State)( 1789-2009)


黄安年辑录  黄安年的博客/2009122日发布



Name: Thomas Jefferson
State of Residency: Virginia
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Sep 26, 1789
Entry on Duty: Mar 22, 1790
Termination of Appointment: Dec 31, 1793
托玛斯·杰弗逊 1790322–17931231 时任总统乔治·华盛顿

Name: Edmund Randolph
State of Residency: Virginia
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jan 2, 1794
Entry on Duty: Jan 2, 1794
Termination of Appointment: Aug 20, 1795
埃德蒙德·兰道夫 179412–1795820 时任总统乔治·华盛顿

Name: Timothy Pickering
State of Residency: Pennsylvania
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Dec 10, 1795
Entry on Duty: Dec 10, 1795
Termination of Appointment: May 12, 1800
蒂莫西·皮克林 17951210–1800512 时任总统乔治·华盛顿、约翰·亚当斯

Name: John Marshall
State of Residency: Virginia
Non-career appointee
Appointment: May 13, 1800
Entry on Duty: Jun 6, 1800
Termination of Appointment: Feb 4, 1801
约翰·马歇尔 180066–180124日时任总统 约翰·亚当斯

Name: James Madison
State of Residency: Virginia
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 5, 1801
Entry on Duty: May 2, 1801
Termination of Appointment: Mar 3, 1809

Name: Robert Smith
State of Residency: Maryland
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 6, 1809
Entry on Duty: Mar 6, 1809
Termination of Appointment: Apr 1, 1811
罗伯特·史密斯180936–181141 时任总统詹姆斯·麦迪逊

Name: James Monroe
State of Residency: Virginia
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Apr 2, 1811
Entry on Duty: Apr 6, 1811
Termination of Appointment: Sep 30, 1814
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; recommissioned after confirmation on Nov 26, 1811.
詹姆斯·门罗 181142–1814930日时任总统詹姆斯·麦迪逊

Name: James Monroe
State of Residency: Virginia
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Feb 28, 1815
Entry on Duty: Feb 28, 1815
Termination of Appointment: Mar 3, 1817
詹姆斯·门罗1815228–181733 时任总统詹姆斯·麦迪逊

Name: John Quincy Adams
State of Residency: Massachusetts
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 5, 1817
Entry on Duty: Sep 22, 1817
Termination of Appointment: Mar 3, 1825
约翰·昆西·亚当斯181735–182533 时任总统詹姆斯·门罗

Name: Henry Clay
State of Residency: Kentucky
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 7, 1825
Entry on Duty: Mar 7, 1825
Termination of Appointment: Mar 3, 1829
亨利·克莱182537–182933日时任总统 约翰·昆西·亚当斯

Name: Martin Van Buren
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 6, 1829
Entry on Duty: Mar 28, 1829
Termination of Appointment: Mar 23, 1831
马丁·范布伦1829328–1831523 时任总统安德鲁·杰克逊

Name: Edward Livingston
State of Residency: Louisiana
Non-career appointee
Appointment: May 24, 1831
Entry on Duty: May 24, 1831
Termination of Appointment: May 29, 1833
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; recommissioned after confirmation on Jan 12, 1832.
爱德华·利文斯顿1831524–1833529 时任总统安德鲁·杰克逊

Name: Louis McLane
State of Residency: Delaware
Non-career appointee
Appointment: May 29, 1833
Entry on Duty: May 29, 1833
Termination of Appointment: Jun 30, 1834
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate.
路易斯·麦克莱恩1833529–1834630 时任总统安德鲁·杰克逊

Name: John Forsyth
State of Residency: Georgia
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jun 27, 1834
Entry on Duty: Jul 1, 1834
Termination of Appointment: Mar 3, 1841
约翰·福塞斯183471–184133 时任总统安德鲁·杰克逊, 马丁·范布伦

Name: Daniel Webster
State of Residency: Massachusetts
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 5, 1841
Entry on Duty: Mar 6, 1841
Termination of Appointment: May 8, 1843
丹尼尔·韦伯斯特 184136–184358 时任总统威廉·亨利·哈里森, 约翰·泰勒

Name: Abel P. Upshur
State of Residency: Virginia
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jul 24, 1843
Entry on Duty: Jul 24, 1843
Termination of Appointment: Feb 28, 1844
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; recommissioned after confirmation on Jan 2, 1844.
阿贝尔·帕克尔·厄普舒尔 1843724–1844228日时任总统 约翰·泰勒

Name: John C. Calhoun
State of Residency: South Carolina
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 6, 1844
Entry on Duty: Apr 1, 1844
Termination of Appointment: Mar 10, 1845
约翰·卡德威尔·卡尔霍恩 184441–1845310日时任总统 约翰·泰勒

