化学键和反应活性的理论模型研讨会:纪念诺贝尔将得主Roald Hoffmann教授 "Theoretical models of chemical bonding and reactivity spanning the periodic table: A symposium in honor of Roald Hoffmann"
254th ACS National Meeting & Exposition August 20-24, 2017 Washington DC, USA
Organizers: Prof. Ewa Zurek (University of Buffalo, ezurek@buffalo.edu) Prof. Wojciech Grochala (University of Warsaw, w.grochala@cent.uw.edu.pl)
Roald Hoffmann Festschrift Symposium
The proposed symposium, consisting of 8 sessions honoring distinguished American chemist and Nobel Prize winning Prof. Roald Hoffmann, offers a broad perspective on recent developments in the field of theoretical chemistry applied to study a wide variety of compounds and chemical reactions.
We would like to discuss the most recent advances in theoretical approaches to organic, organometallic, inorganic, and biological chemistry, as well as to materials subject to high external pressures, thus virtually covering all key branches of modern chemistry.
The choice of topics reflect the enormously broad research interests of Prof. Roald Hoffmann, who began his scientific career by looking at mechanisms of a certain class of organic reactions (culminating in the development of “the Woodward-Hoffmann rules”) and later moved on to study the electronic structure and magnetism of inorganic compounds, including matter at high pressures, while always trying to build bridges between the fields of organic and inorganic chemistry, as well as chemistry and physics.
The program will be organized into 8 sessions. Each session typically includes 3 invited speakers representing a diverse group covering the different aspects of each sub-discipline, and 3 contributing talks. We have made an attempt to include a blend of people working with quantum chemistry, some of which are also excellent experimentalists (note: R. Hoffmann is a theoretician and he tutored mostly such folk). We have invited a large share of international speakers, reflecting upon the fact that both alumni and collaborators of Prof. Hoffmann may be found all around the globe. Moreover, we have invited young investigators that have established an interesting research program and have made significant contributions to their fields. Finally, we have invited several female speakers who are well-established scientists in their respective areas to promote female excellence in science. There will be 20 contributed talks altogether, which will help us to further increase diversity quite markedly.
Aside from presenting cutting edge science, the Symposium will bring together many former and current Hoffmann Group members and collaborators, dispersed all over the globe.
DAY 1 Session 1 & 2: Electronic Structure and Reactivity of Organic Compounds
DAY 2 Session 3 & 4: Bonding in Organometallics
DAY 3 Session 5: Structure and Properties of Materials Session 6: Recent Advances in High Pressure Chemistry
DAY 4 Session 7: Theoretical Biochemistry Session 8: Theoretical Insights into Physical Chemistry
Roald Hoffmann Festschrift Symposium
INVITED SPEAKERS Santiago Alvarez (Barcelona, Spain) Nandini Ananth (Ithaca, US) Yitzhak Apeloig (Haifa, Israel) Joel Bernstein (New York, US) F. Matthias Bickelhaupt (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Maria José Calhorda (Lisboa, Portugal) Gion Calzaferri (Bern, Switzerland) Kelling Donald (Richmond, US) Richard Dronskowski (Aachen, Germany) Peter P. Edwards (Oxford, UK) Odile Eisenstein (Montpellier, France) Ji Feng (Beijing, China) Danny C. Fredrickson (Madison, US) Gernot Frenking (Marburg, Germany) Andreas Hermann (Edinburgh, UK) Andrea Ienco (Florence, Italy) Eluvathingal D. Jemmis (Bangalore, India) Peter Kroll (Arlington, US) Vanessa Labet (Montpellier, France) Jing Li (New Brunswick, US) Gabriel Merino (Cinvestav, Mexico) Carol Parish (Richmond, US) Andrey Yu. Rogachev (Chicago, US) Sason Shaik (Jerusalem, Israel) Andrei L. Tchougreeff (Moscow, Russia) Xiaodong Wen (Taiyuan, China)
The Chemistry of Environmental Sorptive and Oxidative Processes:
A symposium in honor of Joseph J. Pignatello
At 252th ACS National Meeting & Exposition
August 21-25, 2016
Abstract Deadline: March 28, 2016
This symposium is being held inhonor of Dr.Joseph J. Pignatello, ChiefScientist of The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven andProfessor Adjunct at Yale University, for his life-long and outstandingachievements in the fields of adsorption and advanced oxidation. Dr. Pignatello has conducted unique andinnovative work for teasing apart the contributions of individual forces andidentifying novel interfacial interactions during adsorption. He has been alsoone of the important figures in Fenton and other free radical-based oxidation reactionsin Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs), as well as the environment.
