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创新才是硬道理 精选

已有 7755 次阅读 2010-5-21 00:05 |个人分类:新闻评述|系统分类:观点评述| 创新, 山寨

两位老师阐述的很清楚,是从不同角度看待“山寨”和“创新”。在一定阶段,模仿是创新的基础。 我们可能都有体会,写好作文的一种好的方法是看范文,背诵范文,先模仿着做,然后形成自己的风格。在国家初创,经济落后的情况下,我们根本不具备创新的基础,完全自力更生,无异于自取灭亡。但这种“山寨”不能形成习惯,更不能成为文化,模仿要有一定的度,韩健老师说的:恨的不是做山寨的人,而是那些把山寨当成”事业“,当成顶级工作的人,恨那些满足于山寨的人。我想提醒大家的是,外面的天地真的还很广阔,不要满足于山寨,不要让山寨精神磨灭了你真正创新的斗志和决心,更不要因为山寨浪费了你的才能而停滞不前,不去创新了。
我们可能都是山寨文化的受益者,至少是盗版产品的享受者。所以我们有一定理由为山寨文化辩护。我们老百姓经济还不够富裕,还没有足够的经济能力享受正版产品; 我们国家还处于发展阶段,为了国家的安全,我们不得不山寨。其实我们中有 一些人已经摆脱了经济的束缚,可我们还是愿意享受低价的山寨产品。正是我们这种消费习惯助长了畸形的山寨文化。在美国,大部分人也是靠工资吃饭,好多人还是靠国家救济生活,可是你绝看不到我们中国到处盛行的山寨产品,大家也不会或者说不敢任意仿造产品出售。在美国小孩子过生日很流行的一种礼物,苹果公司的iTUNES 储值卡,可以在线购买下载iTUNES里歌曲,每首大概一到两美元,尽管不是很贵,但对我们好多中国人来说,觉得这些美国人是不是太死板,网络上到处是,还需要花钱来买。可正是这样的死板文化保证了美国一直处于科学技术的最前沿,也促使了企业和个人不断创新,推动社会的进步。
最后编译一篇新闻:自动取款机发明人John Shepherd-Barron昨日去世,促使John发明自动取款机的动机,是有一次他需要去银行提取现金时,却发现银行关门。最初,取款机密码是6位数字,但为什么现在是4位?是因为他的妻子抱怨6位数字太多,她只能记忆4位数,所以John又将密码输入革新为4位。正是John的发明创新给全世界无数人带来了方便。

Inventor of cash machine dies at 84 in Scotland

John Shepherd-Barron, Scotsman credited with inventing cash machine, dies at 84

LONDON (AP) -- John Shepherd-Barron, the Scotsman credited with inventing the world's first automatic cash machine, has died after a short illness. He was 84.

Shepherd-Barron died peacefully in northern Scotland's Raigmore Hospital on Saturday, funeral director Alasdair Rhind said Wednesday.

Shepherd-Barron once said that he came up with the idea of the cash dispensers after being locked out of his bank. He also said that his invention was inspired by chocolate vending machines.

"It struck me there must be a way I could get my own money, anywhere in the world or the U.K.," he said in an interview with the BBC in 2007. "I hit upon the idea of a chocolate bar dispenser, but replacing chocolate with cash."

The first automatic teller machine, now known as ATMs, was installed at a branch of Barclays Plc in a north London suburb on June 27, 1967.

Plastic bank cards had not been invented yet, so Shepherd-Barron's machine used special checks that were chemically coded. Customers placed the checks in a drawer, and after entering a personal identification number, a second drawer would spring open with a 10 pound note.

Shepherd-Barron originally planned to make personal identification numbers six digits long, but cut the number to four after his wife Caroline complained that six was too many.

"Over the kitchen table, she said she could only remember four figures, so because of her, four figures became the world standard," he told the BBC.

There are now more than 1.7 million ATMs across the globe, according to the ATM Industry Association.

Shepherd-Barron was awarded an Officers of the Order of the British Empire, or OBE, for his services to banking in 2004 -- 40 years after his invention.

He was survived by his wife, three sons and six grandchildren, Rhind said in a death notice in The Scotsman newspaper.



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