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MIT Technology Review 评出的年度新技术新发现

已有 4318 次阅读 2013-8-26 00:39 |个人分类:博客新闻|系统分类:博客资讯| 创新人才


       MIT技术论评(Technology Review)评出20133535岁以下创新新星,其人其事如下( http://www.technologyreview.com/lists/innovators-under-35/2013/ ):

1. Dmitri Alperovitch

The cofounder ofthe security company CrowdStrike wants to help cyberattack victims strike back.

2. VijayBalasubramaniyan

Determining the originof a phone call cuts fraud, including identity theft.

3. Caroline Buckee

Cell phones canbecome a weapon against disease. (+video)

4. Leah Busque

In the joblesseconomic recovery, an online labor marketplace thrives. (+video)

5. John Dabiri

How is a windfarm like a school of fish? (+video)

6. Leslie Dewan

What if we couldbuild a nuclear reactor that costs half as much, consumes nuclear waste, andwill never melt down?

7. David Fattal

A revolutionarytype of 3-D display could provide a new look to moving images. (+video)


8. ChristineFleming

Images of thebeating heart could make it easier to detect and treat heart disease.

9. Roozbeh Ghaffari

Inspired by thecourage of his younger brother, MC10’s cofounder is finding ways to createnovel electronic devices that improve human health.


10. AnthonyGoldbloom

A startup calledKaggle tries to bring smart people to knotty problems.

11. Dmitry Grishin

When theInternet was getting big in Russia, he was in the right place at the righttime. Now he hopes to do it again with personal robotics.


12. Rebeca Hwang

Many innovationscan’t happen without the right connections.


13. Julie Kientz

If you want touse technology to make life better for people with autism and their families,the trick is to make the technology secondary.

14. Per OlaKristensson

New computingdevices are inspiring new ways to input text.


15. Hao Li

Smarteranimation bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds. (+video)


16. Enrique Lomnitz

A design studentreturned to his native Mexico City after college in the United States to helpthe megalopolis overcome its water crisis.


17. Eric Migicovsky

How he inventedthe smart watch.

18. Ben Milne

Digital paymentsystems dreamed up in the Web era still piggyback on credit card networks.There ought to be a faster and cheaper way.

19. Lina Nilsson

Lowering thecost of basic biological research.


20. Markus Persson

After hittingthe video-game jackpot, an independent game developer reflects on his success.


21. Morgan Quigley

Open-sourcesoftware is making it nearly as easy to program a robot as it is to write anapp.


22. Kira Radinsky

How good cancomputers get at predicting events?


23. Steve Ramirez

An MIT gradstudent can find and even change memories in a mouse’s brain. (+video)


24. Matt Rogers

The cofounder ofNest, which invented a thermostat that learns people’s preferences, explainswhat’s next.

25. Laura Schewel

Looking moreclosely at the way people move through cities.

26. Bright Simons

The mPedigreeNetwork, based in Ghana, lets people determine with a text message whethertheir medicine is legitimate.

27. BalajiSrinivasan

Screeningprospective parents for recessive diseases could be the first big hit inclinical genomics.

28. Kuniharu Takei

A novelfabrication step for nano­materials could lead to fast, energy-efficientflexible electronics.

29. Evans Wadongo

Growing up inKenya, he strained to read by the dim light of a kerosene lantern. Now he’smaking solar-charged lanterns and using them to spur economic development.

30. Amos Winter

Some problemsaren’t apparent until you ask.

31. Feng Zhang

Genomic researchmay finally help dispel the ignorance shrouding many types of mental illness.

32. Liangfang Zhang

Ananoengineering scheme to make drugs more effective by fooling the immunesystem.

33.   Bowen Zhao

What do yourgenes say about how smart you are?

34. Xiaolin Zheng

An ingenioussolar sticker made with techniques drawn from nanotechnology could turn almostany surface into a source of power.

35. Yu Zheng

Analyzing newlyavailable data about the intricacies of urban life could make cities better.



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