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翻译:开始新的一天的33种方法(中英文) --1

已有 4941 次阅读 2012-2-2 17:34 |个人分类:译海泛舟|系统分类:人文社科| 计划, 清晨

Mornings are underrated. I consider them fundamental for the whole diurnal experience. What you do in the very first moments of your morning will fundamentally and inexorably shape your entire day. Most of the time you spend your mornings by routinely performing some habits, on auto pilot. Hence, your days will routinely unfold towards you, the same way day after day, on auto pilot.


人们往往低估清晨的重要性(中国古语有”一日之计在于晨”,说明清晨是非常重要的译者注)). 我认为清晨做什么对一个人的全天都有重要的影响.早上睁眼后你所做的事情将从根本上决定着你全天的工作成效. 大多数时候, 你都按部就搬地依照习惯度过你早上的时光. 因此, 你的日子也就一成不变地一天天过去, 日复一日,年复一年.

Consciously inserting your intentions in these very first moments will have a huge effect. Taking charge of those moments it’s like activating some subtle, unconscious triggers which will ultimately determine your whole daily experience, exactly the way you want. Mornings are fundamental. This is why I experimented a lot with my very first moments of the day.

如果你从清晨睁眼就开始有意识地做一些事情,这将会产生非常巨大的影响. 抓住这片段的时光,会像激活了某个微妙的、潜意识的机关一样,它们最终将决定你在整个全天的所有体验,那正是你所想要的一切。一日之计在于晨。那就是我为什么在每天一开始的第一时间就进行这么多体验的原故。


Here are at least 33 ways in which you can transform your days by only spending 5 minutes every morning.



1. Write In Your Journal 写日记

I love the morning stillness and the unspoken promise of something ready to start. Mornings are fantastic for journaling. Whenever I do it, I feel like I already consumed several hours from that day and yet I'm only at the very beginning of it. Journaling acts like a mind emptier and out of nowhere I feel energized and ready to go. Not to mention that in the morning I have less inhibitors and my journaling is far more authentic.



2. Enjoy The Morning Silence享受清晨的静谧

And do nothing. Just feel the silence and let it spread over your mind and body. I'm fascinated by all the little noises that are born from that morning silence: from my familiar house noises (wife and daughter waking up, steps, windows, doors) up to the neighborhood noises (car engines, low voices, small buzz). Everything starts in that silence and sometimes I think that if I focus enough on it I could actually predict, or even create all those little noises.



3. Be Grateful For Something 5 Minutes 感恩5分钟

Point your mind to something you're really grateful for and stay there. Might be your family, your wealth, your health or just your present moment. Feel grateful for it. There's nobody between you and that thing, there's nobody watching or listening. You're free to feel grateful and happy. And then start your day as usual. It's only 5 minutes, yet the impact of such a day starter is overwhelming: whenever I'm doing it I feel like walking 2 centimeters above the road for the entire day.

将你的思绪带到让你真正感激的某个事物或者某件事上并停留在那里,你要感恩的可以是你的家庭,你的健康,或者仅仅是你现在的片刻.感恩吧!在你和你要感激的对象之间没有任何人的干扰,没有人在看着你或者听你说什么.你可以自由地感受感恩的心情和那种幸福感,然后像往常那样开始你新的一天.只需要花5分钟,然后,这对你全天的影响是无法估量的--每次我这样做了以后,我都会感觉我走了2 centimeters above the road for the entire day.(英文原文可能有问题--译者注)

4. Open Windows打开窗户

Regardless of the current season. If it's cold outside, even better. Open your bedroom windows, your living room windows, your kitchen windows. Let the fresh air inside, welcome the small buzz of the city waking up, silently watch the last forces of the night walking away. Let yourself be refreshed. The yesterday you is no longer there and the today you is slowly getting in shape. Those open windows will unconsciously allow you to receive change and novelty with much more ease during the day.


5. Throw Away A Useless Object 扔掉无用的东西

You're going to spot it pretty easily if you put your mind to it. It often happens to me to stumble upon unneeded stuff in my house during the early morning. If it's a chair staying in my way, maybe its place is not in my house. Maybe it's a piece of paper or a wrecked device. I find joy and a subtle enthusiasm in throwing away things that are only cluttering my space, and doing it first thing in the morning makes it even more powerful.

如果你有心的话,你会发现扔掉无用的东西是相当容易的。我常常早晨在房间里碰到不需要的东西。如果是一把挡道的椅子,有可能它就不会在我房间里了。也许只是一个纸片或者是一个坏了的设备。扔掉这些无用而又占用我空间的东西,我有一种快感和微妙的热情(subtle enthusiam)。

6. Help Somebody 帮助某人

Write an answer to an old question, do part of a small chore, move an object out of somebody's way. No need to be huge or visible. Just keep in mind the intention of being helpful immediately to somebody else. During the morning your mind is far more clear and you have access to more energy than usual. Hence, your helping activities will be much more effective if you decide to do them as the first thing after you wake up.


7. Meditate For 5 Minutes 沉思5分钟

Empty  your mind and isolate from your environment. Focus on your breathe. If there are thoughts coming in your way, acknowledge their presence and then kindly ask them to go away. Meditating in the morning is easier, there are fewer perturbing factors. Even after a good sleep, your mind is still trying to find answers, to solve problems, to fight or resist. Do yourself a simple, yet solid service and pack your morning time with an extra meditation on top.


8. Think How To Help Somebody During The Day 想想当日如何去帮助他人

This is different from number 6 in terms of the actual time of the helping act. Now you're planing how to help somebody during the day, you're visualizing the context and try to find a specific time in your schedule for this helping act. Again, doesn't have to be huge, a piece of advice, facilitating something or a small gift. The mere act of planing how to help somebody will change the course of your entire day.


9. Exercise 锻炼身体

Like in getting physical. I'm not doing this every single day, but I'm  doing it often enough. A part from your brain there is  a body, too. A collection of joints, muscles and bones. And in order to be balanced you have to take care of those too. The good news is that your body has a feedback mechanism for the good things you do to it: it's called endorphins. Every time you start your day with a decent workout (1.(尤指体育的)训练;赛前集训(时间) 2.  锻炼), you'll be blessed with a decent rush of endorphins. Usually, it lasts until evening.


10. Spend 5 Minutes In The Garden  在花园里呆5分钟

Alternatively, spend some times near your flowers,or your terrace. Just be outside in the first minutes of the day, trying to breathe the fresh air and feel the vibe of the green life. Clear you mind and open your senses. Let your awaken body to synchronize with this frequency and don't start the day until you completely immersed in this flow for at least 5 minutes. I seldom run into a fight or even got closer to some aggressive scene when I start my day like this.


邱敦莲译自 http://www.dragosroua.com/33-ways-to-start-your-day/


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