费小冬 (Foster Fei)分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/fosterfei2 主要研究领域:扎根理论研究方法论



已有 1702 次阅读 2022-11-25 17:50 |系统分类:科研笔记


我也溯了一下源,想知道材料里一些观点的来龙去脉。整个脉络是:中文软文(几乎一字不漏地剽窃了)=< 网络上的英文材料(中的部分说法来源于)=<(洋人A)的博士论文(中的部分说法参考了)=<(洋人B)的文章。那么我就按照这一脉络还原一下。 在还原过程中,我也了解了王颖、@小兔岛、张瑞三位同事对中文软文里部分说法的解读。我想知道,他们的解读是否和我的一样。




“Glaser, while still a student at Columbia University, had fun in the creative ways in which he gained vengeance: writing a paper challenging Merton’s views and sending over 2,000 reprints around the world and submitting his notes from one of Merton’s lectures for peer review in the American Sociological Review and receiving the anonymous feedback that they were ‘reified gibberish.’”

再进一步溯源,这段英文来自于(洋人A)的博士论文(Stoupe, 2020, p.101),其中提到,

“Glaser, while still a student at Columbia University, had fun in the creative ways in which he gained vengeance: 

• writing a paper challenging Merton’s views and sending over 2,000 reprints around the world (Holton, 2011, p. 205) and 

• submitting his notes from one of Merton’s lectures for peer review in the American Sociological Review and receiving the anonymous feedback that they were ‘reified gibberish’ (Holton, 2011, p. 209). ” 

最后溯源到(洋人B)的文章(Holton, 2011, p. 209),源头上是这么写的:

“Indeed, Glaser offers an interesting incident that clearly illustrates his autonomous stance. He describes taking notes in Merton's classes on role theory, then writing up the notes and submitting them to the American Sociological Review for peer review. ‘I did it and was amazed at what others thought anonymously of RKM's theory... I was told it was reified gibberish’(Glaser, 2005b). Whether the reviewers were passing judgment on the master's theory or the student's notes is unclear but the boldness of the submission goes without saying!”


原来,中文软文里的这些以及网络上的英文材料和(洋人A)的博士论文(Stoupe, 2020, p.101)里的“they”指的是默顿的理论。

我自然也会好奇,为什么洋人AStoupe, 2020, p.101)要把“it”改成“they”?英语里的单数和复数没有区别吗?明明源头上说得这么清楚,是“RKM’s theory”,难道是洋人A没看到?

我当然知道,英文写作里的paraphrasing。但是用自己的话来解释他人的观点/说法时,一定要准确无误。还是这里有其它的目的?我问了王颖、@小兔岛、张瑞三个人,他们对这些的解读分别是:是指格拉泽的反驳?我觉得是指  ‘默顿的观点是关于莫顿讲座的一些看法和质疑吧

还有,源头上(洋人B的文章,Holton, 2011, p. 209)明明是在讲格拉泽独立的立场“his autonomous stance”)并举了这一历史事件进行说明,为什么到了洋人AStoupe, 2020, p.101)以及后续的网络英文材料和中文软文这里,就变成了“[格拉泽]报复他人

关于另一历史事件,洋人AStoupe, 2020, p.101)以及后续的网络英文材料和中文软文里是这么说的:他写了一篇质疑默顿观点的论文,并复制了2000份在世界各地分发,这是“[格拉泽]报复他人?干脆把格拉泽的博士论文和发表在Science上的这篇论文都称为报复他人吧,因为他的博士论文也对默顿的理论提出了质疑(Holton, 2011, p. 209)。

我不用猜测洋人AStoupe, 2020)以及后续的网络英文材料和中文软文制造者的动机。你可以不喜欢格拉泽这个人,当然也可以不认同这个方法,但是(洋人A)断章取义,甚至还篡改原文里(洋人B)的说法是令人无法接受的。  


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