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英语修辞高峰会——Chapter 2 表示因果关系的句子(by 旋元佑)

已有 7166 次阅读 2011-8-25 20:23 |个人分类:英文写作|系统分类:论文交流| style, 英语修辞, 高峰会

Chapter 2——表示因果关系的句子


Ø  状况一

The reason why he wouldn't go to the wedding is because the bride was once his girlfriend.(不佳)


这个句子的文法修辞问题不止一处。首先,the reasonwhy同样表示「原因」,这种重复在修辞上不够经济,可省去关系词why,或者以连接词that取代,成为:

The reason (that) he wouldn't go to the wedding is because the bride was once his girlfriend.(不佳)

这样修改之后仍不理想,原因之一是the reasonbecause仍 然重复表达「原因」,应再精简。如果把the reason去掉,成为:

That he wouldn't go to the wedding is because the bride was once his girlfriend.(不佳)

如此虽然解决了重复的问题,但是仍不理想,主要是因为 because the bride was once his girlfriend 子句是副词子句的结构,却用在be动词后面作主词补语使用,修饰主词的名词子句 that he wouldn't go to the wedding以副词子句修饰名词类,这是文法上的错误。亦即,because引导的副词子句不应放在be动词后面的补语位置,因为补语的词类应为形容词或名词,方能与主词发生关系。

如果把副词子句的连接词because换成that,就变成名词子 句,符合补语词类的文法要求,成为:

That he wouldn't go to the wedding is that the bride was once his girlfriend.(不佳)

这样一来词类对了,却又产生了修辞的问题。主词是that he wouldn't go to the wedding (他拒绝参加婚礼),补语是名词子句 that the bride was once his girlfriend (新娘曾是他的女友)主词与名词类补语之间要求有全等关系,在修辞上的要求是两者应平行 对称(parallel) 。然而「他拒绝参加婚礼」和「新娘曾是他的女友」 这两件事显然并不能画上等号,而是前者为果、后者为因的「因果关系」。要表达这种关系,最直截了当的方法还是用主要子句与副词子句的复句结构:


He wouldn't go to the wedding because the bride was once his girlfriend.(正确)



The reason he wouldn't go to the wedding is that the bride was once his girlfriend.(正确)

2中是以the reason (他不去的原因)作主词,而以名词子 句that the bride was once his girlfriend (新娘曾是他的女友)作补语。这时候主词与名词补语之间可画上一个全等号,符合修辞上平行对称的要求,所以也是正确的表达。

比较句1和句2,可发现句1比较简洁(字数较少),这是它的优点。句2虽然字数较多,可是能够发挥加强语气的功能 (强调他不去的「原因」何在)既然有特殊的修辞功能,就不能说是冗长,因而也是一个可能的选择。


His refusal to go to the wedding is because the bride was once his girlfriend.



Ø  状况二

The electric car is not yet a practical alternative to the gasoline car, the reason being that there are not many charging stations around.(不佳)

电动车还不是汽油车之外的实际选择,原因在于充电站并不普 遍。

这个句子中,the reason being that...是副词子句 because the reason is that...的减化它的主词the reason与主要子句主词the electric car不同,所以在减化时要保留。这种处理方式在文法上是正确的。然而从修辞上来看,the reason being that...稍嫌冗长,因为:

1. 副词子句减化的结构原本就最常用来表示因果关系,所以从修辞上来看the reason是重复的。

2. being是只有文法功能而无实际内容的字眼。

3. the reason和后面that子句的内容又是一次重复。

所以,the reason being that...这个构造,用字太不经济,不 如用连接词because来取代:

The electric car is not yet a practical alternative to the gasoline car because there are not many charging stations around.(正确)


For the reason that there are not many charging stations around, the electric car is not yet a practical alternative to the gasoline car.(不佳)

for the reason that...的构造中,the reason 与后面 that 子句


Ø  状况三

The crop failed due to excessive rain in the final weeks before harvest.(不佳)


这个句子不好,因为词类有错误。due的词类是形容词,而英文的形容词是用来修饰名词的,只有两种位置可以使用:1.名词词组中,例如(in) due time (〔到了〕恰当的时间)2.补语位 置,例如The books are due.(书到期〔该还〕了 )。在上面的 句子中,用形容词词组due to...来修饰动词failed的原因,是误把形容词当副词用,属于文法错误。可以这样修改:

The crop failed because of excessive rain in the final weeks before harvest.(正确)

此处的because of...是介系词词组,可以当副词来修饰动词 failed。至于duo to...,因为是形容词词组,最恰当的用法是放在 be动词后面当补语使用,例如:

The crop failure was due to excessive rain in the final weeks before harvest.(正确)

Ø  状况四

In that CFC's react with ozone molecules and break them down, a large hole regularly appears in the ozone layer above Antarctica.(不佳)

由于氟氯碳会和臭氧分子起反应并将其分解,南极洲上空的臭氧 层会定期出现大破洞。

有些英文教师,甚至有些文法书籍,把in that等同于because看待,这是错误的。because这个连接词表示的是因果关系,而 in that则用于补充说明,,特别是用来解释它所修饰的句意。上面 这个句子中,两个子句之间是明显的因果关系,应使用because 来连接,成为:

Because CFC's react with ozone molecules and break them down, a large hole regularly appears in the ozone layer above Antarctica.(正确)

至于in that的用法,它是in the sense that的省略。省略掉the sense,是因为它没有内容,所代表的意思完全是后面的同位格 that子句中的叙述。请看这个例子:

The Montreal protocol was a landmark in global environmentalism in (the sense) that it brought together dozens of nations around the world for joint efforts to cut down the emission of CFC's into the atmosphere.(正确)

蒙特利尔公约是全球环保运动重要的里程碑,意思是说它结合了全 世界几十个国家,共同努力减低渗入大气层的氟氯碳量。

in that引导的子句,主要功能在于说明前面主要子句的意思,尤其是解释清楚 a landmark in global environmentalism 这个稍嫌笼统的词是什么意思。这个功能和because表示因果关系的功能不尽相同,不可混为一谈。

Ø  状况五

The CEO's plan of across-the-board wage cuts to meet the financial crisis was defeated because of the concern on the part of the directors of the board over a possibly devastating strike.(不佳)

总栽的全面减薪以共渡财务难关的计划未获采用,因为董事们担 心会引起灾情惨重的罢工。

这个句子从because of开始到句尾为止,是用介系词词组的 形式来解释计划was defeated的原因。这个部分如果还原成副词子句会更好:

The CEO's plan of across-the-board wage cuts to meet the financial crisis was defeated because the directors of the board were concerned over a possibly devastating strike.(正确)

这个句子与前面的句子比较,可以看出它比较短,也比较清楚。because引导的副词子句如果要减化为because of引导的介系词词组,主要目的是要浓缩文字,删掉空洞或重复的字眼以求取简洁。如果副词子句中并无空洞的元素或与主要子句重复的元素,那么勉强减化成介系词词组的结果就会愈改愈长,反而变得更复杂,这时就应选择用子句的型态,不要去减化。再看看下面的例子:

Because he was suffering from a bad cold, he couldn't go to work. (不佳)


这个句子中,由because引导的副词子句,主词he与主要子句主词重复,而且was suffering from这个部分删掉也不会影响句 意,这时把副词子句减化为介系词词组就会有大幅精简的效果:

Because of a bad cold, he couldn't go to work.(正确)

Ø  结语





上一篇:《黛洛维夫人》(MRS DALLOWAY)—企鹅简写版
下一篇:《TIME单挑1000》 时代杂志1000核心单词—3进阶字(by 旋元佑)
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