Name: James Buchanan
State of Residency: Pennsylvania
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 6, 1845
Entry on Duty: Mar 10, 1845
Termination of Appointment: Mar 7, 1849
詹姆斯·布坎南1845310–184937 时任总统詹姆斯·诺克斯·波尔克

Name: John M. Clayton
State of Residency: Delaware
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 7, 1849
Entry on Duty: Mar 8, 1849
Termination of Appointment: Jul 22, 1850
约翰·克莱顿184938–1850722 时任总统扎卡里·泰勒, 米勒德·菲尔莫尔

Name: Daniel Webster
State of Residency: Massachusetts
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jul 22, 1850
Entry on Duty: Jul 23, 1850
Termination of Appointment: Oct 24, 1852
丹尼尔·韦伯斯特1850723–18521024日时任总统 米勒德·菲尔莫尔

Name: Edward Everett
State of Residency: Massachusetts
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Nov 6, 1852
Entry on Duty: Nov 6, 1852
Termination of Appointment: Mar 3, 1853
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; recommissioned after confirmation on Dec 9, 1852.
爱德华·埃弗里特1852116–185333 时任总统米勒德·菲尔莫尔

Name: William L. Marcy
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 7, 1853
Entry on Duty: Mar 8, 1853
Termination of Appointment: Mar 6, 1857
威廉·马西185337–185736 时任总统福兰克林·皮尔斯

Name: Lewis Cass
State of Residency: Michigan
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 6, 1857
Entry on Duty: Mar 6, 1857
Termination of Appointment: Dec 14, 1860
刘易斯·加斯185736–18601214 时任总统詹姆斯·布坎南

Name: Jeremiah S. Black
State of Residency: Pennsylvania
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Dec 17, 1860
Entry on Duty: Dec 17, 1860
Termination of Appointment: Mar 5, 1861
杰瑞密亚·沙利文·布莱克 18601217–186135 时任总统詹姆斯·布坎南

Name: William H. Seward
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 5, 1861
Entry on Duty: Mar 6, 1861
Termination of Appointment: Mar 4, 1869
威廉·亨利·西华德 186135–186934 时任总统亚伯拉罕·林肯、安德鲁·约翰逊

Name: Elihu B. Washburne
State of Residency: Illinois
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 5, 1869
Entry on Duty: Mar 5, 1869
Termination of Appointment: Mar 16, 1869
艾利胡·本杰明·沃什伯恩 186935–1869316 时任总统尤里西斯·辛普森·格兰特

Name: Hamilton Fish
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 11, 1869 /7/
Entry on Duty: Mar 17, 1869
Termination of Appointment: Mar 12, 1877
汉密尔顿·费什1869317–1877312 时任总统尤里西斯·辛普森·格兰特

Name: William M. Evarts
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 12, 1877
Entry on Duty: Mar 12, 1877
Termination of Appointment: Mar 7, 1881
威廉·马克西维尔·埃瓦特 1877312–188137 时任总统拉瑟福德·B·海斯

Name: James G. Blaine
State of Residency: Maine
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 5, 1881
Entry on Duty: Mar 7, 1881
Termination of Appointment: Dec 19, 1881
詹姆斯·吉莱斯皮尔·布莱恩188137–18811219 时任总统詹姆斯·加菲尔德, 时任总统切斯特·A·阿瑟

Name: Frederick T. Frelinghuysen
State of Residency: New Jersey
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Feb 12, 1881
Entry on Duty: Dec 19, 1881
Termination of Appointment: Mar 6, 1885
弗雷德里克·西奥多·富里林胡森 18811219–188536 时任总统切斯特·A·阿瑟

Name: Thomas F. Bayard
State of Residency: Delaware
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 6, 1885
Entry on Duty: Mar 7, 1885
Termination of Appointment: Mar 6, 1889
托马斯·弗朗西斯·贝亚德188537–188936 时任总统格罗弗·克利夫兰

Name: James G. Blaine
State of Residency: Maine
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 5, 1889
Entry on Duty: Mar 7, 1889
Termination of Appointment: Jun 4, 1892
詹姆斯·吉莱斯皮尔·布莱恩188937–189264 时任总统本杰明·哈里森

Name: John W. Foster
State of Residency: Indiana
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jun 29, 1892
Entry on Duty: Jun 29, 1892
Termination of Appointment: Feb 23, 1893
约翰·福斯特1892629–1893223 时任总统本杰明·哈里森

Name: Walter Q. Gresham
State of Residency: Illinois
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 6, 1893
Entry on Duty: Mar 7, 1893
Termination of Appointment: May 28, 1895
瓦尔特·奎尼汀·格礼山 189337–1895528 时任总统格罗弗·克利夫兰

