Safemetrics分享 以勤奋、谦虚、严谨、规范、持久的习惯和态度做安全科学研究。 'Wonder en is gheen Wonder'



已有 2973 次阅读 2013-8-31 21:19 |个人分类:安全科学|系统分类:科研笔记| safety

1safe·ty noun ˈsāf-tē
plural safeties
Definition of SAFETY
: the condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or loss
: a device (as on a weapon or a machine) designed to prevent inadvertent or hazardous operation
a (1) : a situation in football in which a member of the offensive team is tackled behind its own goal line that counts two points for the defensive team — compare touchback (2): a member of a defensive backfield in football who occupies the deepest position in order to receive a kick, defend against a forward pass, or stop a ballcarrier
b : a billiard shot made with no attempt to score or so as to leave the balls in an unfavorable position for the opponent
c : base hit
Examples of SAFETY
  1. The changes were made in the interest of public safety.

  2. He made some suggestions about how to improve airlinesafety.

  3. I'm worried about the safety of the people who were left behind.

  4. We were reluctant to leave the relative safety of our hotel.

  5. She was only a mile from the safety of her home when the accident occurred.

  6. The car has been redesigned for improved safety.

  7. The toys are inspected for safety.

  8. They were led to safety by the rescuers.

  9. The injured hiker was finally able to reach safety.

Origin of SAFETY
Middle English saufte, from Anglo-French salveté, saufté,from salf safe
First Known Use: 14th century
Other Baseball Terms
2safety transitive verb
Definition of SAFETY
: to protect against failure, breakage, or accident <safety a rifle>
First Known Use of SAFETY
safety noun    (Concise Encyclopedia)

Activities that seek to minimize or to eliminate hazardous conditions that can cause bodily injury. Occupational safety is concerned with risks in areas where people work: offices, manufacturing plants, farms, construction sites, and commercial and retail facilities. Public safety is concerned with hazards in the home, in travel and recreation, and in other situations that do not fall within the scope of occupational safety.

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