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已有 5951 次阅读 2013-7-20 08:16 |个人分类:谈数学|系统分类:教学心得| 儿童, 数学



   Beginning of the Year Math Essay

Over the past few years, I have done a lot of math. I have math at school, math at home, math everywhere. I like math because it is challenging, and could be fun. Math is an essential skill anyway. For example math is often used in engineering, science, accounting, economics, etc., even music! Sometimes though, math can get annoying. Math is fun when it's challenging, but can be frustrating if you can't figure it out. This also cuts your time to do other things.

In math, I think that I did well in things where I had to think. This is usually problem solving, solving equations, etc. Sometimes, I make careless mistakes in some things, such as calculating. Or things like multiplication. In the end, I hope to have learned more things and earn a good grade.

I consider homework as a preparation for a test or, just practice. If I prepare for a test, then I'll probably do well. And if I do well on a test, I get better grades. When taking notes, I don't write a lot. I just write the key point, like, the subject, how to solve problems and extra details if I think the subject might be hard. I will always ask for help when I need it.

One main obstacle is definitely carelessness. Double-checking or just being more careful could solve this. I won't have problems with siblings, but other activities could be organized so I would have time for each. In conclusion, math is a great and essential subject, and I would like to learn as much as I can on it.


他提到了自己粗心的问题。在我看来,这是一个非常严重的问题。我在这个问题上下了很多功夫,专门写了一篇博文:“如何克服粗心的缺点 ─ 坚决克服‘跳步子’的恶习”。这篇博文都写了两年了,他的问题仍然没有解决。现在在暑假里,我从读题开始抓。我的要求是:读题必须用“精读”的方法,而不是“泛读”的方法来读。给他一些不认真读就很容易错的题,让他认识到自己读题不细的问题严重性。思想上认识了,这个问题就可以开始解决了。我的这个办法开始起了效果。

欧阳老师说,《数学是什么》的结果就是《数学 ── 它的内容、方法和意义》。我原来是有这套书的。1994年回国时,我竟然把它连同一大堆数学书按一块钱一本卖掉了。这一卖就卖掉了我献身数学的初衷。其实,我并不后悔。因为大批的数学书,留在国内没用。还不如让它们流入到学数学、干数学的人的手里。


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