Yoshinori Ohsumi
北京时间10月3日下午5点30分,2016年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖揭晓,日本科学家大隅良典(Yoshinori Ohsumi)获奖。获奖理由是“发现了细胞自噬机制。”
数据来源 http://www.pubmedplus.cn/
22. langley park 1 篇0.685% 29. saint-jean-de-la-ruelle 1 篇0.685% 30. saint-pierre-des-corps 1 篇0.685% 01. Ohsumi Y 146 篇100.000% 05. Nakatogawa H 25 篇17.123% 07. Mizushima N 20 篇13.699% 09. Yoshimoto K 13 篇8.904% 12. Yoshimori T 10 篇6.849% 13. Kondo-Kakuta C 9 篇6.164% 24. Sakoh-Nakatogawa M 6 篇4.110% 36. Kondo-Okamoto N 4 篇2.740% 01. national institute for basic biology 40 篇27.397% 04. 日本科学与技术公司(jst) 4 篇2.740% 05. japan science and technology corporation 3 篇2.055% 10. 东京都临床医学综合研究所 2 篇1.370% 16. max planck institute of colloids and interfaces 1 篇0.685% 17. riken plant science center 1 篇0.685% 01. autophagy 111 篇76.027% 02. saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins 96 篇65.753% 03. saccharomyces cerevisiae 89 篇60.959% 04. microtubule-associated proteins 43 篇29.452% 05. phagosomes 36 篇24.658% 07. molecular sequence data 25 篇17.123% 09. protein transport 24 篇16.438% 10. amino acid sequence 23 篇15.753% 11. protein binding 23 篇15.753% 12. crystallography, x-ray 21 篇14.384% 13. protein structure, tertiary 20 篇13.699% 14. vesicular transport proteins 19 篇13.014% 15. membrane proteins 17 篇11.644% 16. carrier proteins 16 篇10.959% 17. models, molecular 16 篇10.959% 18. protein kinases 15 篇10.274% 21. arabidopsis 12 篇8.219% 22. cell membrane 12 篇8.219% 23. intracellular membranes 12 篇8.219% 24. microscopy, fluorescence 12 篇8.219% 25. phosphatidylethanolamines 12 篇8.219% 26. green fluorescent proteins 11 篇7.534% 27. sequence homology, amino acid 11 篇7.534% 28. mitochondria 10 篇6.849% 30. aminopeptidases 9 篇6.164% 31. arabidopsis proteins 9 篇6.164% 32. crystallization 9 篇6.164% 33. phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases 9 篇6.164% 34. protein conformation 9 篇6.164% 35. protein structure, secondary 9 篇6.164% 36. signal transduction 9 篇6.164% 37. ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes 9 篇6.164% 38. fungal proteins 8 篇5.479% 41. binding sites 7 篇4.795% 42. microscopy, electron 7 篇4.795% 43. models, biological 7 篇4.795% 44. multiprotein complexes 7 篇4.795% 45. protein-serine-threonine kinases 7 篇4.795% 46. receptors, cytoplasmic and nuclear 7 篇4.795% 47. time factors 7 篇4.795% 50. gene expression regulation, fungal 6 篇4.110% 01. saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins 96 篇65.753% 02. microtubule-associated proteins 43 篇29.452% 03. atg8 protein, s cerevisiae 30 篇20.548% 04. vesicular transport proteins 19 篇13.014% 05. membrane proteins 17 篇11.644% 06. carrier proteins 16 篇10.959% 07. protein kinases 15 篇10.274% 09. atg1 protein, s cerevisiae 13 篇8.904% 10. phosphatidylethanolamines 12 篇8.219% 11. green fluorescent proteins 11 篇7.534% 13. phosphatidylethanolamine 10 篇6.849% 14. aminopeptidases 9 篇6.164% 15. arabidopsis proteins 9 篇6.164% 16. atg3 protein, s cerevisiae 9 篇6.164% 17. phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases 9 篇6.164% 18. ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes 9 篇6.164% 19. atg11 protein, s cerevisiae 8 篇5.479% 20. atg12 protein, s cerevisiae 8 篇5.479% 21. atg16 protein, s cerevisiae 8 篇5.479% 22. fungal proteins 8 篇5.479% 24. lap4 protein, s cerevisiae 7 篇4.795% 25. multiprotein complexes 7 篇4.795% 26. protein-serine-threonine kinases 7 篇4.795% 27. receptors, cytoplasmic and nuclear 7 篇4.795% 28. atg7 protein, s cerevisiae 6 篇4.110% 29. phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate 6 篇4.110% 30. phosphatidylinositol phosphates 6 篇4.110% 31. receptors, cell surface 6 篇4.110% 32. recombinant fusion proteins 6 篇4.110% 33. adaptor proteins, signal transducing 5 篇3.425% 34. cysteine endopeptidases 5 篇3.425% 36. phosphoric monoester hydrolases 5 篇3.425% 37. ubiquitin-protein ligases 5 篇3.425% 38. alpha-mannosidase 4 篇2.740% 39. apg5 protein, s cerevisiae 4 篇2.740% 40. atg17 protein, s cerevisiae 4 篇2.740% 41. atg18 protein, s cerevisiae 4 篇2.740% 42. atg32 protein, s cerevisiae 4 篇2.740% 43. atg9 protein, s cerevisiae 4 篇2.740% 44. cvt19 protein, s cerevisiae 4 篇2.740% 45. dna, bacterial 4 篇2.740% 46. phospholipids 4 篇2.740% 47. transcription factors 4 篇2.740% 49. apg2 protein, s cerevisiae 3 篇2.055% 50. atg13 protein, s cerevisiae 3 篇2.055% 01. department of cell biology 26 篇17.808% 02. frontier research center 26 篇17.808% 03. department of structural biology 24 篇16.438% 04. division of molecular cell biology 15 篇10.274% 05. institute of microbial chemistry 4 篇2.740% 06. advanced medical research center 3 篇2.055% 07. bioimaging center 3 篇2.055% 08. department of chemistry 3 篇2.055% 09. institute of microbial chemistry (bikaken) 3 篇2.055% 10. department of applied plant science 2 篇1.370% 11. department of medicine 2 篇1.370% 12. division of applied life sciences 2 篇1.370% 13. frontier research center; tokyo institute of technology; yokohama 2 篇1.370% 14. laboratory of mitochondrial dynamics 2 篇1.370% 15. laboratory of molecular structure 2 篇1.370% 16. 1] frontier research center 1 篇0.685% 17. 1riken systems and structural biology center 1 篇0.685% 18. biosignal research center 1 篇0.685% 19. college of science and engineering 1 篇0.685% 20. department of anatomy and molecular cell biology 1 篇0.685% 21. department of anatomy and molecular cell biology; nagoya university graduate school of medicine; nagoya 1 篇0.685% 22. department of applied biological chemistry; niigata university; niigata 1 篇0.685% 23. department of applied bioscience 1 篇0.685% 24. department of applied chemistry 1 篇0.685% 25. department of applied molecular bioscience 1 篇0.685% 26. department of biological chemistry 1 篇0.685% 27. department of biological sciences 1 篇0.685% 28. department of biology 1 篇0.685% 29. department of bioregulation and metabolism 1 篇0.685% 30. department of bioscience 1 篇0.685% 31. department of bioscience; nagahama institute of bio-science and technology; nagahama 1 篇0.685% 32. department of biotechnology 1 篇0.685% 33. department of cardiovascular medicine 1 篇0.685% 34. department of cell biology; national institute for basic biology; okazaki 1 篇0.685% 35. department of genetics 1 篇0.685% 36. department of life science 1 篇0.685% 37. department of molecular biotechnology 1 篇0.685% 38. department of molecular oncology 1 篇0.685% 39. department of physics 1 篇0.685% 40. department of physiology and cell biology 1 篇0.685% 41. department of theory and bio-systems 1 篇0.685% 42. division of molecular and life sciences 1 篇0.685% 43. from the frontier research center 1 篇0.685% 44. frontier research center and 1 篇0.685% 45. frontier research center and department of biological information 1 篇0.685% 46. frontier research center and graduate school of bioscience and biotechnology 1 篇0.685% 47. frontier research center and yamamoto-hayashi@iri.titech.ac.jp yohsumi@iri.titech.ac.jp 1 篇0.685% 48. graduate school of medical life science and advanced medical research center 1 篇0.685% 49. institute of infection and immunity 1 篇0.685% 50. institute of innovative research 1 篇0.685%
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