

FMH专栏征稿 |一带一路国家的功能性食品

已有 1153 次阅读 2024-5-27 19:48 |个人分类:药食同源(英文)|系统分类:论文交流


Functional Foods in the Belt and Road Countries



专栏诚邀埃及国家研究中心Doha A. Mohamed教授、Fathy Mohamed Saber Mehaya 副教授以及中国河南大学马常阳副教授作为专栏特邀主编,埃及国家研究中心Ayman Abdel Aziz Mohammad副教授、Diaa Attia Marrez副教授、Salah Hamza ElMahdy副教授,以及中国东南大学夏惠副教授、河北农业大学王利文副教授作为副主编,指导专栏选题策划、把关论文内容的创新性、科学性,领衔组约高质量研究性论文和能体现最新国内外研究进展、系统性、观点评论性综述论文。





  1. 功能食品的营养成分和健康益处;

  2. 功能食品生物活性化合物及作用机制的研究;

  3. 功能食品生产加工方面的创新;

  4.  功能食品的质量安全;

  5. 药用植物作为功能性食品的潜在资源;

  6. 关于功能食品促进人体健康和预防疾病功效的生物学研究和循证研究;

  7. 从食品和药用植物中提取和鉴定生物活性化合物。


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  2. 投稿截止日期:2025730

  3. 出版日期:20251231

  4. 为确保所有稿件都能正确识别并纳入本专栏,作者在投稿过程中达到“文章类型”步骤时,请务必选择:Functional Foods in the Belt and Road Countries.


Prof. Dr. Doha A. Mohamed, Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry since 2011, graduated from Faculty of Agriculture, Biochemistry Dept., Cairo University in 1991. Awarded the M. Biochemistry. Sc. and Ph.D. from Cairo University in Biochemistry in 1997 and 2001 respectively.
  • Head of the Nutrition and Food Science Department at the Food Industry and Nutrition Research Institute- National Research Centre since July 2018 till now.  
  • Awarded the Scientific Excellence Prize in Advanced Technological Sciences Serving Agricultural Sciences from the National Research Center for the year 2020.
  • Principle investigator, co-principal and member in many national research projects.
  • Member of the Permanent Committee for Biochemistry and Biological Sciences for promotion of assistant professors and professors.  
  • Vice President of the Therapeutic Diets and Dietary Regimen Unit (Special service unit) which obtained ISO 17025 in some analyses.  
  • Published more than 100 research papers in international journals.  
  • Reviewer in many international journals that belong to many international publishers such as Springer, Elsevier, MDPI.  
  • Supervise many PhD and MSc thesis in some Egyptian universities.  
  • Contribute in the many committees of Arbitration PhD and MSC Thesis.  
  • Speaker and organized in many national and international conferences.
  • Member in many National & International Scientific Societies.


Dr. Fathy Mohamed Saber Mehaya ,PhD. He is an Assistant Professor in the Food Technology Department at the Food Industries and Nutrition Institute, National Research Centre, Egypt. He is a highly accomplished Fathy Mohamed Saber Mehaya professional in food science and technology, with research and publications that have made significant contributions to the scientific community. Fathy has demonstrated expertise in food science with over 26 publications in reputable Q1 journals such as Food Chemistry, Heliyon, Food and Drug Analysis, Molecules, Toixcon, and Scientific Reports. His research interests include HPLC method development, food quality, functional food, bioactive compounds, and food product development. He also serves as a reviewer for several highly ranking scientific journals.


马常阳,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,国家食用菌加工技术研发专业中心副主任,河南省食用菌精深加工产业技术创新战略联盟秘书长/专家委员会副主任委员,河南省科技特派员,《Food Science and Human Wellness》和《食品科学》青年编委,《Food Chemistry Advances》编委。主要从事食用菌、中药材等药食两用资源中功能成分的功效评价、机制研究、开发利用等。2019年至2020年,在美国克莱姆森大学陈峰教授团队访学。先后承担国家自然科学基金、河南省重点研发计划、河南省科技攻关项目等;荣获全国商业联合会一等奖1项;在Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition、Food Science and Human Wellness、Food Research International、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、《食品科学》、《农业机械学报》等国内外期刊发表学术论文50余篇;获国家发明专利2项。


Dr. Ayman A. Mohammad, Associate professor of Food Technology Department, NRC since 2021. He is interesting in food technology, especially cereal chemistry and technology i.e. functional bakery products. He had the B.Sc. and Ph.D. in this field; also he was a member of many research projects in this concern since 2004 till now. He has demonstrated expertise in food science with publications in reputable Q1 and Q2 journals such as Heliyon and Scientific Reports. He is also experienced in food analysis including rheological and functional properties, phytochemical analysis, HPLC analysis and antioxidant activity. He is a reviewer for several international journals belonging to renowned publishers like Springer and Elsevier.


Dr. Diaa Attia Marrez, Ph.D.  Agricultural Microbiology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 2015. Associate Professor of Food Safety, Toxicology and Contaminants Department, National Research Centre. Participating in more than 15 Research Projects and reviewer in more than 20 Journals and editor in 3 Scientific Journals . Supervised 7 M.Sc. theses and 4 Ph.D. theses in the field of food safety, microbiology and biochemistry. Participate as attendance and speaker in more than 75 Conferences and Symposiums. Has more than 55 Scientific Publication in fields “food safety, food toxins, marine toxins, biogenic amines, microalgae and toxicology.


Dr. Salah Hamza Elmahdy Salem , Ph.D.  graduated from the Faculty of Science at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2016. Associate Professor of Food Safety, Toxicology and Contaminants Department, National Research Centre. Dr. Salem actively serves as a reviewer for several scientific journals. He has contributed as both attendee and speaker at numerous national and international conferences and symposiums. Dr. Salem boasts several scientific publications in Q1 and Q2 international journals, focusing on various topics such as food safety, food toxins, marine toxins, biogenic amines, microalgae, and toxicology.


夏惠,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,东南大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学系副主任,江苏省营养学会理事,《Food Science and Human Wellness》和《江苏预防医学》青年编委。主要研究方向为营养与慢性病,从事植物化合物、油脂、功能肽等对慢性病的影响及作用机制研究,围绕番茄、枸杞、油脂等对糖尿病、肥胖、非酒精性脂肪肝、肝癌等调控作用研究开展了大量工作。2018年至2019年,在美国塔夫茨大学王向东教授团队访学。先后承担国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金等;在国内外期刊发表学术论文40余篇。


王利文,博士,硕士生导师,河北农业大学食品科技学院副教授,河北省科技特派员,“科创中国”保定青年智库专家,《Food Science and Human Wellness》青年编委,《International Journal of Food Science and Technology》荣誉编委。主要从事食品营养与功能性食品化学,包括淀粉类主食产品加工研究、果蔬加工副产物中天然功能因子功效评价及保健功能食品的开发。博士毕业于新西兰林肯大学,留学期间曾获得国家留学基金委颁发的“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”,新西兰政府机构Riddet Institute Centre颁发的 Research Excellence科研优异奖学金等荣誉。承担国家自然科学基金、河北省自然科学基金春晖人才项目;同时参研国家自然基金区域创新发展联合基金重点项目、国家重点研发计划、河北省重点研发计划等多项国家级、省级科研项目课题。以第一作者或通讯作者在国际重要学术刊物发表SCI论文20余篇,获国家发明专利一项。


上一篇:mLife | 镰刀菌毒素:食品安全的重要威胁
下一篇:专栏征稿 | 炮制对药食同源植物药效物质基础、体内过程和功效活性的影响及作用机理
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