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Mathematize The 12 Philosophical Problems with DIKWP(初学者版)

已有 326 次阅读 2024-10-16 10:52 |系统分类:论文交流

Mathematize The 12 Philosophical Problems with DIKWP*DIKWP

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


Towards a more in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the 12 philoshophical problems by Prof. Yucong Duan, we will delve deeper into the 25 semantic interaction or transformation modes of DIKWP*DIKWP and investigate how they apply to each philosophical problem. This extended analysis aims to assess the completeness and consistency of these problems within the DIKWP framework and explore their interrelations in full length.

The 25 interaction modes provide a thorough mapping of all possible transformations between the elements of Data (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K), Wisdom (W), and Purpose (P). By systematically examining each problem through these interactions, we can uncover deeper insights into the cognitive processes involved and how they relate to one another.

Understanding the 25 Semantic Interaction Modes of DIKWP*DIKWP

The 25 semantic interaction modes represent all possible transformations between the DIKWP elements:

  1. D → D: Data influencing data.

  2. D → I: Data transformed into information.

  3. D → K: Data contributing directly to knowledge.

  4. D → W: Data informing wisdom.

  5. D → P: Data shaping purpose.

  6. I → D: Information generating new data.

  7. I → I: Information refining information.

  8. I → K: Information leading to knowledge.

  9. I → W: Information informing wisdom.

  10. I → P: Information influencing purpose.

  11. K → D: Knowledge directing data collection.

  12. K → I: Knowledge refining information.

  13. K → K: Knowledge building upon knowledge.

  14. K → W: Knowledge informing wisdom.

  15. K → P: Knowledge shaping purpose.

  16. W → D: Wisdom guiding data collection.

  17. W → I: Wisdom refining information.

  18. W → K: Wisdom enhancing knowledge.

  19. W → W: Wisdom deepening wisdom.

  20. W → P: Wisdom defining purpose.

  21. P → D: Purpose directing data collection.

  22. P → I: Purpose influencing information processing.

  23. P → K: Purpose guiding knowledge development.

  24. P → W: Purpose influencing wisdom.

  25. P → P: Purpose refining purpose.

These interactions capture the dynamic and iterative nature of cognitive processes, where each element can influence and be influenced by others.

Detailed Analysis of Philosophical Problems Using the 25 Interaction Modes

We will analyze each philosophical problem in detail, identifying which of the 25 interaction modes are involved. This approach will help us understand the depth and breadth of each problem within the DIKWP framework and explore their interconnections.

1. The Mind-Body Problem


The mind-body problem explores the relationship between mental states and physical brain states. It questions how subjective experiences arise from physical processes.

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Transforming neural data and subjective reports into information about correlations.

  2. I → K: Developing theories explaining the mind-body relationship.

  3. K → W: Applying knowledge to ethical considerations (e.g., treatment of mental disorders).

  4. W → P: Defining purposes such as improving mental health care.

  5. P → D: Purpose guiding further data collection in neuroscience.

  6. K → D: Knowledge influencing what data to collect (e.g., focusing on specific neural correlates).

  7. W → D: Wisdom informing the ethical collection of data.

  8. P → K: Purpose driving the development of new theories.

  9. K → K: Knowledge building upon existing theories (e.g., integrating dualism and physicalism).

  10. I → I: Refining information through ongoing research.


  • Completeness: The mind-body problem engages with multiple interactions across all elements, indicating a comprehensive engagement with the DIKWP model.

  • Depth: The problem involves iterative cycles between data, information, knowledge, and purpose, reflecting the complexity of understanding consciousness.

  • Consistency: Transformations follow logical sequences, and feedback loops are evident (e.g., purpose influencing data collection).


  • Relation to the Hard Problem of Consciousness: Both problems involve understanding consciousness but at different depths, sharing interaction modes like D → I, I → K, and K → W.

2. The Hard Problem of Consciousness


This problem addresses why and how physical processes in the brain give rise to subjective experiences (qualia).

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Identifying the explanatory gap from neural data and subjective experiences.

