David Griggs是澳大利亚莫纳什可持续性研究所(MSI)的主任。他与同事在今年3月份出版的Nature周刊上公布了名为《为了人类和地球的可持续发展目标》(Sustainable development goals for people and planet)的报告,将可持续发展定义为六个全球目标:繁荣的生活和生计、可持续性粮食安全、可持续性水安全、通用清洁能源、健康和高产的生态系统、可持续社会的管理。下面将分别对这6个目标进行介绍:
目标3:可持续性水安全。普遍能获得清洁水和基本卫生条件,通过集成水资源管理保证有效配置。这将有助于达到千年发展目标的健康指标,限制全球水体径流量低于每年4000立方千米,限制流域中减少的流量不超过年平均流量的50 - 80%。
目标4:通用清洁能源。改善通用、便宜的清洁能源,减少当地污染和健康影响,并缓解全球变暖。这有助于联合国致力于发展可持续能源的承诺,以及千年发展目标在教育、男女平等和健康方面的指标。确保至少有50%的把握维持全球气温升高在2°C以内,可持续性指标应该瞄准全球温室气体排放,在2015-2020年达到峰值后,再到2030年前每年下降3–5% ,最终在2050年下降50 - 80%。
Goal 1: Thriving lives and livelihoods. End poverty and improve well-being through access to education, employment and information, better health and housing, and reduced inequality while moving towards sustainable consumption and production.
This extends many targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on poverty, health and urban environments and applies them to developed nations. It should include targets on clean air that build on World Health Organization guidelines for pollutants such as black carbon6; reductions in emissions of stratospheric ozone-depleting substances in line with projections from the Montreal Protocol; critical loads for man-made chemical compounds and toxic materials; and sustainable practices for extraction, use and recycling of scarce minerals and metals and other natural resources.
Goal 2: Sustainable food security. End hunger and achieve long-term food security — including better nutrition — through sustainable systems of production, distribution and consumption.
The MDG hunger target should be extended and targets added to limit nitrogen and phosphorus use in agriculture. Nutrient-use efficiency should improve by 20% by 2020; no more than 35 million tonnes of nitrogen per year should be extracted from the atmosphere; phosphorus flow to the oceans should not exceed 10 million tonnes a year; and phosphorus runoff to lakes and rivers should halve by 2030.
Goal 3: Sustainable water security. Achieve universal access to clean water and basic sanitation, and ensure efficient allocation through integrated water-resource management.
This would contribute to MDG health targets, restrict global water runoff to less than 4000 cubic kilometres a year and limit volumes withdrawn from river basins to no more than 50–80% of mean annual flow.
Goal 4: Universal clean energy. Improve universal, affordable access to clean energy that minimizes local pollution and health impacts and mitigates global warming.
This contributes to the UN commitment to sustainable energy for all, and addresses MDG targets on education, gender equity and health. To ensure at least a 50% probability of staying within 2 °C warming, sustainability targets should aim for global greenhouse-gas emissions to peak in 2015–20, drop by 3–5% a year until 2030, and fall by 50–80% by 2050.
Goal 5: Healthy and productive ecosystems. Sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services through better management, valuation, measurement, conservation and restoration.
This combines the MDG environmental targets with 2030 projections of the Aichi Targets adopted by the Convention on Biological Diversity (see www.cbd.int/sp/targets). Extinctions should not exceed ten times the natural background rate. At least 70% of species in any ecosystem and 70% of forests should be retained. Aquatic and marine ecosystems should be managed to safeguard areas crucial for biodiversity, ecosystem services and fisheries.
Goal 6: Governance for sustainable societies. Transform governance and institutions at all levels to address the other five sustainable development goals.
This would build on MDG partnerships and incorporate environmental and social targets into global trade, investment and finance 4. Subsidies on fossil fuels and policies that support unsustainable agricultural and fisheries practices should be eliminated by 2020; product prices should incorporate social and environmental impacts. National monitoring, reporting and verification systems must be established for sustainable-development targets; and open access to information and decision-making processes should be secured at all levels.
[1] 重新定义可持续发展。http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/redefining-sustainable-development-by-david-griggs/chinese
[2] Policy: Sustainable development goals for people and planet. Nature 495, 305–307 (21 March 2013) doi:10.1038/495305a
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