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已有 8297 次阅读 2012-5-9 19:49 |系统分类:科研笔记| 欧洲, 专利, 公约




Article 113 Right to be heard and basisof decisions

(1)The decisions of the European PatentOffice may only be based on grounds or evidence on which the parties concernedhave had an opportunity to present their comments.

(2)The European Patent Office shall examine,and decide upon, the European patent application or the European patent only inthe text submitted to it, or agreed, by the applicant or the proprietor of thepatent.




Article 114 Examination by the  European Patent Office of its own motion

(1)In proceedings before it, the EuropeanPatent Office shall examine the facts of its own motion; it shall not berestricted in this examination to the facts, evidence and arguments provided bythe parties and the relief sought.

(2)The European Patent Office may disregardfacts or evidence which are not submitted in due time by the partiesconcerned.



Article 115 Observations by third  parties

In proceedings before the European Patent Office, following thepublication of the European patent application, any third party may, inaccordance with the Implementing Regulations, present observations concerningthe patentability of the invention to which the application or patent relates.That person shall not be a party to the proceedings.






Article 116 Oral proceedings

(1)Oral proceedings shall take place eitherat the instance of the European Patent Office if it considers this to beexpedient or at the request of any party to the proceedings. However, theEuropean Patent Office may reject a request for further oral proceedings beforethe same department where the parties and the subject of the proceedings arethe same.

(2)Nevertheless, oral proceedings shall takeplace before the Receiving Section at the request of the applicant only wherethe Receiving Section considers this to be expedient or where it intends torefuse the European patent application.

(3)Oral proceedings before the ReceivingSection, the Examining Divisions and the Legal Division shall not bepublic.

(4)Oral proceedings, including delivery ofthe decision, shall be public, as regards the Boards of Appeal and the EnlargedBoard of Appeal, after publication of the European patent application, and alsobefore the Opposition Divisions, in so far as the department before which theproceedings are taking place does not decide otherwise in cases where admissionof the public could have serious and unjustified disadvantages, in particularfor a party to the proceedings.











Article 117  Means and taking of evidence

(1)In proceedings before the European PatentOffice the means of giving or obtaining evidence shall include thefollowing:

(a)hearing the parties;

(b)requests for information;

(c)production of documents;

(d)hearing witnesses;

(e)opinions by experts;


(g)sworn statements in writing.

(2)The procedure for taking such evidenceshall be laid down in the Implementing Regulations.



Article 118 Unity of the European patent application or European  patent

Where the applicants for or proprietors of a European patent are notthe same in respect of different designated Contracting States, they shall beregarded as joint applicants or proprietors for the purposes of proceedingsbefore the European Patent Office. The unity of the application or patent in theseproceedings shall not be affected; in particular the text of the application orpatent shall be uniform for all designated Contracting States, unless thisConvention provides otherwise.

119  通知


Article 119 Notification

Decisions, summonses, notices and communications shall be notifiedby the European Patent Office of its own motion in accordance with theImplementing Regulations. Notification may, where exceptional circumstances sorequire, be effected through the intermediary of the central industrialproperty offices of the Contracting States.

120  期限





Article 120 Time limits

The Implementing Regulations shall specify:

(a)the time limits which are to be observedin proceedings before the European Patent Office and are not fixed by thisConvention;

(b)the manner of computation of time limitsand the conditions under which time limits may be extended;

(c)the minima and maxima for time limits tobe determined by the European Patent Office.

121  欧洲专利申请的继续处理





Article 121 Further processing of the  European patent application

(1)If an applicant fails to observe a timelimit vis‑à‑vis the European Patent Office, he may request further processingof the European patent application.

(2)The European Patent Office shall grantthe request, provided that the requirements laid down in the ImplementingRegulations are met. Otherwise, it shall reject the request.

(3)If the request is granted, the legalconsequences of the failure to observe the time limit shall be deemed not tohave ensued.

(4)Further processing shall be ruled out inrespect of the time limits in Article 87,paragraph 1,Article 108 and Article 112a,paragraph 4, as well as the time limits for requesting furtherprocessing or re‑establishment of rights. The Implementing Regulations may ruleout further processing for other time limits.

122  恢复权利







Article 122  Re‑establishment of rights

(1)An applicant for or proprietor of aEuropean patent who, in spite of all due care required by the circumstanceshaving been taken, was unable to observe a time limit vis‑à‑vis the EuropeanPatent Office shall have his rights re‑established upon request if the non‑observanceof this time limit has the direct consequence of causing the refusal of theEuropean patent application or of a request, or the deeming of the applicationto have been withdrawn, or the revocation of the European patent, or the lossof any other right or means of redress.

(2)The European Patent Office shall grantthe request, provided that the conditions of paragraph 1andany other requirements laid down in the Implementing Regulations are met.Otherwise, it shall reject the request.

(3)If the request is granted, the legalconsequences of the failure to observe the time limit shall be deemed not tohave ensued.

(4)Re‑establishment of rights shall be ruledout in respect of the time limit for requesting re‑establishment of rights. TheImplementing Regulations may rule out re‑establishment for other timelimits.

(5)Any person who, in a designatedContracting State, has in good faith used or made effective and seriouspreparations for using an invention which is the subject of a publishedEuropean patent application or a European patent in the period between the lossof rights referred to in paragraph 1 andpublication in the European Patent Bulletin of the mention of re‑establishmentof those rights, may without payment continue such use in the course of hisbusiness or for the needs thereof.

(6)Nothing in this Article shall limit theright of a Contracting State to grant re‑establishment of rights in respect oftime limits provided for in this Convention and to be observed vis‑à‑vis theauthorities of such State.

123  修改




Article 123  Amendments

(1)The European patent application orEuropean patent may be amended in proceedings before the European PatentOffice, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. In any event, theapplicant shall be given at least one opportunity to amend the application ofhis own volition.

(2)The European patent application orEuropean patent may not be amended in such a way that it contains subject‑matterwhich extends beyond the content of the application as filed.

(3)The European patent may not be amended insuch a way as to extend the protection it confers.

124  现有技术的信息



Article 124 Information on prior art  

(1)The European Patent Office may, inaccordance with the Implementing Regulations, invite the applicant to provideinformation on prior art taken into consideration in national or regionalpatent proceedings and concerning an invention to which the European patentapplication relates.

(2)If the applicant fails to reply in duetime to an invitation under paragraph 1,the European patent application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

125  一般原则的参考


Article 125 Reference to generalprinciples

In the absence of procedural provisions in this Convention, theEuropean Patent Office shall take into account the principles of procedural lawgenerally recognised in the Contracting States.

126  (删除)

Article 126 deleted


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