Sorption plays afundamental role in the environmental fate of chemical compounds and in waterpurification and soil remediation. A branch of science in its own right,sorption has been studied for its influence on transport, bioavailability, and abioticreactions in natural and engineered systems. Relevant sorbents include naturalorganic matter, plant detritus, minerals, black carbon, engineered carbonaceoussorbents, engineered nano-structured materials, polymeric resins, among others.The surface may influence abiotic transformations, electron transport, redox reactionsand photo-reactivity or sorbed molecules. Sorption retards solute transport andis usually a rate-limiting factor in biological uptake. Thissymposium invites both oral and poster presentations related to fundamentaland applied aspects of sorption and desorption processes, includingthermodynamics, rate laws, structure-property relationships, reversibility,desorption-resistance (“sequestration”), and competitive effects. Of particularinterest are contributions that address: a) sorbate molecular properties suchas hydrophobicity, charge, dipolarity, quadrupolarity, hydrogen bondingability, steric size and shape, tendency to self-associate, and ligand strengthtoward surface metal ions; and b) sorbent properties of growing interest suchas surface charge density, matrix penetrability, hard/soft (flexible/rigid) character,porosity and pore size distribution, pore connectivity, pore expandability,hydrophilicity, hydrogen bond site density, and ligand-exchange site density.
Another area of focus for thissymposium will be oxidation of chemical compounds by reactive oxygen species (ROS).This has been a key tool in water and to a lesser extent soil and sediment purification.In nature, ROS, such as ozone, singlet oxygen, superoxide, and hydroxyl radical,are produced mainly by the action of sunlight on surfaces and within naturalwaters, the latter aided by dissolved organic matter, metal ions, and certaincolloids. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) in water treatment include bothhomogeneous and heterogeneous techniques, and utilize the activities of ozone,singlet oxygen, hydroxyl, sulfate radical or other species. They encompassphotolysis or thermolysis of bulk oxidants, Fenton and related reactions, and photocatalysisby polyoxometallates or semiconductors. Paperson issues related to ROS, AOP, identification of byproducts, effects ofsolution chemistry, novel catalysts, effective absorption spectrum