The areal PM2.5concentration
estimated by the proposed SPA technique was found to be a little lower than
that observed at the U.S. Embassy monitoring station that is located at the
city center and near a traffic junction.
Daily PM2.5 mass
concentrations observed at the embassy station ranged from 4 to 487 µg/m3
for the 423-day period. The annual average concentration (December 7,
2010–December 6, 2011) was 98.85 µg/m3, with high temporal
variability. For the entire time series, the highest PM2.5
concentrations (>300 µg/m3) occurred during 10 days: December 7
and November 18–19, 2010, February 21–24, October 23 and December 5, 2011; see Figure 3.
During the same period,
estimated citywide PM2.5 daily pollution in Beijing ranged from 2.86
to 318.29 µg/m3. The annual average pollution was 64.78 µg/m3.
The highest concentrations (>300 µg/m3) occurred during two days,
November 19, 2010 and February 21, 2011, as shown in Figure 3.
This point-to-area transformation yields best linear unbiased estimates (BLUE) of PM2.5 spatial averages over the entire city of Beijing. 一个综合的体系内, 点/面转化能在什么情况下形成最佳线性无偏见估算值? 不用我来说, 科学网物理科班出身的人多得很, 应该能给出理由, 所以我不继续外行下去了。但我可以说作者现有的那个所谓的单点/面方法如果如同文中所吹: 可以用于估算北京市的PM2.5, 那么我愿意和小文老师设置历史赌局, 留待后人评说! 我之所以愿意设此赌局, 是因为:
作者在 PLOS ONE 这篇文章结果部分, 明确显示用作者发明的方法得到的结果是明显不同于而且是显著少于美国驻华使馆提供的PM2.5数值, 然而得到的是结论确是估算只比使馆的公布数略微偏底一丁点儿。是作者结论的笔误? 还是作者的起码数学知识出了问题? 还是我们的研究员对于 a little lower 的理解有问题? 还是迫于某种压力不得已而这样说一个不靠谱的结论?
您可知道, PLoS One 面向任何人, 只要你有INTERNET, 外行可不会去看你如何得到的结果, 看了结论就可以传播了。该文的不合理结论不是有意识向西方媒体传播不正确的信息吗?
奇谈怪论: 政府只要结果→ 把结果 SHOW 给政府看,不错,合意合意啊! 老外只要结论 → 把结论 SHOW 给老外看,不错,合意合意啊!