湖南土著分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/qhliu 理论物理博士,湖南大学教授。



已有 6314 次阅读 2018-9-27 11:57 |个人分类:拾穗记|系统分类:科研笔记| 贝利相位, 物理, 数学, 湖南大学

迈克尔·贝里爵士(Sir Michael Berry)生于1941年,现为英国布里斯托大学Melville Wills荣休物理学教授,当今最负盛名的理论物理学家。爵士(1996),伦敦皇家学会会士(1982),美国科学院(外籍)院士(1995)。



题目:Making light of mathematics

摘要:Many ‘mathematical  phenomena’ find application and sometimes spectacular physical illustration in the physics of light. Concepts such as fractals, catastrophe theory, knots, infinity, zero, and even when 1+1 fails to equal 2, are needed to understand rainbows, twinkling starlight, sparkling seas, oriental magic mirrors, and simple observations on interference, polarization and focusing. This is a strongly visual talk.


Berry以其姓命名的几何相位或者拓扑相位(Berry's phase),早已名扬数学和物理学界。但是,他对科学的痴迷,仍然处于萌心勃发的状态。即使普遍认为他会由于这个相位获得诺贝尔物理学奖,Berry更在意的却是晨雾的光影。2002年,他在美国数学学会的“Gibbs讲座”,做了“挖掘光彩中的数学”(making light of mathematics)的报告, 2018年,他在美国橡树岭国家实验室的“Wigner讲座”作了同名讲演。20181019日,Berry爵士来湖南大学,继续挖掘光彩中的数学。为了方便学生听课,他列出了2000年到 2017年间的6篇参考文献。可以在他的个人网页上下载https://michaelberryphysics.wordpress.comMaking light of mathematicsno papers directly covering the talk, but these are relevant: 314, 341, 342, 354, 405, 493。

版权申明:Please note this legal request: The material on the web pages is intended as a scientific resource for the private use of individual scholars. None of it may be used commercially, or for financial gain. Some of the material is protected by copyright. Requests for permission to make public use of any of the papers, or material therein, should be sought from the original publisher, or from Michael Berry, as appropriate. Any citations of papers on the 'Publications' page should refer to the original published version, not the web site.


“物理和数学一起演进,他们最终相互关联。尽管我需要把他们区分为不同的智力活动,以至于我们的大学设立了数学和物理系,但是,在我们通常的科学实践中,我们很难将他们区分开来。Peter Atkins在他的一本书中说,决定数学开始和科学开始之处是没有指望的事情,就像指望像勾勒出晨雾的边缘一样困难。我花费了一辈子的时间,冥思苦索这些晨雾。(I spend my life wondering in and out of that mist)


2018年10月11日Angelo Bassi教授将做客“岳麓论坛”



(Quantum Mechanics is the theory we currently use to describe the properties of matter and light. It beautifully accounts for a huge variety of physical phenomena. Yet, from the very beginning the community debated about its meaning: What does it mean that matter is quantum? We will discuss this problem and offer a solution. The talk is divided in three parts 1. The measurement problem of quantum mechanics: The Schrödinger cat paradox, the von Neumann projection postulate and the ambiguity therein contained. 2. The Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber (GRW) model of spontaneous wave function collapse: how it is defined, some examples of how it works, why and how it solves the measurement problem. 3. Experimental verifications: current efforts in testing the physical implications of collapse models.)

Angelo Bassi,意大利Trieste大学物理系教授。1973年出生于意大利,是当今量子力学基础性问题的著名学者。

目前欧洲大型科研项目"太空量子技术"(Quantum Technologies in Space)的总负责人。曾任国际大型联合科研项目量子力学基础性问题”(Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics)的总负责人。



上一篇:《热统》教学手记第2篇:热力学第二定律 卡诺定理
下一篇:熵和热力学温度必须同时定义 (《热统》教学手记第3篇)
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