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翻译:开始新的一天的33种方法(中英文) --2

已有 4920 次阅读 2012-2-2 18:32 |个人分类:译海泛舟|系统分类:人文社科| 一日之计在于晨

11. Forgive Somebody 原谅某个人


Let go. Forgive and forget. Mornings are very good for that because you have so little inference from the outside world, only your own mind and personal history. Does it really matter that much? Feeling that grudge and anger towards somebody who hurt you? Yes, he hurt you, but it really matter that much? Forgiving somebody as the first thing in the morning makes me want to conquer the world the very next minutes. And it works really well with forgiving yourself too.




12. Think For 5 Minutes At Someone You Love 5分钟想你所爱的人

Again, that person may be your family, someone you loved at some point in your life or someone who just appeared. Keep that person in mind, imagine having a conversation or doing something together. Create an internal representation of a desired bond. Not only it will actually attract that person towards you (somehow) during the day, but what you think in those moments will add up to the relationship in a very mysterious way. It’s like what you think it’s already happening.


那个人可能是你的家人,也可能是你生命长河的某个点上所爱过或者出现过的某个人。在头脑中想像那个人,想像着与他/她交谈或是一起做某事的场景。为你所渴望的这种关系建立一种内在的联系. 这不仅可以在当天吸引那个人靠近你,而且此刻你之所想将以非常神秘的方式巩固你们之间的关系,这就好比你所想像的一切已经正在发生。


13. Read A Poem读一首诗

Poetry, or any form of art, talks to your irrational mind. Usually, your morning is cluttered with rational thoughts and activities: get up and ready for the job, prepare the kids, get the morning tasks solved. Talking to your irrational mind will break this circuit, but it will do it creatively. For instance, my favorite morning poem is “If”, by Rudyard Kipling. Every time I read it, even if the day is packed with difficult tasks, somehow, I find the energy and right attitude to get over them. Totally irrational.




14. Make Coffee or Tea For Your Partner 为你的伴侣调一杯咖啡或泡一杯茶

I like this whole beverage ritual in the morning, I think it has something to do with deeply buried recollections of religious rituals we humans, as a species, performed during the history. There’s something sacramental about preparing the water, making fire, putting the right amount of tea or coffee. It’s like asking gods for benevolence. Only this time is not about gods, it’s about your partner. Paving your road through today with your partner blessing.




15. Write A Thank You Letter写一封感谢信

You don’t have to send it, just write it. When I first experienced this I had a little bit of a shock. I realized I don’t know how to do it. And for whom. That was a sad shock. Not having somebody to say “thank you” in your life can bring in quite a sorrow. So, be sure to start at least one of your mornings with a “thank you” letter. Bring to the light people or events you are thankful for. If you say “thank you” to something first thing in the morning, you’re inviting those specific type of events into your life.




16. Take A Day Off From Your Job休假一天

And use the rest of the day for yourself. Even if you’re self employed, or especially if you’re self employed, take a day off. And start it clean, from the early morning. Those free days are somehow bigger when I decide to have them unexpectedly. If I start my morning with the clear decision to take the day off, something very strange will happen: my businesses will run smoother without me. My blog traffic will spike. It’s like too much work means getting in the way of your own success.

把休假这一天的时间留给自己。即使你是自己当老板,尤其是自己老老板,请给自己放一天假,而且从大清早就可以给自己放假。当我决定给自己放假时,那些自由的日子变得似乎更重要了。如果我早上明确决定给自己放假一天,某些奇特的事情可能发生了--没有我,我的生意仍然运转顺利。My blog traffic will spike.就像太多的工作意味着对你的成功是一种障碍一样。


17. Do Some Crafting For 5 Minutes5分钟当匠人

If you’re a man, fix something, replace a light bulb or use your screwdriver to harden some piece of furniture. If you’re a woman, modify some clothes. (Later update: You can do it the other way around, if you really think this is a sexist approach – read the related comments below. And please, get over it  it’s just a simple example, I never thought, nor do I will, that because you’re a woman or a man you should do ONLY a certain type of things. Are we cool now?) Just do something with your hands, without any preparation, in the morning silence. In a very surprising way, this morning crafting will unfold some new opportunities. You can find a solution to an old problem or you will solve something for somebody else. It’s like this morning crafting will actually make you craft the rest of your entire day.

如果你是男人,就修理东西,换灯管,或者用螺丝刀拧紧家里的一些零部件;如果你是女人,可以改改衣服。在静静的早上,你只管用你的双手做事,不用做任何准备。早上花工夫做的这些事将会以令人惊异的方式为你展现新的机遇,你可能为一个老问题找到了新的解决方案,或者你为其它人解决了某个问题。就像这个早上一样, crafting will actually make you craft the rest of your entire day.


18. Learn A New Word In A Foreign Language学一个外语新单词

Just one word. Every morning, for several weeks. I used to learn some hiragana and katakana only in the morning (and that proved really interesting during my first trip to Japan). It forces your brain to find parallel ways to solve problems and your body to stay focused on a small problem from the very beginning of the day. Again, in a very strange way, learning a new foreign word each morning makes me dream about foreign lands. Which is quite a way to start your day.



19. Imagine Your Morning in a New Country想像在一个新的国度的某个早晨你会是什么样子

How your morning will be in New Zealand? Or in Thailand? Or in Austria? If you’ve ever been there, try to remember the smells, the air, the noises. Waking up in a different country every morning might be a fantastic experience (I might do this one day, by the way). If you’ve never been there, just try to imagine your morning there. After spending 5 minutes in a distant country, getting back to your actual day will feel like coming home from a long trip. Which is, partially, true.



20. Go For A Short Walk慢步一会儿

Like the first thing in the morning, before even having breakfast. Breathe the air, look at the neighborhood. Watch the morning light and hear the noises. Move around. When you got home, your day will be different. This short walk often acts like setting up the scene for something I want to happen. Walking around alone, before igniting the day, makes me feel like a director inspecting the stage. Everything looks cool, let’s make a great film today.


邱敦莲译自 http://www.dragosroua.com/33-ways-to-start-your-day/


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