Name: Richard Olney
State of Residency: Massachusetts
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jun 8, 1895
Entry on Duty: Jun 10, 1895
Termination of Appointment: Mar 5, 1897
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; recommissioned after confirmation on Dec 3, 1895.
理查德·奥尔尼1895610–189735 时任总统格罗弗·克利夫兰

Name: John Sherman
State of Residency: Ohio
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 5, 1897
Entry on Duty: Mar 6, 1897
Termination of Appointment: Apr 27, 1898
约翰·谢尔曼189736–1898427 时任总统威廉·麦金莱

Name: William R. Day
State of Residency: Ohio
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Apr 26, 1898
Entry on Duty: Apr 28, 1898
Termination of Appointment: Sep 16, 1898
威廉·鲁福斯·戴伊1898428–1898916日时任总统 威廉·麦金莱

Name: John Hay
State of Residency: District of Columbia
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Sep 20, 1898
Entry on Duty: Sep 30, 1898
Termination of Appointment: Jul 1, 1905
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; recommissioned after
confirmation on Dec 7, 1898. Reappointed Mar 5, 1901.
约翰·海伊1898930–190571 时任总统威廉·麦金莱, 西奥多·罗斯福

Name: Elihu Root
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jul 7, 1905
Entry on Duty: Jul 19, 1905
Termination of Appointment: Jan 27, 1909
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; recommissioned after
confirmation on Dec 6, 1905.
艾利胡·卢特1905719–1909127 时任总统西奥多·罗斯福

Name: Robert Bacon
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jan 27, 1909
Entry on Duty: Jan 27, 1909
Termination of Appointment: Mar 5, 1909
罗伯特·贝肯 1909127–190935 时任总统西奥多·罗斯福

Name: Philander C. Knox
State of Residency: Pennsylvania
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 5, 1909
Entry on Duty: Mar 6, 1909
Termination of Appointment: Mar 5, 1913

Name: William Jennings Bryan
State of Residency: Nebraska
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 5, 1913
Entry on Duty: Mar 5, 1913
Termination of Appointment: Jun 9, 1915
威廉·珍尼斯·布里安 191335–191569日时任总统 伍德罗·威尔逊

Name: Robert Lansing
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jun 23, 1915
Entry on Duty: Jun 24, 1915
Termination of Appointment: Feb 13, 1920
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; recommissioned after confirmation on Dec 13, 1915.
罗伯特·兰辛1915624–1920213日时任总统 伍德罗·威尔逊

Name: Bainbridge Colby
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 22, 1920
Entry on Duty: Mar 23, 1920
Termination of Appointment: Mar 4, 1921
班布里奇·科尔比 1920323–192134 时任总统伍德罗·威尔逊

Name: Charles Evans Hughes
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 4, 1921
Entry on Duty: Mar 5, 1921
Termination of Appointment: Mar 4, 1925
查尔斯·埃文斯·休斯192135–192534日时任总统 沃伦·G·哈定, 时任总统卡尔文·柯立芝

Name: Frank B. Kellogg
State of Residency: Minnesota
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Feb 16, 1925
Entry on Duty: Mar 5, 1925
Termination of Appointment: Mar 28, 1929
富兰克·比尔林斯·凯洛格192535–1929328 时任总统卡尔文·柯立芝, 时任总统赫伯特·胡佛

Name: Henry Lewis Stimson
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 5, 1929
Entry on Duty: Mar 28, 1929
Termination of Appointment: Mar 4, 1933
亨利·刘易斯·史汀生1929328–193334日时任总统 赫伯特·胡佛

Name: Cordell Hull
State of Residency: Tennessee
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 4, 1933
Entry on Duty: Mar 4, 1933
Termination of Appointment: Nov 30, 1944
康德尔·赫尔 193334–19441130 时任总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福

Name: Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.
State of Residency: Virginia
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Nov 30, 1944
Entry on Duty: Dec 1, 1944
Termination of Appointment: Jun 27, 1945
爱德华·斯退丁纽斯 1944121–1945627日时任总统 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福、哈利·S·杜鲁门

Name: James F. Byrnes
State of Residency: South Carolina
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jul 2, 1945
Entry on Duty: Jul 3, 1945
Termination of Appointment: Jan 21, 1947
詹姆斯·伯恩斯 194573–1947121 时任总统哈利·S·杜鲁门

Name: George C. Marshall
State of Residency: Pennsylvania
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jan 8, 1947
Entry on Duty: Jan 21, 1947
Termination of Appointment: Jan 20, 1949
乔治·卡特莱特·马歇尔 1947121–1949120日时任总统 哈利·S·杜鲁门

