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(接上回$)2.18. Analytic pairs and analytic neighbourhoods of algebraic singularities. We will use certain analytic notions which we discuss shortly. Strictly speaking we can replace these by purely algebraic constructions, eg formal varieties and formal neighbourhoods, but we perfer the analytic language as it is more straightforward. When we have an algebraic object A defined over C, eg a variety, a morphism, etc, we denote the associated analytic object by A^{an}.
(1) An analytic pair (U, G) consists of a normal complex analytic variety U and an R-divisor G with finitely many components and with coefficients in [0, 1] such that KU + G is lR-Cartier. Analytic log discrepancies and analytically lc, klt, eps-lc singularities can be defined as in 2.2 whenever log resolutions exist. In this paper, we will only need analytic pairs (U, G) which are derived from algebraic pairs with U being smooth.
Two analytic pairs (U, G) and (U', G') are analytically isomorphic if there is an analytic isomorphism, that is, a biholomorphic map vu: U --> U' such that vu*G = G'.
---- “解析配对”:集合U是规范的、复数的、解析的簇,不妨简记为“nca簇”。函数G是R-divisor,具有有限多分量、系数在[0, 1]内、KU + G 构成 lR-Cartier。
---- “解析对数差异”、“解析地 lc, klt, eps 奇异性” 可如 2.2 类似定义,只要“对数解决”存在。(作者强调文内只用到从代数配对派生的解析配对,且“主集合”光滑)。
---- “解析同构”:两个解析配对是“解析地同构的”,是指存在双全纯映射 vu: U --> U' 使得 vu*G = G'. (即 vu(U)=U' 且vu*G=G‘)。看上去有对称性。
(2) Let (X, B) be an algebraic pair over C (that is, a pair as in 2.2), let x∈X be a closed point, and let U be an analytic neighbourhood of x in the associated analytic variety X^{an}. Take a log resolution phi: W --> X and let V be the inverse image of U under phi^{an}: W^{an} --> X^{an}. Then phi^{an}|V is an analytic log resolution of (U, B^{an}|U). In particular, if (U, B^{an}|U) is analytically eps-lc, then (X, B) is eps-lc in some algebraic neighbourhood of x. Conversely, it is clear that if (X, B) is eps-lc in some algebraic neighbourhood of x, then we can choose U so that (U, B^{an}|U) is analytically eps-lc.
---- 主配置(集合):一个代数配对(X, B),一个“闭点” x∈X,一个关联的解析的X^{an},一个x的解析领域U。简记:
U(x)⊂ X^{an} <~ (X, B)
评论:给了代数配对(X, B),就有个X^{an};X里的闭合点x,要放到X^{an}去用(比如,产生解析领域 U)。
加评:闭点 x 似乎是联系 X 和 X^{an} 的“点虫洞”或“点隧道”,将两个集合联系起来。
---- 副配置(映射):取所谓的“log resolution”(某种映射)phi: W --> X,并设想 phi^{an}: W^{an} --> X^{an},并令V是U的逆映射。
评论:可以把 phi^{an} 看做 phi 的(候选的)“解析版”。(看上去,这里头凡是原有的集合/映射,都有对应的“解析版”)。
---- 结果1:phi^{an}|V 构成 (U, B^{an}|U) 的 “analytic log resolution”。
评论:果然,得到了“log resolution”的解析版,即把phi^{an} 局部化(即限制到V上)。
加评:可以把 (U, B^{an}|U) 看做(X^{an}, B^{an})的局部化(限制到x的领域U上)。
---- 结果2: 若 (U, B^{an}|U) 是 AE-范儿,则 (X, B) 在 x 的某个代数领域是 E-范儿。
---- 结果2':若 (X, B) 在 x 的某个代数领域是 E-范儿,则可选取 U 使得 (U, B^{an}|U) 是 AE-范儿。
---- 小结:为了考察原版配对(X, B)的局部性状,可转到局部化的解析版;反之亦可。(应该是有“好处”,待体会)。
(3) Now let (X, B) and (X', B') be algebraic pairs over C, let x∈X and x'∈X' be closed points, and let U and U' be analytic neighbourhoods of x and x', respectively. Assume that (U, B^{an}|U) and (U', B'^{an}|U') are analytically isomorphic. Then (X, B) is eps-lc in some algebraic neighbourhood of x if and only if (X', B') is eps-lc in some algebraic neighbourhood of x'. Note that it may well happen that (X, B) and (X', B') are not algebraically isomorphic in any algebraic neighbourhoods of x and x'. For example, the two pairs (lP^2, B) and (lP^2, B') have isomorphic analytic neighbourhoods where B is an irreducible curve with a node at x but B' is the union of two lines intersecting at x'.
---- 主配置(集合):取复数域上的 代数配对、闭点、解析领域 各两套。
---- 副配置(映射):假设两套代数配对的 局部化解析版 是同构的。
---- 结果:(X, B) 局部E-范儿 等价于 (X', B') 局部E-范儿。
---- 提示:两套代数配对可以在 x 和 x' 的任何代数领域里都不是解析同构的。
---- 例子:(想说明什么?)
* * *
温习 ~
* 上次$的第三个条件要求两个集合的交为空(或至多有一个交点),让人联想到“异面直线”或“垂直”。
---- 此条件是一种形式的“方”(在汉字中,“方”起源于古代人“导航”的办法,与垂直有关)。
* 刚才想起,前一、二年自发地想到两个半“高观点”:“对称”、“无冗余” 和 “眼前”(即数学中的“普遍追求”),也许可以把“方”归入“无冗余”。
---- 刚好,最近又形成一个观念:“方成于法,法现于方”。所以推测第四个条件该是“法”(汉字中的“法”表示“去除不直”,这样就只能是“直线”或“线性”)。
---- 于是,后两个条件合起来,简称为“方法”。也许“法”可以归入“对称”。(或者反过来,把“无冗余”和“对称”归入“方”和“法”,这样更整齐)。
* 昨天的结果:就某个关键属性而言,某物和它的像是一回事。这样的好处是,或许从像这边“下手”会容易一些(映射来、映射去,或有所图)。
---- 这个结果也许可以归入“对称”(或曰“法”)。
---- 又,正在学习的这篇文章,目的是证明某种无限事物的“有界性”(某种形式的“方”),而昨天的结果落在“法”上,按照“方成于法”的观念,后面该会和“方”发生作用。
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