of catalystsinto the solar region, role of sorption, and the underlying chemistry at thewater-catalyst interface are invited. The symposium will address topicsmentioned above in the context of both remediation and fate of contaminants in naturaland engineered systems. Please submit your abstracts using the ACS Meeting AbstractProgramming System (MAPS) (http://maps.acs.org). Any other inquiries should bedirected to the organizers:
9月8至12日,由美国化学会(American Chemical Society, ACS)举办的第246届美国化学会年会(246th American Chemical Society National Meeting& Exposition)在美国印第安纳波利斯市(Indiananpolis)召开。美国化学会年会每年举办两次,分别在春季和秋季召开,参加人员为世界各国从事化学及相关领域的科研人员,是世界上影响力最大,涉及范围最广,参与人员最多的学术年会,每次会议参与人员都在8000-14000之间。此次秋季会议共有来自世界各地高校、科研机构、企业单位的10800余名专家、学者、科研人员以及企业人员参加了会议。
Chemical Society, ACS)举办的第246届美国化学会年会(246th American Chemical Society National Meeting& Exposition)在美国印第安纳波利斯市(Indiananpolis)召开。在国际事务处“山东大学资助出国、境参加高水平学术会议青年学者专项基金”和山东大学自主创新项目的资助下,山东大学材料液固结构演变与加工教育部重点实验室司鹏超副教授参加会议并作口头报告,和与会学者进行了充分交流。
Chemical Society 简称ACS) 是一个化学领域的专业组织,成立于1876年。现有163,000位来自化学界各个分支的会员。美国化学会年会每年举办两次,分别在春季和秋季召开,参加人员为世界各国从事化学及相关领域的科研人员,是国际性的顶级会议,是世界上影响力最大,涉及范围最广,参与人员最多的学术年会。此次秋季会议共有来自世界各地高校、科研机构、企业单位的10800余名专家、学者、科研人员以及企业人员参加了会议。
美国化学会是一个化学领域的专业组织,成立于1876年。现有163,000位来自化学界各个分支的会员。美国化学会每年举行两次涵盖化学各方向的年会,并有许多规模稍小的专业研讨会。 美国化学会拥有许多期刊,其中《美国化学会志》(Journal of the American Chemical Society)已有137年历史。
中文名美国化学会 外文名The American Chemical Society 简 称ACS 成立时间1876年 开办期刊《美国化学会志》 等 组织性质化学领域专业组织
一切要从138年前,在纽约的一次化学家的集会开始说起。1876年初,一群曾在1874年“化学百年纪念会”(Centennial of Chemistry)相识的化学家,来到哥伦比亚大学Charles F. Chandler教授的家中,他们准备成立一个地区性的化学社团。出人意料的是,他们最开始只发出了100封通知,竟然就收到了40封表示支持的信件。于是他们决定建立一个全国性的组织。就这样,在1876年4月6日晚8点,纽约医药大学的一间教室内,创建这个组织的会议举行了。会上,这个组织被定名为美国化学会(ACS),并且投票通过了组织者制定的协会章程(constitution)及其细节。两周后的第二次会议上,出席的27位化学家选出了ACS的第一届理事会(council),并且决定居住在纽约的会员,每周四开会讨论一些“不需要开全体会议解决的小问题”。
在1876年5月4日举行的第一次全体会议上,还通过了关于会费的议案:居住在纽约的会员每年5美元,而其它会员不缴纳会费。此外,这次会议的记录刊登在C. F. Chandler和他兄弟的W. H. Chandler拥有的杂志《美国化学家》上。到1877年,ACS的会议记录从杂志中分离出来,并在1879年成立了独立的杂志,这就是著名的美国化学会志(Journal of the American Chemical Society,JACS)。
在认识到这些问题后,ACS做出了一系列的调整。首先,是在10年内三次更新学会的章程,提出了“地方组织”的概念。地方组织隶属于ACS,以方便各地会员进行活动。学会的理事会负责学会的管理,各地方组织在理事会中按会员人数比例获得席位。而原来的董事会则仅作为学会的法律代表存在。其次,通过学会的努力,1895年纽约州签署一项法令,取消对学会的理事(directors)必须是纽约州居民的限制。最后,也是最为幸运的是,拉法叶特大学教授,拥有一个化学出版社的Edward Hart,成为了JACS的主编。他不但把自己拥有的杂志《分析和应用化学》并入了JACS,还让自己的出版社成为了ACS的官方出版社。这个出版社在1926年被Harvey F. Mack收购后,仍旧为ACS出版杂志,直到今天。
