The subset_sum problem has been resolved
Yongjiang Jiang
Email: accsys@126.com
The famous subset_sum problem I have been solved.I designed the program that can establish of arbitrary set's subset. You can download the following software and test it.
You will do that:
1. You can build any set of numbers with the menu item ‘Build set’.You can input any integer whether positive or negative.
2. You can give any number to check it ,that is sum of subset’s members.
3. If you can’t guessed the number.You can Choice the menu item ‘Truth table’ to fund any result.
4.You can choice the the menu item ‘ArryFind’ to seek the subset.
I hope the software interests you.
The guess and verification of the function‘s result is Polynomial time complexity. Therefore we can say: p=np!
201412 5
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