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In Remembrance of Professor Ulrich Goesele, 1949 - 2009

已有 8560 次阅读 2009-11-18 21:39 |个人分类:人物纪事|系统分类:人物纪事

         今天收到MPI-Halle朋友的Email,得知Ulrich Goesele教授本月8日不幸去世,深感震惊。

         Goesele教授是国际纳米研究领域的领军人物之一。我2007年受洪堡基金会资助曾在Goesele教授课题组做过一个月的短期访问。因为之前并不认识教授,觉得他这样的忙人见个面,寒暄几句,过后可能就忘了。没想到Goesele教授名气虽然很大,并没有大架子,待人很和蔼。有什么想法发个Email跟他说一下,不管他是否在研究所内还是世界上别的地方,都会很快回信,告诉你做实验可找谁谁谁等。尤其是,加州大学(UCLA)杜教授去他那儿的时候,他提前一周就告诉我杜教授将在哪个办公室工作,说你 可能有点闷,可跟杜教授好好聊聊。也就是在他那儿,我认识了杜教授,并开始与杜教授合作,现在我们与杜教授合作发表了两篇文章,另有一篇在审稿中。


In Remembrance of Professor Ulrich Goesele, 1949 - 2009

We are shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden death of Professor Ulrich Gösele, director of the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics in Halle, Germany.

After receiving his PhD in 1975 from the University of Stuttgart, Professor Gösele worked as a researcher at the IBM Watson Research Center in the United States, before returning to Germany as an assistant at the Max Planck Insitute for Metals Research, where he completed his habilitation. After being made a full professor at Duke University in North Carolina, he returned to Germany once again, taking a position at MPI Halle in 1993.

Professor Gösele was well known and well respected throughout the entire materials science community, publishing over 400 scientific articles and authoring several comprehensive books, primarily in the field of semiconductors physics and technology and solid state nanostructures. He was also an important figure for our journals, acting as a regular and respected reviewer, and serving on the editorial board of Advanced Functional Materials. Our thoughts at this time are with his family, friends, and colleagues.


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