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已有 3059 次阅读 2016-9-11 18:05 |系统分类:科研笔记| 欧洲专利公约




Article 142 Unitary patents

(1)Any group of Contracting States, whichhas provided by a special agreement that a European patent granted for thoseStates has a unitary character throughout their territories, may provide that aEuropean patent may only be granted jointly in respect of all thoseStates.

(2)Where any group of Contracting States hasavailed itself of the authorisation given in paragraph 1,the provisions of this Part shall apply.




Article 143 Special departments of the European Patent  Office

(1)The group of Contracting States may giveadditional tasks to the European Patent Office.

(2)Special departments common to theContracting States in the group may be set up within the European Patent Officein order to carry out the additional tasks. The President of the EuropeanPatent Office shall direct such special departments; Article 10,paragraphs 2 and 3,shall apply mutatis mutandis.



Article 144 Representation before special departments

The group of Contracting States may lay down special provisions togovern representation of parties before the departments referred to in Article 143,paragraph 2.




Article 145 Select committee of the Administrative Council

(1)The group of Contracting States may setup a select committee of the Administrative Council for the purpose ofsupervising the activities of the special departments set up under Article 143,paragraph 2; the European Patent Office shall place at itsdisposal such staff, premises and equipment as may be necessary for theperformance of its duties. The President of the European Patent Office shall beresponsible for the activities of the special departments to the selectcommittee of the Administrative Council.

(2)The composition, powers and functions ofthe select committee shall be determined by the group of ContractingStates.



Article 146 Cover for expenditure for carrying out special  tasks

Where additional tasks have been given to the European Patent Officeunder Article 143,the group of Contracting States shall bear the expenses incurred by theOrganisation in carrying out these tasks. Where special departments have beenset up in the European Patent Office to carry out these additional tasks, thegroup shall bear the expenditure on staff, premises and equipment chargeable inrespect of these departments. Article 39,paragraphs 3 and 4, Article 41 and Article 47 shallapply mutatis mutandis.



Article 147 Payments in respect of renewal fees for unitary patents

If the group of Contracting States has fixed a common scale ofrenewal fees in respect of European patents, the proportion referred toin Article 39,paragraph 1, shall be calculated on the basis of the commonscale; the minimum amount referred to in Article 39,paragraph 1, shall apply to the unitary patent. Article 39,paragraphs 3 and 4,shall apply mutatis mutandis




Article 148 The European patent application as an object ofproperty

(1)Article 74 shallapply unless the group of Contracting States has specified otherwise.

(2)The group of Contracting States mayprovide that a European patent application for which these Contracting Statesare designated may only be transferred, mortgaged or subjected to any legalmeans of execution in respect of all the Contracting States of the group and inaccordance with the provisions of the special agreement.




Article 149 Joint designation

(1)The group of Contracting States mayprovide that these States may only be designated jointly, and that thedesignation of one or some only of such States shall be deemed to constitutethe designation of all the States of the group.

(2)Where the European Patent Office acts asa designated Office under Article 153,paragraph 1,paragraph 1 shallapply if the applicant has indicated in the international application that hewishes to obtain a European patent for one or more of the designated States ofthe group. The same shall apply if the applicant designates in theinternational application one of the Contracting States in the group, whosenational law provides that the designation of that State shall have the effectof the application being for a European patent.










Article 149a Other agreements between  the Contracting States

(1)Nothing in this Convention shall beconstrued as limiting the right of some or all of the Contracting States toconclude special agreements on any matters concerning European patentapplications or European patents which under this Convention are subject to andgoverned by national law, such as, in particular

(a)an agreement establishing a Europeanpatent court common to the Contracting States party to it;  

(b)an agreement establishing an entitycommon to the Contracting States party to it to deliver, at the request ofnational courts or quasi‑judicial authorities, opinions on issues of Europeanor harmonised national patent law;

(c)an agreement under which theContracting States party to it dispense fully or in part with translations ofEuropean patents under Article 65;

(d)an agreement under which theContracting States party to it provide that translations of European patents asrequired under Article 65 maybe filed with, and published by, the European Patent Office.

(2)The Administrative Council shall becompetent to decide that:  

(a)the members of the Boards of Appeal orthe Enlarged Board of Appeal may serve on a European patent court or a commonentity and take part in proceedings before that court or entity in accordancewith any such agreement;

(b)the European Patent Office shallprovide a common entity with such support staff, premises and equipment as maybe necessary for the performance of its duties, and the expenses incurred bythat entity shall be borne fully or in part by the Organisation.



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