  2. I → K: Formulating new theories to bridge the gap.

  3. K → K: Refining theories in light of new information.

  4. K → W: Acknowledging the limitations of current knowledge.

  5. W → P: Recognizing the need for interdisciplinary approaches.

  6. P → K: Purpose driving innovative theoretical development.

  7. I → P: Information about the gap influencing research goals.

  8. P → D: Purpose leading to new types of data collection (e.g., novel experiments).

  9. W → I: Wisdom informing how information is interpreted.

  10. K → D: Knowledge suggesting new data to collect.


  • Completeness: The hard problem utilizes interactions involving feedback loops and cross-element influences.

  • Depth: It requires deep engagement with the limitations of current cognitive processes, highlighting complex transformations.

  • Consistency: The interactions logically represent the challenges in explaining consciousness.


  • Relation to the Mind-Body Problem: Both deal with consciousness, but the hard problem focuses more on the explanatory gap, involving more iterations in K → K and P → K.

3. Free Will vs. Determinism


This debate examines whether human actions are freely chosen or determined by prior states.

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Observing decision-making processes and identifying patterns.

  2. I → K: Developing philosophical arguments based on patterns.

  3. K → W: Assessing implications for moral responsibility.

  4. W → P: Shaping societal norms and legal systems.

  5. P → W: Purpose influencing ethical frameworks.

  6. P → K: Purpose driving the development of theories supporting societal needs.

  7. W → K: Wisdom refining knowledge about human agency.

  8. K → I: Knowledge affecting how information is interpreted.

  9. I → I: Refining information based on new insights.

  10. D → K: Direct influence of data on knowledge (e.g., neuroscience findings challenging free will).


  • Completeness: Engages a wide range of interactions, including those involving purpose and wisdom influencing knowledge.

  • Depth: Reflects the complex interplay between empirical data and philosophical implications.

  • Consistency: Interactions are coherent, demonstrating how beliefs about free will impact ethics and society.


  • Relation to Ethical Relativism: Both involve ethical implications and societal norms, sharing interactions like K → W and W → P.

4. Ethical Relativism vs. Objective Morality


This debate explores whether moral principles are universal or culturally dependent.

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Gathering data on diverse moral practices.

  2. I → K: Formulating ethical theories.

  3. K → W: Applying knowledge to promote tolerance.

  4. W → P: Defining goals that respect diversity.

  5. P → I: Purpose influencing what information is sought.

  6. P → W: Purpose refining ethical wisdom.

  7. W → I: Wisdom influencing the interpretation of information.

  8. I → I: Comparing and refining ethical information.

  9. K → K: Developing more comprehensive ethical theories.

  10. D → K: Data directly influencing knowledge about morality.


  • Completeness: Covers interactions involving data to purpose, with emphasis on ethical considerations.

  • Depth: Addresses complex cultural factors and their influence on moral understanding.

  • Consistency: Interactions logically support the development of ethical frameworks.


  • Relation to Political and Social Justice: Both deal with societal ethics, sharing interactions like W → P and P → I.

5. The Nature of Truth


This problem examines theories of truth and their implications for knowledge and communication.

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Analyzing statements and beliefs.

  2. I → K: Developing theories of truth.

  3. K → W: Applying knowledge to improve discourse.

  4. W → P: Pursuing clarity and understanding.

  5. P → K: Purpose driving further theoretical development.

  6. K → I: Knowledge influencing the interpretation of information.

  7. I → I: Refining information about truth claims.

  8. W → I: Wisdom guiding how information is processed.

  9. K → K: Theories building upon each other.

  10. P → I: Purpose affecting information gathering.


  • Completeness: Engages multiple interactions, emphasizing the importance of truth in knowledge.

  • Depth: Involves iterative refinement of theories and information.

  • Consistency: Transformations align with the pursuit of truth.


  • Relation to the Problem of Skepticism: Both involve evaluating the foundations of knowledge, sharing interactions like K → W and W → P.

6. The Problem of Skepticism


Skepticism questions the possibility of certain knowledge.

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Identifying instances of doubt.

  2. I → K: Developing epistemological theories.

  3. K → W: Applying knowledge to find practical solutions.

  4. W → P: Establishing purposes that enable functioning despite uncertainty.

  5. P → K: Purpose influencing epistemological research.

  6. W → K: Wisdom refining knowledge about certainty.

  7. K → I: Knowledge impacting information interpretation.

  8. I → I: Refining information to address doubts.

  9. P → D: Purpose guiding data collection to test knowledge claims.

  10. W → D: Wisdom influencing what data is considered.


  • Completeness: Engages with interactions that address doubt from data to purpose.

