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澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学Bobby Mathan来访

已有 3011 次阅读 2016-11-4 19:31 |个人分类:会议|系统分类:博客资讯| University, James, Bobby, Mathan, Cook

    2016年11月3-5日澳大利亚昆士兰James Cook University (詹姆斯库克大学)Bobby Mathan博士受“中澳青年科学家交流计划”资助来我校交流与访问。




   根据计划安排,4日上午10:10-12:00,Bobby在学院会议室做了题为《Tailoring the biodegradability of magnesium for orthopedic implant applications(外科用镁降解调控)》的报告。报告内容非常精彩,以科学问题为导向,问题环环相扣,引人入胜。随后他与师生就有关问题进行了热烈的讨论。最后,材料学院李辉平副院长为Bobby Mathan博士颁发兼职教授证书。




Prof. Bobby Mathan receivedhis Ph. D in Materials Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay,  India. After completing his PhD, he worked for one year as apost-doctoral fellow at the Helmholtz Research Centre (HZG) in Germany. He thenspent two years at Monash University in Australia as a post-doctoral fellowbefore joining James Cook University (JCU) as a Lecturer in ChemicalEngineering. He is currently an Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering andthe group leader for the BEM Lab at JCU.  His current research interestsinclude electrochemical engineering, biomaterials,corrosion, environment-assisted cracking, polymer coatings and failureanalysis of engineering materials. He has published over 100 articles, including 1 book and 7 book chapters. He is a Key Reader for Metallurgicaland Materials Transactions A and an ad-hoc reviewer for over 30 journals. Hehas received many prestigious awards and fellowships, including JSPS InvitationFellowship and Helmholtz Fellowship.  


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