Hopkins, Professor AndrewMA ANU PhD Connecticut
Professor of Sociology
Office: Haydon-Allen 2159
Contact Number: 6125 4793
Email: Andrew.Hopkins@anu.edu.au
Research and teaching interests: Research and teaching interests: The management of occupational health and safety; The legal regulation of occupational health and safety; Industrial disasters; Coal mine health and safety.
Hopkins, A., (2000) “Lessons from Longford: The Esso Gas Plant Explosion”, 1st edition, pp 179, CCH Australia Ltd, Sydney, Australia.
Hopkins, A., (2002) “Lessons from Longford: The Trial”, 1st Edition, pp 72, CCH Australia Ltd, Australia.
Hopkins, A., (2005) “Safety, Culture and Risk”, First edition, pp x + 151, CCH Australia Ltd, Australia.
Hopkins, A., Hale, A., (2002) “Issues in the Regulation of Safety: Setting the Scene”, in Changing Regulation: Controlling Risks in Society, Barry Kirwan, Andrew Hale and Andrew Hopkins (eds) 1st Edition, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford UK, pp 1-13.
Hopkins, A., (2000) “A culture of denial: sociological similarities between the Moura and Gretley mine disasters”, Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol 16, Issue 1, pp 29-36.
Hopkins, A., (2004) “Case Report: Outcome of the civil action against Esso arising out of the Longford explosion”, Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol 20, Issue 2, pp 127-130.
Hopkins, A., (1999) “Counteracting the Cultural Causes of Disaster”, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Vol 7, Issue 3, pp 141-149.
Hopkins, A., (1999) “For whom does safety pay? The case of major accidents”, Safety Science, Vol 32, Issue, pp 143-153.
Hopkins, A., (2003) “Issues for major hazard regulation”, Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol 19, Issue 2, pp 183 – 190.
Hopkins, A., (1999) “The limits of normal accident theory”, Safety Science, Vol 32, Issue, pp 93-102.
Hopkins, A., (2001) “Was Three Mile Island a ‘Normal Accident?”, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Vol 9, Issue 2, pp 65-72.
Hopkins, A., Clarkson, J., Taylor, K., (2001) “The Report of the F111 Deseal/Reseal Board of Inquiry”, Royal Australian Air Force, Canberra, pp 104
Hopkins, A., (2007) Lessons from Gretley: Mindful Leadership and the Law , CCH, Sydney.
Hopkins, A., (2008) Failure to Learn: The BP Texas City Refinery Disaster CCH, Sydney.
Hopkins, A., (2009) Learning from High Reliability Organisations, CCH, Sydney. (Editor)
Hopkins, A., (2006) “A corporate dilemma: to be a learning organisation or to minimise liability”, J Occupational Health and Safety- ANZ 22(3): 251-259
Hopkins, A., (2006) “What are we to make of Safe Behaviour Programs?” Safety Science 44:583-597
Hopkins, A., (2006) “Studying organisational cultures and their effects on safety”, Safety Science, 44, pp875-899
Hopkins, A., (2007) “Beyond compliance monitoring: New strategies for safety regulators” Law and Policy, 29(2) April: 210-225
Hopkins, A., (2007) “Holding corporate leaders responsible”, Keeping Good Companies, 59(6) July, 340-344
Hopkins, A., (2009) "Thinking about Process Safety Indicators", Safety Science, 47, pp460-465
Hopkins, A., (2009) "Reply to comments", Safety Science, 47, pp508-510
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