  • Depth: Reflects the complexities in overcoming skepticism.

  • Consistency: Transformations logically mitigate skepticism's impact.


  • Relation to the Problem of Induction: Both deal with limitations in knowledge acquisition, sharing interactions like I → K and K → W.

7. The Problem of Induction


This problem questions the justification of inductive reasoning.

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Observations leading to generalizations.

  2. I → K: Analyzing the validity of induction.

  3. K → W: Recognizing limitations and practical necessities.

  4. W → P: Justifying scientific methods.

  5. P → K: Purpose influencing the development of reasoning methods.

  6. K → D: Knowledge directing what data to collect.

  7. W → D: Wisdom guiding the collection of relevant data.

  8. P → D: Purpose shaping data collection for predictions.

  9. I → I: Refining generalizations based on new data.

  10. K → K: Building upon epistemological theories.


  • Completeness: Covers interactions from data to purpose, emphasizing the justification of methods.

  • Depth: Highlights the iterative nature of refining knowledge and methods.

  • Consistency: Transformations support the development of reliable reasoning.


  • Relation to the Problem of Skepticism: Both address foundational issues in knowledge, sharing interactions like K → W and W → P.

8. Realism vs. Anti-Realism


This debate questions whether entities exist independently of our perceptions.

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Perceptions leading to interpretations.

  2. I → K: Developing ontological theories.

  3. K → W: Evaluating implications for understanding reality.

  4. W → P: Defining purposes in philosophical and scientific endeavors.

  5. P → K: Purpose influencing ontological research.

  6. K → K: Theories evolving over time.

  7. I → I: Refining interpretations based on new perceptions.

  8. W → K: Wisdom enhancing knowledge about reality.

  9. P → I: Purpose guiding the focus of information gathering.

  10. W → I: Wisdom influencing how perceptions are interpreted.


  • Completeness: Engages a full range of interactions, reflecting the complexity of metaphysical inquiry.

  • Depth: Involves cycles between perception, interpretation, and theoretical development.

  • Consistency: Transformations logically represent the exploration of reality.


  • Relation to the Mind-Body Problem: Both explore the nature of reality, sharing interactions like I → K and K → W.

9. The Meaning of Life


This problem explores the purpose and significance of human existence.

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Experiences leading to patterns in quests for meaning.

  2. I → K: Formulating philosophical interpretations.

  3. K → W: Integrating perspectives for significance.

  4. W → P: Guiding individuals toward fulfillment.

  5. P → W: Purpose influencing personal wisdom.

  6. W → K: Wisdom enhancing knowledge about life's meaning.

  7. P → K: Purpose driving philosophical exploration.

  8. K → I: Knowledge shaping interpretation of experiences.

  9. I → I: Reflecting on experiences to refine understanding.

  10. W → I: Wisdom guiding how experiences are interpreted.


  • Completeness: Covers interactions necessary for understanding and pursuing meaning.

  • Depth: Reflects the deeply personal and philosophical nature of the problem.

  • Consistency: Transformations support the search for significance.


  • Relation to Philosophy of Language: Both involve interpreting experiences and expressions, sharing interactions like I → K and W → P.

10. The Role of Technology and AI


This problem examines the ethical implications of technological advancement and AI.

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Data on technological developments analyzed for impact.

  2. I → K: Developing ethical frameworks.

  3. K → W: Guiding principles for responsible development.

  4. W → P: Enhancing human life ethically.

  5. P → K: Purpose driving AI research and ethics.

  6. K → D: Knowledge influencing what data is collected (e.g., AI performance metrics).

  7. P → D: Purpose directing data collection on AI impacts.

  8. W → D: Wisdom guiding ethical data practices.

  9. K → I: Knowledge affecting how technological information is interpreted.

  10. I → I: Refining understanding of AI's societal impact.


  • Completeness: Engages interactions across the spectrum, highlighting the integration of ethics and purpose.

  • Depth: Addresses complex societal and ethical considerations.

  • Consistency: Transformations ensure technology aligns with human values.


  • Relation to Ethical Relativism: Both involve ethical frameworks, sharing interactions like K → W and W → P.

11. Political and Social Justice


This problem deals with the fair distribution of resources and opportunities.