在1907年,Charles L. Parsons 成为了ACS的秘书长,并且担任这个职务长达38年之久。更为重要的是,他是当时美国矿务局(U.S. Bureau of Mines)的首席化学家。1915年,德国的染料产量占全球的85%,由于英国对德国商船的封锁,美国的染料市场发生短缺,这使得公众开始关注化学工业的发展。ACS主席还曾就此事致信威尔逊总统,说明化学工业面临的困难。同年,德国启动了毒气战,美国内政部授权矿务局着手研究这个问题。Parsons借此机会从ACS抽调了一些会员成立了“化学战研究中心”(Chemical Warfare Service)。1916年9月,威尔逊总统建立了国家科研理事会(National Research Council),需要将全国参与科研的化学家根据不同专业整理成名单。于是1917年,Parsons又促成矿务局和ACS共同发起了美国化学家普查活动,极大地增加了ACS的影响力。这些举动,使得19世纪的第二个十年是ACS历史上最“繁忙”的十年:会员数量增加了2倍,达到15582人;地方组织增加到60个。
ACS以一场规模宏大的全国会议作为20世纪下半叶的开端。1951年是学会建立的第75年,在这次全国会议的后半程,ACS开展了一系列纪念活动。学会的许多元老如Parsons,担任《化学文摘》主编达36年,刚刚获得普利策奖的E.J.Crane,学会的前会长及董事长,著名有机化学家Roger Adams都发表了讲话。时任美国副总统的Alben W. Barkley在年会的闭幕式上也作了演讲。
20世纪60年代,ACS不顾民权运动对国家经济造成的冲击,大幅度增加在宣传方面的投入。为了向社会普及化学知识,从1961年1月起,ACS开创了每集15分钟的科学纪录性系列节目,免费提供给电台向全社会播出,每周一集,至今未曾间断。1964年,ACS又投入50万美元,在美国国家科学院建立了“化学调查委员会”(Committee for the Survey of Chemistry),以发现那些因为缺少资金而陷入困境的化学基础科研项目,并帮助它们获得资助。1965年,ACS又成立了“化学与公众事务委员会”(Committee on Chemistry and Public Affairs),专门负责在美国国会和其他政府职能部门宣传ACS的观点。此外,从1965年起,ACS对需要在化学方面进行训练的会员开设了约50门短期课程,开启了ACS参与公众教育的源头。
此外,ACS还发起了一个用以保护在化学史上具有里程碑意义的遗址和遗物的项目,称为“国家化学史里程碑计划”(National Historic Chemical Landmarks Program)。又学会下属的各个地方组织或专业分区对“里程碑”提名,学会则负责为这些“里程碑”挂牌立传。到2001年,学会已确立里程碑36处,其中8处在美国境外。
ACS不仅为专业性很强的会员们提供继续教育的机会,还为中学的广大学生出版了化学课本,书名《社区中的化学》(Chemistry in the Community)。这本书影响很大,出版20多年已经再版过4次,并被译为各种语言在全世界中学使用。1881年学会发起SEED工程,为经济困难的中学生提供在实验室进行实习的机会,并在他们进入大学后为他们提供奖学金。此外,ACS还主办全国中学生奥林匹克化学竞赛,由各地方组织进行预选,最后决赛选出20名顶尖选手在美国空军学院进行集训,并最后确定参加国际奥林匹克化学竞赛的4人名单。
1979年1月1日,ACS化学与公众事务委员会更名,成立了专门负责“引导和监督学会同政府关系”的“公众事务和公众关系委员会”(Board Committee on Public Affairs & Public Relations)。通过这个委员会,ACS做出了一系列有利于化学和公众的举动:出版各种书刊杂志、为相关的活动提供赞助;引导政府发布有利于化学的政策,并对国会和政府职能部门的要求做出反馈等等。
90年代中期,ACS会员们帮助美国环境保护局设立“绿色化学总统挑战奖”,用于奖励那些在化学基础研究中找到能够对抗污染的化学方法,并将其广泛应用于工业生产的化学家。ACS在绿色化学方面做出的努力,还曾在1997年获得Al Gore副总统领导的“国家形象考察”( National Performance Review.)活动颁发的一项特别奖。
美国化学会(The American Chemical Society 简称ACS) 是一个化学领域的专业组织,成立于1876年。现有163,000位来自化学界各个分支的会员。美国化学会每年举行两次涵盖化学各方向的年会,并有许多规模稍小的专业研讨会。 美国化学会拥有许多期刊,其中《美国化学会志》(Journal of the American Chemical Society)已有128年历史。
The American Chemical Society(ACS) 是一个化学领域的专业组织,成立于1876年。现有163,000位来自化学界各个分支的会员。美国化学会每年举行两次涵盖化学各方向的年会,并有许多规模稍小的专业研讨会。 美国化学会拥有许多期刊,其中《美国化学会志》(Journal of the American Chemical Society)已有125年历史。
The ACS is a self-governed individual membership organization that consists of nearly 159,000 members—60% from industry, at all degree levels. This provides ample opportunity for peer interaction, regardless of your professional or scientific interests. There are 34 ACS divisions, representing a wide range of disciplines for chemists, chemical engineers and technicians.
