


已有 1707 次阅读 2017-7-11 10:19 |个人分类:焦点解决理论|系统分类:海外观察| 前沿书籍



  焦点解决模式中一个最重要的核心元素是:关注当变得更好时有什么不同。这种模式的所有技术(诸如例外提问、关注未来)都指向了差异和其特点(De Shazer1988PP.2)。因此我们可以理解焦点解决模式这个表述最为恰当不过。在焦点解决模式中,所有导向解决问题的努力,都持续聚焦于他们与解决方案相关的行为和积极的差异中,这一过程也被称之解决晤谈。因此,关注积极差异正是这种方法的重点。


  聚焦消极差异常常会导致寻找解决方法变得更为困难:描述问题的员工会预设这些问题一直存在,并且不断重复(如此一来便减少了改变的可能性)。因此,为了增加改变的发生,第一步就是让问题流动起来,这样就能觉察到不同(de Shazer1988, pp. 52)。在这种方式下,行动选择的范围增加了,而关注具体的行为,这也是焦点解决取向的核心元素之一。

  焦点解决模式的许多技术(deJong/Berg 2002, Mahlberg/Sjoblom 2005)能够清楚表明这种聚焦积极差异的模式(如图1所示,以下每一项技术均表明了当处于问题解决过程中应关注的积极差异):



-3. 刻度化:刻度化技术以多种不同的方式得到应用,最常见的方式是:0(问题最糟糕的状态)至10(问题得到解决了)的评量。关于差异游戏在此技术中是非常多样化的,但是积极差异永远是焦点(如,当你从“5”到了“6”你首先会看到什么不一样。)刻度化技术有点像是差异游戏中的梯子de Shazer1994)。








  没有一项技术会分析问题或者事情为什么没有起效,因此也就很难产生挫败、愤怒、麻痹和无力感。每一位实践者通过会议、工作坊、报告等途径了解这些现象,以及明了当持续关注与解决相关的信息时会带来些什么。顺便提一下,我们并不是直接提问解决方案是什么,尽管这在管理领域很常见(“X先生再次获得客户信任的方法是什么?)。这样的提问通常会陷入冷场。我们通过迂回的方式关注积极差异和目标(de Shazer1988, p. 5)。


  不仅关注积极差异,而且也看重行动水平。焦点解决模式有几条元规则(Sparrer 2002, pp.76):










The Principle of “Finding Differences” - what is different when it works?

One of the most important core elements of the solution-focused approach is thefocus on “what is different when it is better?" All techniques of this approach (such as asking about exceptions, Future Perfect...), summarised below, point at the differences and the elements that function (see de Shazer1988 pp.2). And it is exactly at this point where we can see why the expression“solution-focused approach” is justified. Every effort is taken to make all persons involved in solving the problem consistently focus their activities undeveloping information that is relevant to the solution and directed atpositive differences, which is called “solution talk”. And, thus, focusing onpositive differences is at the centre of this approach.

Of course, every practitioner knows that in every-day work, analysing the negative differences often become a main issue. Here people try to find out what happens if things do not work - an approach known as “problem talk”. The side effectsof analysing negative differences are well known: The question “whose fault isit” will be discussed and increases the likelihood of conflict, energy formaking changes gets lost and demotivation spreads, when the details of non-functioning are discussed.

Focusingon differences is also helpful with a phenomenon that often makes finding solutions more difficult: employees describing problems presuppose that these problems are constant, also over time (which reduces any hope for change).Thus, the first step in developing incremental changes is in most cases to"make the problem more liquid" and so to perceive the differences mentioned before (de Shazer 1988, pp. 52). In this way the number of options for action increases and, after all, it is specific actions that are also acentral element of the solution-focused approach.

Figure 1: The pattern of finding “positive differences” of solution-focused techniques


The many specific techniques of the solution-focused approach (see deJong/Berg2002, Mahlberg/Sjoblom 2005) clearly show this pattern of focusing on positive differences (the numbers relating to the individual techniques can be found infigure 1 and exemplify when particular techniques can show positive differences during the problem-solving process):

-1.Exceptions: By asking about exceptions from the problem, specific informationis identified, which happens at those times the problem inexplicably does not,or only slightly, show. In this way, positive differences from the pastreferring to the problem can be detected.

-2.Miracle Question: This “universal technique” for specifying utopias (however,the miracle question is no miracle) or other types such as “Future Perfect”focus on specific details, from which persons involved will see that the problem has miraculously disappeared. The great advantage of this technique isthat the image of a desirable and often even feasible future can be developed without necessarily any reason in the past. Again, specific details of positive differences can be seen.

