Science, the study of its principles as studied through the science of science, and the metrics used to measure scientific activity are integral to our knowledge-driven society. Moreover, knowledge is not just generated: it must be shared and passed on to successive generations. This principle is exemplified by Li Jie in his book "Introduction to Scientometrics".
In his work, Li Jie offers a comprehensive exploration of bibliometrics-scientometrics (with a preference for the term scientometrics) while also delving into the historical underpinnings of the field. This historical context is particularly valuable, as it demonstrates a respect for the evolution of ideas.
Given that scientometrics is a scientific discipline in its own right, and that it moreover informs science policy and research evaluation, "Introduction to Scientometrics" is highly recommended for classroom instruction as well as for personal enrichment and research.
Ronald Rousseau(ISSI前主席、普赖斯奖获得者)
I highly appreciate the publication of the present book. It gives an up to date and comprehensive survey of scientometrics and related topics. It covers the history and main results of the field from the beginning up to the present showing also several well organized tables, charts and figures. I was especially impressed by Chapter 3 that tackles my favourite topic: scientometric indicators. As far as I could understand from the few English sentences and figures in the Chinese text, in contrast to many scientific books, the volume of Dr. Jie Li is not only informative but also interesting, and readable. There are only relatively few books devoted to scientometrics, bibliometrics, informetrics and altmetrics. In addition, even less with such a wide spectrum of the discipline. Therefore, it would be essential to translate this excellent book into English.
Peter Vinkler(匈牙利科学院化学研究中心 科学顾问,普赖斯奖获得者)
This is an interesting book and it makes a valuable contribution to scientometrics. It serves as a useful introduction to a range of different issues and methods for people who are interested in, or would like to use, scientometric methods.
Mike Thelwall(英国谢菲尔德大学教授、普赖斯奖获得者)
“科学只有她成功地应用数学的时候,才算达到了完善的地步。” 马克思的这个论断乃是告诉人们,定量分支学科的产生和建立,是任何一门科学在其演化过程中的必由之路。自钱学森首倡开展科学学/科学计量学研究以来,近半个世纪的研究和开拓,我国科学计量学研究已然分门别类,成绩卓著。国际公认的科学计量学之父普赖斯指出,大凡一个新生领域开垦一个阶段之后,必有某个综述性的论文/著作出现。李杰博士的大著《科学计量学导论》之付梓出版,恰好印证了普赖斯的科学预言。同时,当前正处在网络化、数字化、智能化走向融合而又日趋鼎盛的新时代;或曰,这是一个“数智时代”。 AI能把科学计量学引向何方?《科学计量学导论》或可指引方向。科学计量学智能(AI for scientometrics)必将是绘就当代科学伟大明天的新思想新工具新助力。
来源:李杰. 科学计量学导论. 北京:首都经济贸易大学出版社. 2025.
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