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纳米奥巴马拉开理文编辑纳米技术主题周序幕—— 5月17日敬请期待

已有 3947 次阅读 2010-5-13 09:54 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:论文交流| 纳米技术, 理文编辑, 主题周

Nin men hao!

This is Stewart Dods from LiwenBianji. My Chinese name is 丁丁

Previously, we have posted helpful advice for Chinese authors wishing to report their research in English language journals. Starting next week, we are going to hold a week-long event focused on a specific field of science. The events will include interesting articles and interviews, recent news and hot papers and reviews of the best journals to submit to and online resources.

From 17th May to 22nd May we will hold our first theme week for the field of nanotechnology. Key items to watch out for during this week include:

- China poised to take the lead in nanotechnology

- An interview with Mark Reed the Chief Editor of IOP Nanotechnology

- Nanotechnology journals review

To celebrate the forthcoming nanotechnology theme week I leave you with the nanobamas. The portraits each contain about 150 million carbon nanotubes and are barely visible to the naked eye.The nanobamas were created by Professor John Hart and his team at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan. More nano art images by them can be found at http://www.nanobliss.com/.


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