

[SF企业管理国际资料] 焦点解决取向管理12:创造吸引力-奇迹问句

已有 1825 次阅读 2017-8-5 10:52 |个人分类:焦点解决理论|系统分类:海外观察| 高德明, 焦点解决, 爱语焦点, 奇迹问句





奇迹问题似乎是焦点解决工作在任何领域应用的核心板块。尽管它看起来很简单,但它在各种背景下的应用并没有这么容易。在我的来访者中,奇迹问题就不起作用!商人不相信奇迹!这些我们也经常会从同事那里听到。Steve在最近教我们怎样“完整使用此方法”时,经常强调奇迹问题的语用。在他的书中,曾引用弗洛伊德的话“语言本来就是奇妙的… …”(De Shazer 1998),并且建议奇迹问题可能产生的哲学和其他影响。这里,我们集中探讨奇迹问题力量的心理学解释。我们怎样解释它对人们的魔力,以及它为人们朝向目标(不断努力)创造的动力?创造吸引力似乎是一个重要的答案,一些心理学的概念可能会帮助我们解释它为什么起效以及怎样起效。



因此,从焦点解决工作一开始我们学到的就是提问:“你希望是什么样的… …?








格式塔心理学家(Metzger 1999)总是强调细节的重要性,以建立“格式塔”并与他人区分,这对来访者也更有吸引力。在强调使用奇迹问句产生的结果和目标时,我们仍要谨记这些。



Creating Attraction - Is there a hidden secret in the miracle question?

Why the miracle question works and how we can help to make it work


The miracle questions seem to be the central piece of Solution-Focused work in any area of application. While it looks so simple, its usage in various contexts of work does not seem to be as easy. The miracle question does not work with my clients! Business people don't believe in miracles! These are often heard comments we hear from colleagues who start to work in a Solution-Focused manner in their fields. Steve often seemed to emphasize the pragmatics of the miracle question e.g. by recently teaching us how to put it “the complete way”. In his book he quotes Freud's “Words were originally magic...” (De Shazer 1998) and suggests philosophical and other explanations for the kind of impact the miracle question can have. In this session we want to focus on the psychological explanations for the power of the miracle questions. How can we explain the fascination it holds for people and that it creates a motivation to work (and keep on working) towards their goals? Creating attraction seems to be one important answer, and some psychological concepts seem to help us to explain why and how it works.

1.Establishing attraction: Creating a preferred future by distinguishing outcome, effects and benefits.

One of the main concerns of the solution focus is to help our clients to create the kind of future which takes the place of “the problem”, “the symptom” or just “the present state”.

So one thing we learn right from the beginning of Solution-Focused work is to ask the question: “What would you like instead of ...?”

Our efforts are very much geared towards getting concrete and positive descriptions of the desired state that will substitute the present one. “Help the client to make a video description”, Steve always claimed. “If we had a movie of you, what would we see? How would you behave differently?” I would name this very common focus as the result we are aiming for. We all know how to do this by using the well-formed goal criteria. Defining goals should be as concrete as possible so that you (the client) could take steps towards its realization.

Realization is also supported by going into details. “What else is different? What difference does this make? How is your day different?” all these questions focus on details:

-details about actions

-details about influences

-details about effects

-details about resources

Imagine yourself going to a travel agency to plan and book your next holiday trip: brochures and catalogues with pictures of the location, the country and the people help you to make your decision very much. And how much more could a video add to this?

The Gestalt psychologist (Metzger 1999) always emphasized the importance details have in order to build the “Gestalt” and to differentiate it from others and of course to create attraction which means make it attractive to the client. We need to keep this in mind when dealing with the outcome and goal that emphasize the short term consequences of the miracle.


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