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Hayflick 对俺批评Cell综述文章的看法

已有 4833 次阅读 2013-6-28 16:29 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:科研笔记| 细胞, Hayflick

Hayflick 对俺批评Cell综述文章的看法


这两天,孙学军老师的系列博文介绍了衰老研究最著名的权威科学家Leonard Hayflick 的天使细胞故事,恰好我们在与《细胞》杂志争辩过程中征求了Hayflick先生的意见,这里贴出与他们通信的部分内容,以及他老人家对俺批评Cell综述文章的看法,以飨读者!


From: Yin Dazhong [mailto:dazhongyin002@126.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 9:17 PM
To: Carnes, Bruce A. (HSC)
Subject: ask for suggestions

 Dear Dr. Carnes

   I am the author who connected aging biochemistry with entropy some years ago (“The essential mechanisms of aging … Exp. Gerontol. 2005, 40, 455-465”). I‘ve now written a brief paper commenting on a review article “The Hallmarks of Aging” published recently in the journal "Cell" (please see attached). May I invite your suggestions and help me to ask Dr. Hayflick’s suggestion on my comments ? (I can not reach him with his announced E-mail address)


   Sincerely Yours,

Dazhong Yin

Tel: 0086 18998982959

E-mail: dazhongyin002@126.com


以下是Bruce 的回信,信中的人名“Len”就是对Leonard Hayflick的爱称:

What a pleasure to hear from you Dazhong! Your paper with Keji Chen is in a folder that I call "Classics". I cite it in almost every paper I write and it has become an important component of my own conceptual framework on aging.

 LenLeonard Hayflick has been talking about molecular entropy for a very long time and so I have no doubt that the two of you share common ground. He can be hard to reach, this does a lot of travel.

 I will read your attachments and see if I can reach Len. I have fairly regular e-mail contact with him and will ask if it is alright to provide his address to you.


Bruce A. Carnes, Ph.D.

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Reynolds Department of Geriatric Medicine

Oklahoma City, OK


Web Page:  http://www.ouhsc.edu/geriatricmedicine/carnes_web/index.html


Greeting Dazhong:

I was able to contact Len and he made the following comments:

The Cell article is unintelligible and typical of a review written by multiple authors each with a narrow understanding of the field who try to knit together their different views.   Choosing the hallmarks of aging, like choosing the hallmarks of development can only result in a biased scattershot selection of the hundreds or thousands of changes known but to what purpose?

 He did say you were right to criticize the piece but "Cell will never publish"

Len has been tied up working with Nature who is doing a profile on him and the work he has done with his cell strain WI-38. He is also been doing video interviews with an organization that interviews famous people at www.webofstories.com.

He wishes you well, but does not have the patience or desire to argue with the editors of Cell, a journal he is not particularly fond of.

I hope I have not offended by taking the liberty to edit your manuscript - see attached.




Bruce A. Carnes, Ph.D.

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Reynolds Department of Geriatric Medicine

Oklahoma City, OK

 Web Page:  http://www.ouhsc.edu/geriatricmedicine/carnes_web/index.html



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