Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor



已有 1631 次阅读 2022-8-22 16:13 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦







在那同时,年轻人20出头,就开始掉头发。年轻人爱美,也敢想敢干,自己找皮肤科医生。我才知道,年轻男性可以通过控制荷尔蒙保住美发。[Research has found that male pattern baldness is associated with male sex hormones called androgens. Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) is an oral medication that slows hair loss in some men. It works by blocking the production of the male hormone responsible for hair loss. Finasteride has a higher success rate than minoxidil. When you stop taking finasteride, your hair loss returns.具体的网上都有,包括副作用,等等。]



An Old Medicine Grows New Hair for Pennies a Day, Doctors Say

(GT: 医生说,一种老药每天只需几美分就能长出新头发)

Dermatologists who specialize in hair loss say that the key ingredient in a topical treatment worked even better when taken orally at a low dose.






Meanwhile, the effect of minoxidil on hair loss prevention was so clear that in the 1980s physicians were prescribing Loniten off-label to their balding patients.[47]

In August 1988, the FDA approved the drug for treating baldness in men[47][51] under the brand name "Rogaine" (FDA rejected Upjohn's first choice, Regain, as misleading[52]). The agency concluded that although "the product will not work for everyone", 39% of the men studied had "moderate to dense hair growth on the crown of the head".[52]

In 1991, Upjohn made the product available for women.[51]

On February 12, 1996, the FDA approved both the over-the-counter sale of the medication and the production of generic formulations of minoxidil.[47] Upjohn replied to that by lowering prices to half the price of the prescription drug[51] and by releasing a prescription 5% formula of Rogaine in 1997.[47][53] In 1998, a 5% formulation of minoxidil was approved for nonprescription sale by the FDA.[54] The 5% aerosol foam formula was approved for medical use in the US in 2006.[55][56] The generic versions of the 5% aerosol foam formula were approved in 2017.[57][58]

In 2017, JAMA published a study of pharmacy prices in four states for 41 over-the-counter minoxidil products which were "gender-specified." The authors found that the mean price for minoxidil solutions was the same for women and men even though the women's formulations were 2% and the men's were 5%, while the mean price for minoxidil foams, which were all 5%, was 40% higher for women. The authors noted this was the first time gender-based pricing had been shown for a medication.[59]


Low-Dose Oral Minoxidil Deemed Safe for Hair Growth

(低剂量 口服米诺地尔 被认为 对头发生长是安全的)

Jun 4, 2021


The authors proposed the following dosing for LDOM (low-dose oral minoxidil) based on response and tolerability:

  • Females: Starting dose of 0.5 mg/day followed by 0.25 mg increments every 3 months up to a maximum dose of 2.5 mg/day.

  • Males: Starting dose of 2.5 mg/day followed by 1.25 mg increments every 3 months up to a maximum dose of 5 mg/day.

Study limitations included its retrospective nature, lack of a control group, and lack of recording of patient comorbidities.


长话短说,口服米诺地尔是一种治疗高血压的药(10 ~40 毫克/天)。它的副作用之一是“头发/体毛增生”。




女性起始剂量为 0.5 毫克/天,然后每 3 个月增加 0.25 毫克,最大剂量为 2.5 毫克/天。

男性起始剂量为 2.5 毫克/天,然后每 3 个月增加 1.25 毫克,最大剂量为 5 毫克/天。
但是,我比较敏感,所以,我可能会从0.25 毫克/天开始。
我相信,在中国,非常容易开出这种处方。如果是2.5 毫克一片药,女性需要用切药片的刀,
切几份。(我不知道有没有0.5 毫克一片的。)
Good luck!

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