The ACS seeks to
Promote the public's perceptions and understanding of chemistry and the chemical sciences through public outreach programs and public awareness campaigns; Involve the Society's nearly 159,000 members in improving the public's perception of chemistry; Assist the federal government with advice on scientific and technological issues involving the chemical sciences; Enrich professionals in academia and private industry through development programs, peer interactions & continuing educational courses; Host national, regional and local section meetings for the exchanging of ideas, information and chemical research discoveries; Provide career development assistance and employment opportunities for students & professionals in academia & private industry; Foster communication and understanding between members, the chemical industry, the government and the community to enhance the quality of scientific research, support economic progress, and insure public health & safety Investing in volunteer efforts in any organization can provide an alternate management or professional training track which might not be available through the full-time employer. In addition, involvement in the ACS will provide professional and peer relationships that can broaden your technical and interpersonal skills, thus challenging you and enriching your life.
Agricultural & Food Chemistry Agrochemicals Analytical Chemistry Biochemical Technology Biological Chemistry Business Development & Management Carbohydrate Chemistry Cellulose, Paper & Textile Chemical Education Chemical Health & Safety Chemical Information Chemical Technicians Chemical Toxicology Chemistry & the Law Colloid & Surface Chemistry Computers in Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Fertilizer & Soil Chemistry Fluorine Chemistry Fuel Chemistry Geochemistry History of Chemistry Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry Nuclear Chemistry & Technology Organic Chemistry Petroleum Chemistry Physical Chemistry Polymer Chemistry Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering Professional Relations Rubber Small Chemical Businesses
“252nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition”(第252届美国化学会年会)是全世界规模最大也是全球化学领域最具影响力的学术会议之一,每年分别在春季和秋季各举办一次,每次会议都会吸引来自世界各地的超过万名以上的化学家、学者和专业技术人员参会。第252届美国化学会年会的会议主题是Chemistry of the People, by the People, and for the People,本次将设立农业与食品化学、分析化学、生物化学、环境化学和催化科学与技术等分会场。
摘译自美国化学会《化学与工程新闻(C&EN)》September 1, 2008 Volume 86, Number 35 pp. 66-67
一个庞大的ACS期刊编辑和编委代表团也访问了天津。他们中的大多数与《Accounts of Chemical Research》(ACR)有关,该期刊首次在中国举行编委会。这也是ACS 众多期刊中的首次。
ACS主编Joan S. Valentine说她特别高兴20位ACR编委和编辑能来到天津。来自其他出版物的编辑有Peter J. Stang, 《Journal of the American Chemical Society》主编;Cynthia J. Burrows, 《Journal of Organic Chemistry 》高级编辑。 Valentine说,天津会议是ACR第二次在美国境外开编委会。第一次是2006年在匈牙利布达佩斯第一届欧洲化学大会期间。在国外举行会议反映了编委会成员来自多地域。
应中科院光化学转换与功能材料重点实验室超分子光化学研究中心和“理化青年论坛”邀请,美国化学会ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces杂志主编Kirk S. Schanze教授于6月21日来理化所交流访问,并做了题为Conjugated Polyelectrolytes: Fundamental Investigation and Applications to Sensors and Solar Cells的报告。
报告中,Kirk S. Schanze教授就共轭高分子聚合物的设计合成、吸收发光等光学性质的调控以及共轭聚合物在传感、太阳能电池领域的应用等做了详细的陈述。报告深入浅出的介绍了共轭聚合物单体结构、所处溶剂环境、自组装聚合等因素对其光学性质的影响。他还指出,共轭聚合物的单体不仅可以在溶液中自聚合,还可以在固体表面稳定存在,可以有效的提高器件性能、提升太阳能电池转换效率。报告后,Kirk S. Schanze教授与参加报告会的师生进行了深入的交流讨论,并参观了超分子光化学实验室,与学生们亲切交流。
Kirk S. Schanze教授在弗罗里达州立大学主要从事有机及金属有机等领域的研究,致力于研究小分子、聚合物以及材料的光学性质及其应用,发表学术论文290余篇。2000年至2008年任Langmuir杂志资深编辑,目前担任ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces主编。