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Socioeconomic data highlighting injustices.

  2. I → K: Formulating theories of justice.

  3. K → W: Crafting policies based on knowledge.

  4. W → P: Aiming for a just society.

  5. P → K: Purpose guiding political philosophy.

  6. K → D: Knowledge influencing data collection on societal conditions.

  7. P → D: Purpose directing surveys and studies.

  8. W → D: Wisdom guiding ethical data practices.

  9. I → I: Refining analysis of societal data.

  10. W → I: Wisdom affecting interpretation of social information.


  • Completeness: Engages multiple interactions necessary for social change.

  • Depth: Reflects the complexities in addressing systemic issues.

  • Consistency: Transformations align with ethical and practical considerations.


  • Relation to Ethical Relativism and Free Will vs. Determinism: Shares concerns about societal structures and ethics.

12. Philosophy of Language


This field examines the nature of language and its influence on thought.

Relevant Interaction Modes:

  1. D → I: Linguistic data analyzed for patterns.

  2. I → K: Developing theories of meaning.

  3. K → W: Understanding language's role in shaping thought.

  4. W → P: Enhancing communication and understanding.

  5. P → K: Purpose guiding linguistic research.

  6. K → I: Knowledge influencing interpretation of language data.

  7. I → I: Refining linguistic analyses.

  8. W → I: Wisdom guiding how language is used.

  9. K → K: Theories building upon previous work.

  10. P → W: Purpose influencing the application of wisdom in communication.


  • Completeness: Covers interactions necessary for improving communication.

  • Depth: Engages with both theoretical and practical aspects of language.

  • Consistency: Transformations support cognitive and communicative enhancement.


  • Relation to the Meaning of Life: Both involve interpreting and conveying meaning, sharing interactions like K → W and W → P.

Assessing Completeness and Consistency Across All ProblemsOverall Completeness

By mapping each problem to the 25 interaction modes, we observe that:

  • All 25 modes are engaged collectively across the problems.

  • Each problem utilizes a subset of interactions relevant to its nature.

  • Feedback loops and iterative cycles are common, reflecting the dynamic nature of cognitive processes.

Overall Consistency
  • Transformation functions operate consistently across problems.

  • The logical progression from data to purpose is maintained.

  • Variations in interactions reflect the unique aspects of each problem rather than inconsistencies in the model.

Exploring Interrelations Among the ProblemsCommon Interaction Patterns
  1. Data to Information to Knowledge (D → I → K): A foundational pathway present in all problems, representing the basic cognitive process of understanding.

  2. Knowledge to Wisdom to Purpose (K → W → P): Critical in ethical and existential problems, emphasizing the application of knowledge to guide actions.

  3. Purpose Influencing Lower Levels (P → K, P → D): Demonstrates how goals shape research and data collection, evident in problems like the Mind-Body Problem and Political and Social Justice.

  4. Feedback Loops (e.g., W → K → W): Highlight the iterative refinement of understanding, particularly in complex issues like the Hard Problem of Consciousness.

Shared Themes and Influences
  • Ethics and Morality: Problems like Free Will vs. Determinism, Ethical Relativism, and Political and Social Justice share concerns about how knowledge informs ethical practices.

  • Understanding Reality: The Mind-Body Problem, Hard Problem of Consciousness, and Realism vs. Anti-Realism are interconnected through their exploration of consciousness and existence.

  • Knowledge Acquisition Challenges: The Problem of Skepticism and Problem of Induction both address limitations in our cognitive processes.

  • Meaning and Communication: The Meaning of Life and Philosophy of Language focus on interpretation and expression, impacting personal fulfillment and societal understanding.

Influence of Purpose Across Problems
  • Purpose as a Driving Force: In many problems, purpose not only directs future actions but also reshapes understanding at all levels.

  • Purpose Unifying Diverse Problems: Despite the varied nature of the problems, a common underlying purpose is the pursuit of understanding and improving the human condition.

Potential Overlaps and Synergies
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches: The Hard Problem of Consciousness and the Role of Technology and AI both benefit from integrating insights across disciplines.

  • Ethical Frameworks Applied Broadly: Ethical considerations in technology can inform debates in Free Will vs. Determinism and Political and Social Justice.