-3.Scaling: Today, scalings are used in many different ways, mostly in the form ofa scale from 0 (worst state of the problem) to 10 (problem solved). The game with differences here is very colourful, but the positive difference is always the focal point (e.g. where specifically will you first see that you have movedfrom "5" to "6"). Scalings more or less resemble the"ladders" in the game with differences (de Shazer 1994).

-4.Coping questions: These also focus on positive differences, by finding out what people do in order to avoid things getting worse. Even in a very difficult situation, employees take actions to avoid things getting worse - and that is apositive difference.

-5.“Precession Change”: This technique refers to an approach, where clients, the first coaching session, are asked whether there have been any improvements in the meantime. Thus the focus is on those things that show positive change even before the start of the problem-solving process.

-6.The development of “well formed goals”: Developing these refers to specific,small steps described in specific ways of behaviour, in order to start something better or new (and not to end something problematic). Of course, thefocus is on positive differences again.

-7.“Doing something instead” When solving problems, there is often talk of whatshould not be or should not happen. The technique used here is focusing on thealternative (“what should happen instead”).

-8.“Tasks”: Both “observation tasks” and “behavioral tasks” (deJong/Berg 2002,pp110) include either observing positive differences or a specific activity in a positive direction (even if the person concerned just pretends things arebetter).

Therefore, in my opinion, the pattern of focusing on positive differences is present inall techniques described (and several more techniques, such as Reframing couldbe mentioned here). Particularly impressive is the number and variety of techniques, which provide an excellent basis for applications in management. It also becomes clear that the solution-focused approach is a continuous, resource-oriented approach that is possibly one of the most consistent concepts of this kind.

One important effect of focusing on positive differences is also the appreciation inherently linked with this approach. If, when dealing with positive differences, e.g. meeting s are analysed that produced better results, or successful product launches are analysed more closely, the efforts and little successes of those involved are automatically appreciated. The solution-focused approach constantly stresses hat appreciation is not a technique, but a basic attitude. Here it becomes apparent why this sustained effect keeps turning up throughout the approach: it is "built in" with the central principleof focusing on positive differences.

None of these techniques involve analysing the problem and the things that do not work. And so it is much less likely that problem-solving leads to frustration, anger, paralysis and powerlessness. All phenomena every practitioner knows well from meetings, workshops, presentations etc., and which are reduced by consistently focusing on information relevant to the solution. As an aside it should be mentioned that solutions are not directly asked for, which is very common in the world of management (“What is the solution mister X to win backthe customer?). Exactly this question often results in awkward silence. It is the indirect focusing on positive differences and objectives (de Shazer 1988,p. 5), not making a demand for solutions, which makes this possible.

One specific aspect of the approach regarding positive differences has only been mentioned in passing: concentrating on SMALL positive differences. This raises the probability that relevant information is found or created and, of course,also the motivation for starting step-by-step changes, as smaller steps are much more likely to be implemented. Focusing on smaller positive differencesthus simplifies the approach. This simplicity is also a basic principle of thesolution-focused approach (“keep things as simple as possible - but no simpler”A. Einstein).

Positive differences are not just focused on, they are also central on the level of activities. It is mostly the meta-rules (see Sparrer 2002, pp.76) of the solution-focused approach that are helpful here:

“If it works do more of it”

“If it does not work do something different”

The first rule clearly implies a specific, more intensive use of resources (whichas a rule involves little additional cost). "Amplifying what works"is an important basic attitude in solution-focused work, which is made use of frequently. The second principle, by "doing something different"increases the probability - without needing to know the answer - that something else and thus better can happen. In this way, a problematic pattern might bebroken.

The third meta-rule is slightly different in nature and should also be mentioned here: “if it works don't fix it”. Strictly speaking, this principle looks slightly paradox, why indeed should we fix something that is not broken? Inevery-day business life, however, it is in my opinion more and more the casethat employees and especially managers start changing a lot of things and indoing so also change concepts that used to work (often causing unfavourableside effects). Therefore, this principle is often helpful -especially in viewof an economical use of resources.

The question of "doing things" and taking action, however, is not justhere, but in many examples an important aspect (see the various examples alsoin this volume). This is yet another argument in favour of the usability ofthis concept for business practice.

Thus, the central pattern of the techniques of the solution-focused approach can befittingly described as focusing on the small positive differences and translating this into actions. But what does this difference of better/worsethat is so often brought up actually refer to? This leads us to another important aspect of solution-focused work: the interactional view and thus taking into consideration of inter dependencies, which enables a more holistic approach.


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