爱小蜜的人(The Bee-Lover)分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/beepro 没有小蜜, 人类只有谷物吃了。


北国早春金银花 精选

已有 5568 次阅读 2012-3-21 03:28 |个人分类:小蜜|系统分类:图片百科| 中国, Photoshop, 金银花, honey

昨天没带相机, 看到停车场门口有花, 好多小蜜。 猜了是honey suckle, 金银花。 但没有看到早春开花的。 而且其貌不扬, 叶子没有出来多少。 一般是夏天开, 叶子很多。 花也比较大。

今天想试试我的无线闪光灯, 去年买的, 一直没有打开! 今天的会也不去开了。 这些花Photoshop就花了40分钟(挑选, 转换,打开, 看看curve, crop, save)。

1. 左边是其貌不扬的金银花, 怪不得我6年从这经过, 昨天才发现他们!

右边是毛樱桃, 中国引进的。 我家的还没有开啊(只有几朵)。

2. 比较典型的金银花: 成对的花, 年轻时白色(银), 老了变黄(金)

3. 放大

4. 一种独居蜂, 花粉放在腹部毛上。

5. 我心爱的小蜜




9. 小蜜


11. 小蜜

12.小蜜放大(100% Crop)

13. 一个樱桃树开花了

14. 没有闪光, 好象比较白。 为啥闪光的带黄色? 估计白平衡没有搞好(用了太阳)

15. 这个比较黄。 同一个树。

16. Halictid 蜂

17. 小蜜也来

18. 小蜜

19. 毛樱桃。

20 不远处有另外一个樱桃, 好象不同品种。 刚要开。

21 蓝天下的樱桃花苞

22. 含苞

23. 刚开

24. 绽放

25.红枫 Red maple 快开完了。

26. 雌花,但是好像有雄蕊。 但是一直不释放花粉? 所以基本是雌的。 去年发现, 这个树, 可以有雄, 雌, 和雌雄同株。

26. Cornus mas , 中国引进的一种“狗木”Dogwood(估计是古代说的“茱萸“), 果子象樱桃, 可以吃。好多蜜, 没有蜂来。。。奇怪。

下午3:30了, 俺还没有干活啊!

晕, 这个才是真正的颜色! 白平衡不太对, 4500比较好, 还好我照的是Raw。

今天发现老大连接都不工作了。 下面是能看到一些图的。 当时没有中文的那么多。。。

Honey bees foraging on honeysuckle

Yesterday I was driving into the Giltner Parking Lot and saw many bees foraging on some small flowers…Close inspection suggested a type of honeysuckle. Later I identified it as Lonicera
fragrantissima, an early spring blooming honeysuckle with lemon like fragrant smell, imported from China. Common names are winter honeysuckle, sweet breath of spring.

Today I brought my wireless flashes (batteries cost $20!) to test. Most photos have a yellowish tint, due to improper setting of white balance…correctable since I shot in raw, but I wont have time till later.

1. At the right side to the gated entrance to Giltner Hall parking lot.  Left are the honeysuckles..tiny flowers with old leaves from last year…not very conspicuous, no wonder I found them now, about 5 years since I moved to Giltner Hall.  On the right is Nanking Cherry (Prunus tomentosa), with tiny (about the size of a large soybean) but edible fruits.

2. A quite typical honeysuckle: paired flowers, and white when young and yellow when old.
The chinese name for this type of honeysuckle is called gold-silver flower (金银花), referring to its two colors.

3. a closer up.

4. A solitary bee, with pollen stored on the hairs under the abdomen, called “scopa”.

5. Honey bees too of course (5-10).







12. 100% Crop

13. Red maple (Acer rubrum) is almost done. I was told bees are making much maple honey this spring due to the extremely warm weather! our bees are full with brood, pollen and nectar in 2 boxes (one deep and one medium) and need supers soon.

14.  The flowers  have male parts (anthers) but they do not seem to open…so functionally it is still a female flower?

15. Cornus mas,a dogwood imported from China. The cornarin cherries produced are edible. can see some nectar on flowers, but no bees!


下一篇:春天来了, 樱花开了, 小蜜来了
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