  • Language Influencing Thought: Insights from the Philosophy of Language can impact how we approach the Meaning of Life and ethical discussions.

Deepening the Analysis with Additional InsightsExamining Underutilized Interactions

While the primary interactions are evident, some interactions may be less apparent but still significant:

  • D → W (Data informing Wisdom): In the Problem of Skepticism, direct experiences of doubt can lead to wisdom about the limitations of perception.

  • I → W (Information informing Wisdom): In Ethical Relativism, comparative analyses can directly inform ethical wisdom.

  • K → D (Knowledge influencing Data): In the Role of Technology and AI, knowledge about AI ethics can determine what data is collected.

  • W → W (Wisdom refining Wisdom): In the Meaning of Life, personal wisdom can deepen through reflection and experience.

  • P → P (Purpose refining Purpose): As understanding evolves, so may our goals, evident in long-term endeavors like the Hard Problem of Consciousness.

Assessing the Role of Missing Interactions
  • Completeness does not require all interactions in every problem. Some transformations may not be relevant to specific problems.

  • The absence of certain interactions can highlight areas for further exploration. For example, if K → D is underutilized in a problem, there may be potential to consider how knowledge can more directly influence data collection.

Consistency in Transformation Logic
  • Sequential Logic: The flow from data to purpose generally follows a logical sequence in all problems.

  • Iterative Refinement: Many problems exhibit cycles of feedback and refinement, consistent with real-world cognitive processes.

  • Adaptability of the Model: The DIKWP model accommodates the unique aspects of each problem while maintaining a consistent framework.

Implications for Philosophy and Cognitive ScienceIntegration of Cognitive Processes
  • Holistic Understanding: The DIKWP model encourages viewing philosophical problems as interconnected cognitive processes rather than isolated issues.

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Recognizing shared interactions can promote collaboration across disciplines, enriching philosophical inquiry.

Enhancing Problem-Solving Approaches
  • Identifying Key Interactions: By mapping the interactions, we can identify which transformations are most critical for addressing specific problems.

  • Addressing Gaps: Understanding where interactions are underutilized can guide efforts to fill gaps in knowledge or approach.

Advancing Ethical and Practical Applications
  • Informed Decision-Making: Applying the DIKWP model can enhance ethical considerations in technology, policy-making, and personal choices.

  • Purpose-Driven Research: Emphasizing the role of purpose ensures that cognitive efforts align with meaningful goals.


Comprehensive Analysis:

  • Depth and Breadth: We have explored each philosophical problem in detail, mapping them to the 25 interaction modes and assessing their completeness and consistency.

  • Interconnections: The analysis reveals how these problems are interrelated through shared cognitive processes and transformation modes.

  • Model Robustness: The DIKWP framework proves robust and flexible, accommodating the complexities of diverse philosophical issues.

Future Directions:

  • Expanding the Model: Further research could explore additional layers or nuances within the DIKWP interactions.

  • Applying the Model to New Domains: The framework could be used to analyze problems in other fields, such as economics, education, or environmental studies.

  • Enhancing Interdisciplinary Dialogue: By providing a common language and structure, the DIKWP model can facilitate collaboration between philosophers, scientists, and other scholars.


We express our gratitude to Prof. Yucong Duan for developing the DIKWP model and the 25 semantic interaction modes, which have provided a valuable framework for this comprehensive analysis.

Note to Readers

This in-depth examination demonstrates the power of the DIKWP model in analyzing complex philosophical problems. By systematically applying the 25 interaction modes, we gain deeper insights into the cognitive processes involved and how these problems relate to one another.

Readers are encouraged to consider how this framework might be applied to other areas of inquiry or to delve further into specific interactions within the problems discussed.

  1. International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation (DIKWP-SC),World Association of Artificial Consciousness(WAC),World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)Standardization of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics of International Test and Evaluation Standards for Artificial Intelligence based on Networked Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP ) Model. October 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26233.89445 .  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384637381_Standardization_of_DIKWP_Semantic_Mathematics_of_International_Test_and_Evaluation_Standards_for_Artificial_Intelligence_based_on_Networked_Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose_DIKWP_Model

  2. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will not reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".


上一篇:Validate Completeness and Consistency of Philosophy(初学者版)
下一篇:Analysis of Philosophy by DIKWP Semantic Mathematics(初学者版)
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