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已有 5136 次阅读 2009-3-19 10:55 |个人分类:爱思信息|系统分类:生活其它





(二)肥胖对身体有害,众所周知。但最近爱思唯尔旗下最有名的医学期刊The Lancet发表研究,把体重与寿命联系起来,BEING four stone overweight can cut three years off a person's life, according to a study. Severely obese people can lose 10 years, researchers found, the same effect as long-term smoking. 详见:

The Daily Telegraph (London)
 March 18, 2009 Wednesday
LENGTH: 289 words
HEADLINE: Overweight by four stone? That's three years off your life
BYLINE: Kate Devlin Medical Correspondent


BEING four stone overweight can cut three years off a person's life, according to a study. Severely obese people can lose 10 years, researchers found, the same effect as long-term smoking.


Almost one in four people in Britain is now obese, official statistics show, and experts predict that the problem will grow in coming decades. The latest research looked at a number of studies of the effect of weight on the lifespan of almost 900,000 men and women.


It found that those with a "normal'' weight, a Body Mass Index (BMI) of between 22.5 and 25 - calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in metres squared - had the lowest death rates over the eight-year period of the studies. Obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or more.


For every five points above a healthy weight, overall risk of death increased by almost one third, 30 per cent, the study found. Jumping an entire five-point BMI band caused death rates from diabetes, liver and kidney disease to increase by between 60 and 120 per cent. Deaths from heart disease and stroke rose by 40 per cent and those from lung disease and cancer by 20 per cent and 10 per cent respectively.


Dr Gary Whitlock, of Oxford University, who led the trial, said: "In countries like Britain and America, weighing a third more than the optimum shortens lifespan by about three years. For most people, a third more than the optimum means carrying 20 to 30kg - 50 to 60 pounds or 4 stone - of excess weight.''


He and his team looked at 57 previous studies. Those with a low BMI also had a higher death rate, mainly due to smoking-related diseases. The research, published online by The Lancet, showed that severe obesity, a BMI of between 40 to 50, while rare, was as dangerous as smoking.
LOAD-DATE: March 18, 2009


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