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已有 5083 次阅读 2017-4-2 09:01 |个人分类:法律|系统分类:海外观察


0)侵犯版权是一种 strict liability tort;

1)侵犯版权案是 federal question,不存在 diversity action 的金额限制;

2)被侵犯版权者可以要求 "statutory damages" 或者 "actual damages and profits" (17 U.S. Code § 504), 以及 injunctive relief (17 U.S. Code § 502), 并要求被告支付 costs and attorneys fees (17 U.S. Code § 505 ).


首先,即使是不需要赔偿,或者需要的赔偿很小,一个人损害了他人的利益,作为文明人应该表示歉意,而不能因为赔偿额少而肆无忌惮地为恶,倒打一耙攻击作者。这是一个做人的道德底线问题。否则只要是法律管不到的,就可以胡作非为,就丧失了人的良知了。刘牧野等人错误以为有言论自由就可以肆无忌惮地攻击、损害他人,正是这种良知与道德的缺失。方舟子故意传播刘牧野的诽谤言论,我得用法律威慑他才愿意承认错误。刘牧野的 ANTI-SLAPP 动议被驳回后明白美国的言论自由不是无限制的这个道理,应该会收敛一点。这都说明人类社会不能光靠道德约束,必须有法律强制。

言归正传,什么是 statutory damage? 翰山案结案之前,我递交了一份要求对翰山网缺席判决的动议,里面详细讲到了这一点。文末是我动议关于法定赔偿部分内容的摘录。

简言之,Statutory Damage (法定赔偿)的目的包括补偿原告与惩罚被告两个层面。很多情况下,原告的作品尚未商业化,无法有效计算损失;有时被告的侵权并没有带来足够的获利。当原告不能证明自己的损失、也不能证明被告的获利时,法定赔偿是强制性的。如果是蓄意侵权,一次侵权的最高法定赔偿是 15 万美元。我举了一个案例,一对弗罗里达夫妇办了一个网站,用了两张猫的照片,联邦法院判处 最高 statutory damages ,也就是 30 万美元 (另外被告还得支付原告的律师费)。按照很多网友的想法,用了两张猫的照片算什么?版权所有人怎么证明损失?被告获得了什么利润?他们自己在后院拍张猫的照片不行吗?之前,我还讲过几个案子,一个大学生被控分享 MP3,他与版权所有者对抗,最后被判一首歌赔几万美金,要赔几十万,他在经济上算是完了 -- 蓄意侵权的赔偿破产都不能勾销,得一辈子背着。


同理,如果盗版的后果仅仅是支付正版的价格,那么盗版就会成为常态 --- 反正被抓住也就是交付原价。虽然,侵犯版权在这里是民事案件,通过惩罚来维护法律与正义的机制是同样的。

知识产权是一个西方文明概念,也是西方文明高速发展的原因之一。版权保护是美国宪法里写了的。所以,我曾说,在美国如果真的侵权被控,赶紧跟对方说好的,争取化解。我认识一人,网上侵权被锁定,很快的交了几千美金 -- 如果对抗,只会越陷越深。如果你反而去攻击版权所有者,对方严厉反击,还是维护了知识产权的公共政策。


Statutory damage under 17 U.S.C. § 504(c) serves both compensatory and punitive purposes. A plaintiff can recover statutory damages whether or not there is adequate evidence of the actual damage suffered by plaintiff or the profits reaped by the defendant. Peer Int’l Corp. v. Pausa Records, Inc., 909 F.2d 1332, 1337 (9th Cir.1990). "Even for uninjurious and unprofitable invasions of copyright the court may, if it deems it just, impose a liability within statutory limits to sanction and vindicate the statutory policy" of discouraging infringement. F.W. Woolworth Co. v. Contemporary Arts, Inc., 334 U.S. 228, 233 (1952). When an injury can be shown, but neither profits nor damages can be proven, statutory damages are mandatory. See Russell v. Price, 612 F.2d 1123 (9th Cir.1979); Pye v. Mitchell, 574 F.2d 476, 481 (9th Cir.1978).

In Getty Images (US), Inc. v. Virtual Clinics, No. C13 0626JLR, 2014 WL 1116775 (W.D.Wash. Mar. 20, 2014), a Florida couple ran a website from their home, and used the cats images owned by Getty Images. On default judgment, the court awarded statutory damages of $300,000.00 for two registered images. The court held that “[a]n award of maximum statutory damages is appropriate particularly because of the [defendants’] willful conduct and the public interest in protecting copyrights against sustained infringement.” Id. Here, Hanshan’s infringement was made with the full knowledge of Plaintiff’s copyright. Yet, Han removed the ZZB logo to enable and conceal the infringement. (Han Depo., supra). Hanshan showed no respect to U.S. copyright law and other’s rights. After caught stealing Plaintiff’s code, Hanshan engaged in a defamation campaign to devalue the copyrighted work and injure its author with false stories that he replaced Tube.JS with one line of code. To sanction and vindicate the statutory policy of discouraging infringement, Plaintiff requests that the Court award the maximum statutory damage of $150,000 for each of the copyrighted works Hanshan infringed.  


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