


已有 3227 次阅读 2012-2-12 01:26 |个人分类:英语学习|系统分类:教学心得| 职业病, 犯病




Do not go to sleep untill I got it

This might be changed to "I get no sleep until I get it!"

It was a young man who wants to make a lot of money, so he went to this guru, right.

This might be changed to "There was ...", ending in a question mark (?) instead of a full stop (.).

And he told the guru that I want to be the same level you are. And so the guru said, “if you want to be on the same level I are, (this is not English at all!) I‘ll meet you tomorrow at the beach.”

So the young man got there 4am, he already to rock and roll, got on a suit, he should have wore shorts. The old man Graham said how bad you want to be successful. He said, real bad. He said, walk on out to the water. So he walks out to the water, watch this. He walks on out to the water, waist deep. So he likes, this guy’s crazy.
I want to make money and he got me swimming. I didn’t ask to be a lifeguard, I want to make money. He got me in. He said come on a little further. He walk on out a little further. He had him right around this area, this delta area. So this old man’s crazy, he’s making money but he’s crazy. He said, come on out a little further and he came out further, he is right at his mouth. My man I am about to go back in here and this man is fine.
So the old man said I thought, you say you want to be successful. He said I do and he said walk a little further and he came, drop his head in; held him down, hold him down. My man, he’s splashing, hold him down, he had him held down and, just before my man was about to pass out, he raised him up. He said, I got a question for you. He told the guy he said when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful(当一个人渴望成功像渴望新鲜空气那样迫切的时候,定能获得成功). I don’t know how many of you got asthma here today, but if you had an asthma attack before, you short of breath SOB, shortness of breath, you are wheezing, the only thing you’re trying to do is to get some air. You don’t care about no basketball game; you don’t care what’s on TV; you don’t care about nobody calling you; you don’t care about party. The only thing you care about when you are trying to breath is to get some fresh air, that’s it. And when you get to the point when all you want to do is be successful as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful. And I am here to tell you number one, that most of you say that you want to be successful but you don’t want it bad. You just kinda want it. You don’t want it bad than you want to party. You don’t want it as much as you want to be cool. Most of you don’t want success as much as you want to sleep. Some of you love sleep more than you love success (大多数人对于成功的渴望不及参加Party的劲头来的大;似乎大家对成功的渴望还不及对睡觉的钟爱). And I am here to tell you today, that if you’re going to be successful, you gotta be willing to give up sleep.
You gotta be able to work off with 3 hour of sleep, 2 hours. If you really want to be successful, someday you will have to stay up 3 days in a row. Because if you go to sleep, you might miss the opportunity to be successful. That’s how bad you gotta want it. You gotta go days without, listen to me, you gotta want to be successful so bad that you forget to eat. Beyonce said once she was on the set doing her thing, 3 days had gone by, she forgot she didn’t eat cause she was engaged. I never forget when Fifty Cents was doing this movie, I did this little research on Fifty and Fifty said that when he wasn’t doing the movie, he was doing the soundtracks. And they said, when do you sleep, Fifty. Sleep, he says, sleep, sleep is for those people who are broke. I don’t sleep. Said, I got an opportunity to make a dream become a reality.
Don’t try to quit. You are already in pain. You already hurt. Get a reward from it. Don’t go to sleep until you succeed. Listen to me, I am here to tell you today that you can come here, you can jump off, you can do flip, you can be excited when we give away money but listen to me; You will never be successful when I don’t have to give away a dime to do what you do. You won’t be successful until you said that I don’t need that money because I got it in here.

PS: Where there is a will, there is a way. Just enjoy your way to succeed. It may be tough, disappointing,or even suffocating, but it does deserve your devotion. Go ahead, to chase your dreams, to make your own way to the destination. (我非常喜欢的一个故事,时常在行将浑浑噩噩时拿来自勉。与大家分享,共勉!)

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