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已有 2577 次阅读 2019-2-8 22:02 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:科研笔记

1. Purser, B. H., ed., 1973, The Persian Gulf: Holocene carbonate sedimentation and diagenesis in a shallow epicontinental sea: Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.

2. Bathurst, R. G. C., 1975, Carbonate Sediments and Their Diagenesis: New York, Elsevier Science Publ. Co..

3. Wilson, J. L., 1975, Carbonate Facies in Geologic History: New York, Springer Verlag.

4. Scholle, P.A., D. G. Bebout, and C. H Moore, eds., 1983, Carbonate Depositional Environments: AAPG Memoir 33.

5. Tucker, M. W. & V. P. Wright, 1990, Carbonate Sedimentology: Oxford, Wiley.

6. Morse, J. W., and F. T. Mackenzie, 1990, Geochemistry of Sedimentary

7. Flugel, E., 2004, Microfacies of Carbonate Rocks: Heidelberg, Springer.

8. Schlager, W., 2005, Carbonate sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy: SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology, 8.

9. James, N. P. and J. D. A. Clarke, eds., 1997, Cool-Water Carbonates: SEPM Special Publication.

10. Moore, C. H., & Wade, W. J. 2013.Carbonate reservoirs: porosity and diagenesis in a stratigraphic framework, New York, Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co..


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