MIT技术论评(Technology Review)评出2013年35位35岁以下创新新星,其人其事如下( http://www.technologyreview.com/lists/innovators-under-35/2013/ ):
The cofounder ofthe security company CrowdStrike wants to help cyberattack victims strike back.
Determining the originof a phone call cuts fraud, including identity theft.
Cell phones canbecome a weapon against disease. (+video)
In the joblesseconomic recovery, an online labor marketplace thrives. (+video)
How is a windfarm like a school of fish? (+video)
A revolutionarytype of 3-D display could provide a new look to moving images. (+video)
Images of thebeating heart could make it easier to detect and treat heart disease.
A startup calledKaggle tries to bring smart people to knotty problems.
Many innovationscan’t happen without the right connections.
New computingdevices are inspiring new ways to input text.
Smarteranimation bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds. (+video)
How he inventedthe smart watch.
Lowering thecost of basic biological research.
20. Markus Persson
After hittingthe video-game jackpot, an independent game developer reflects on his success.
Open-sourcesoftware is making it nearly as easy to program a robot as it is to write anapp.
How good cancomputers get at predicting events?
An MIT gradstudent can find and even change memories in a mouse’s brain. (+video)
Looking moreclosely at the way people move through cities.
Screeningprospective parents for recessive diseases could be the first big hit inclinical genomics.
A novelfabrication step for nanomaterials could lead to fast, energy-efficientflexible electronics.
Some problemsaren’t apparent until you ask.
Genomic researchmay finally help dispel the ignorance shrouding many types of mental illness.
Ananoengineering scheme to make drugs more effective by fooling the immunesystem.
What do yourgenes say about how smart you are?
Analyzing newlyavailable data about the intricacies of urban life could make cities better.
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