昨天则贤老师指出“量子纠缠”的插图是对“量子疑惑”(quantum paradoxes)封面的拙劣抄袭,我看也有抄袭的嫌疑。做封面的原画是黑色幽默漫画家Charles Addams的“经典的”滑雪者(The Skier),插图显然是模仿前辈的,所以故意加标题为“The nonclassical skier”,算是对前辈的敬意。两书都是Wiley-Vch的,但不知后来的作者A.-M. Herckes与Addams有没有关系。
Quantum Paradoxes封面用的图
Herckes的袭作有一点有趣的改变,将上山的那位改为下山了——换句话说,他看见了滑雪者穿过那棵树——尽管也许他仍然不知道是怎么穿过的。两张图可以作为双缝实验的互补诠释:Addams只是回头看见了结果,Herckes看见了整个过程。正如那书中说的,互补虽然能让我们与疑惑友好相处,但疑惑依然存在(Complementarity allows us to live with paradox, but theparadox remains)。
双缝实验是量子疑惑的根源,所以Big BangTheory也拿它作为全剧的开头:
So if a photon is directed to a plane with two slits in it and either slit is observed, it will not go through both slits.If it's unobserved, it will. However, if it's observed after it's left the plane but before it hits its target, it will not have gone through both slits.
To see or not to see,是量子论的大问题,我们最好保持沉默。
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