Name: Dean G. Acheson
State of Residency: Maryland
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jan 19, 1949
Entry on Duty: Jan 21, 1949
Termination of Appointment: Jan 20, 1953
迪安·歌德拉姆·艾奇逊 1949121–1953120日时任总统 哈利·S·杜鲁门

Name: John Foster Dulles
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jan 21, 1953
Entry on Duty: Jan 21, 1953
Termination of Appointment: Apr 22, 1959
约翰·福斯特·杜勒斯 1953121–1959422 时任总统德怀特·艾森豪威尔

Name: Christian A. Herter
State of Residency: Massachusetts
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Apr 21, 1959
Entry on Duty: Apr 22, 1959
Termination of Appointment: Jan 20, 1961
克里斯蒂安·赫脱1959422–1961120日时任总统 德怀特·艾森豪威尔

Name: Dean Rusk
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jan 21, 1961
Entry on Duty: Jan 21, 1961
Termination of Appointment: Jan 20, 1969
迪安·腊斯克1961121–1969120 时任总统约翰·肯尼迪, 时任总统林登·约翰逊

Name: William P. Rogers
State of Residency: Maryland
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jan 21, 1969
Entry on Duty: Jan 22, 1969
Termination of Appointment: Sep 3, 1973
威廉·皮尔斯·罗杰斯1969122–197393 时任总统理查德·尼克松

Name: Henry A. Kissinger
State of Residency: District of Columbia
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Sep 21, 1973
Entry on Duty: Sep 22, 1973
Termination of Appointment: Jan 20, 1977
Note: Served concurrently as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until Nov 3, 1975.
亨利·阿尔弗雷德·基辛格 1973922–1977120日时任总统 理查德·尼克松、杰拉尔德·福特

Name: Cyrus Vance
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jan 21, 1977
Entry on Duty: Jan 23, 1977
Termination of Appointment: Apr 28, 1980
塞鲁斯·万斯1977123–1980428 时任总统杰拉尔德·福特

Name: Edmund Sixtus Muskie
State of Residency: Maine
Non-career appointee
Appointment: May 8, 1980
Entry on Duty: May 8, 1980
Termination of Appointment: Jan 18, 1981
艾德蒙德·希克斯图·马斯基198058–1981118日时任总统 吉米·卡特

Name: Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr.
State of Residency: Connecticut
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jan 22, 1981
Entry on Duty: Jan 22, 1981
Termination of Appointment: Jul 5, 1982
亚历山大·美奇斯·黑格 1981122–198275 时任总统罗纳德·里根

Name: George P. Shultz
State of Residency: California
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jul 16, 1982
Entry on Duty: Jul 16, 1982
Termination of Appointment: Jan 20, 1989
乔治·普拉特·舒尔茨1982716–1989120 时任总统罗纳德·里根

Name: James Addison Baker, III
State of Residency: Texas
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jan 25, 1989
Entry on Duty: Jan 25, 1989
Termination of Appointment: Aug 23, 1992
詹姆士·艾迪森·贝克1989125–1992823 时任总统乔治·H·W·布什

Name: Lawrence S. Eagleburger
State of Residency: Florida
Foreign Service officer
Appointment: Dec 8, 1992
Entry on Duty: Dec 8, 1992
Termination of Appointment: Jan 19, 1993
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate. Served as Acting Secretary of State, Aug 23-Dec 8, 1992.
劳伦斯·西德尼·伊格尔伯格 1992128–1993119日时任总统 乔治·H·W·布什

Name: Warren M. Christopher
State of Residency: California
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Jan 20, 1993
Entry on Duty: Jan 20, 1993
Termination of Appointment: January 17, 1997
沃伦·米内·克里斯托夫 1993120–1997117 时任总统比尔·克林顿

Name: Madeleine Korbel Albright
State of Residency: District of Columbia
Non-career appointment
Appointment: January 17, 1997
Entry on Duty: January 23, 1997
Termination of Appointment:  January 19, 2001

马德琳·科贝尔·奥尔布赖特 1997123–2001119 时任总统比尔·克林顿

Name: Colin L. Powell
State of Residency: Virginia
Non-career appointment
Appointment: January 20, 2001
Entry on Duty: January 20, 2001
Termination of Appointment: January 25, 2005

克林·卢瑟·鲍威尔(Colin Luther Powell 2001120–2005126 时任总统乔治·W·布什

Name: Condoleezza Rice
State of Residency: California
Non-career appointment
Appointment: January 25, 2005
Entry on Duty: January 26, 2005
Termination of Appointment: 

康多莉扎·康迪·赖斯 2005126–2009120日时任总统乔治·W·布什


Name: Hillary Clinton

State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointment
Appointment: D
ec. 2, 2008
Entry on Duty: January 21, 2009
Termination of Appointment: January 21, 2005



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