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已有 2123 次阅读 2022-9-18 08:17 |个人分类:Scientific Translation|系统分类:科普集锦



The Elusive Future of San Francisco’s Fog



John Branch, a Times reporter based in the Bay Area, and photographer Nina Riggio spent months chasing fog in and around San Francisco. Scott Reinhard, a Times graphics editor, worked with researchers to visualize decades of fog data.

Sept. 14, 2022


SAN FRANCISCO — It was the first morning of summer, the start of fog season. But the sky above the Golden Gate Bridge remained clear and blue.

Chris Dzierman, a bridge painter and foreman, looked to the west. Near the horizon, where water usually meets sky, a thick fog bank lurked. He wondered if and when it would roll in, as fog usually does on summer afternoons, smothering the bridge and beyond in wind and whiteness.

金门大桥油漆工兼工头克里斯·齐尔曼(Chris Dzierman)向西看去。在地平线附近,通常是水与天空相遇的地方,潜伏着厚厚的雾堤。他想知道雾是否会涌进来,以及什么时候会涌进来,就像夏天午后的雾通常会涌进来那样,让桥梁和更远的东部消失在风和白色中。


“It could last three minutes or three hours,” Mr. Dzierman said. “It’s fog. It’s got a mind of its own.”

“它可能持续三分钟或三小时,”齐尔曼先生说。 “雾,有它自己的打算。”


Every summer, fog breathes life into the Bay Area. But people who pay attention to its finer points, from scientists to sailors, city residents to real estate agents, gardeners to bridge painters, debate whether there is less fog than there used to be, as both science and general sentiment suggest.



The ecological, economic and social effects of fog are profound, perhaps no more than in Northern California. Changes would be life-altering. But understanding fog is one of science’s toughest tricks. Quantifying the changes and determining possible causes, including global warming, is climatology’s version of chasing ghosts.



That day on the bridge, computer models predicted the fog would push through the Golden Gate in an hour or two. Mr. Dzierman trusts his gut. He had a hunch it would stay away, defying the familiar summertime cycle.

那天的计算机模型预测雾将在1~2个小时内穿过金门。 Dzierman 先生更相信自己的直觉。他有一种预感,雾不会东进,它会偏离人们熟悉的夏季雾的周期。


Just then, a slight breeze, an invisible puff of chill, the kind you might get by opening the freezer door.



“Feel that?” he said, inhaling deeply. “Mother Nature’s air-conditioning. Yeah, that feels good.”

“感觉到了吗?”他说,深深地吸了口气。 “大自然的空调。是的,感觉超好。”


It was a tease.



The day remained gloriously sunny, unusually hot and fog-free, the kind of San Francisco summer’s day that some fear is becoming more frequent. The bridge’s five fog horns went unused, for now.

那一天,始终阳光明媚,异常炎热,无雾,是那种让人担心变得越来越频繁的旧金山的热乎乎的夏天。大桥的五个雾角(fog horns)都没有被拉响。


While coastal fog isn’t unique to the California coast, few places in the world are so deeply associated with the ethereal movements and cooling spritz of fog’s peek-a-boo routine. Fog pours through the Golden Gate and crawls up and down the wrinkled hills of the city and the nearby coast. It cloaks and chills. Millions are affected by it, if only by the invisible cool breezes that presage the fog’s arrival.



Fog is why one neighborhood is notoriously chilly, another is surprisingly sunny, and the airport is where it is. It is why realtors talk about neighborhood fog patterns as much as square footage and schools. It is why fewer than half of Bay Area residents have air-conditioning, and partly why they use less water than most Americans.



Summer fog is why the mighty coastal redwoods grow where they do, surviving California’s dry season thanks to refreshing gulps of cold, wet air. It is why, until recently, few people worried about wildfires along the coast.



In June, July and August, as most of the Northern Hemisphere, and most of California, feels the full force of summer heat, the average daily high in San Francisco is below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, or about 21 Celsius, coolest of any major city in the continental United States.

在 6 到8 月,北半球的大部分地区和加州的大部分地区都感受到夏季炎热的威力,而旧金山的平均每日最高温度低于 70 华氏度,或约 21 摄氏度,是所有美国大陆主要城市中最凉爽的。


Fog is a companion, part of the rhythm of summertime, flitting in and out of lives like a family member. But it does more than astonish ill-prepared tourists and dazzle photographers and poets. It nourishes the natural world. It enriches the area’s cultural identity. It might even be an untapped resource in California’s growing anxiety over water.




Which is why a decrease in California’s coastal fog, or the prospect of it disappearing entirely one day, is not a sunny proposition, particularly in and around San Francisco Bay.




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