氢分子医学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/孙学军 对氢气生物学效应感兴趣者。可合作研究:sunxjk@hotmail.com 微信 hydrogen_thinker



已有 4384 次阅读 2014-2-20 13:41 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:海外观察



氦在物理化学医学和工业上都有重要价值,例如现在常用的核磁共振仪,因为使用超导线圈,这种线圈只能在低温下具备,因此这种线圈实际上就泡在接近绝对零度的液氦中。氦气在潜水技术中有非常重要的价值,人类要潜水超过100米,几乎必须使用氦气才能克服因为空气中的氮的麻醉作用和空气很大的呼吸阻力。最近中国潜水员在实验室实现的480米模拟潜水和海上300米潜水的技术中,关键就需要依靠氦气的帮助实现的。今天《自然》有一篇专门介绍氦气的编者话,引起我的一些注意。“Water, water, every where,/Nor any drop to drink. ”19世纪英国湖畔诗人柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge1772-1834)的诗句,出自他的《古舟子咏》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner),意思是说遇难的海员悲哀地看着海,“到处是水,就是一滴都不能喝”。这种心情可以描述许多物理学家和其他领域的学者对氦气的感觉,因为氦气无处不在,但要获得廉价的氦气用于各种研究和维持研究设备运转相当不容易。特别是当这些科学家知道美国黄石国家公园的地下日夜不停地释放大量氦气这个新发现时,这个感觉尤其会更强烈。


In doing so, Congress overruled an older law requiring that the United States sell off supplies of the gas that it has hoarded since the 1920s — an economic albatross around the neck of the laws of supply and demand that many blame for the current price volatility (see Nature http://doi.org/rkc; 2013).

 The United States is by some distance the world’s largest helium supplier. Yet there is unlikely to be a sensible and affordable way to tap the gas flooding into the atmosphere at Yellowstone. So, the waste is inevitable. Instead of bemoaning it, admire the science it brings. As useful as extracted, processed and packaged helium is to researchers in the lab, the true value of this noble gas for Earth scientists lies in the ground. Subterranean helium is a crucial geophysical tracer and one used, for example, to date groundwater and to track the rise of the continents.

 Around the world, geysers and hot springs bubble this telltale helium to the surface. The ratios of helium isotopes in such escapes provide clues about the characteristics of volcanic activity in the crust and mantle. At Yellowstone, these isotopes help geologists to make sense of a particular super-volcano feature called the Yellowstone hotspot.

 Much of the helium emitted at Yellowstone is helium-4, an isotope produced by radioactive decay of elements such as uranium and thorium in the crust. (The other common isotope, helium-3, is a primordial relic of the formation of the planet.)

 On page 355 of this issue, Jacob Lowenstern and his colleagues at the USGS show that the helium-4 emission rates from Yellowstone exceed any conceivable rate of generation within the crust. Instead, it must have accumulated in the crust underneath Yellowstone for hundreds of millions of years, until the geological carnage of the Yellowstone hotspot allowed it to escape. Perhaps one billion years’ worth has been liberated over the past two million years. And still it comes. As Coleridge said, “The very deep did rot: O Christ!/That ever this should be!”




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