猫儿眼很漂亮,猫的鉴赏力大概也高——如我家的猫,喜欢爬在书堆修行,尤爱读《圣经》,几部皮质封面的Holy Bible都满是他勾画的痕迹。钱锺书先生在《猫》里引介了一位眼睛不那么漂亮的傅聚卿先生(据说影射朱光潜),“自小有斜睨的倾向”,“相信凭自己的面貌可以做批评家”。他读Pope骂Addison的名句,“激动得在图书馆阅览室里就象热锅上的蚂蚁。”
Alexander Pope骂人的名句,不知是哪一句;在他的Epistle To Dr Arbuthnot (Or, Prologue ToThe Satires)里中,倒能看到斜眼的“睨视”(leer)和“藐视”(sneer):
View him with scornful, yet with jealous eyes,
And hate for arts that caused himself to rise;
Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer,
And, withoutsneering, teach the rest to sneer;
书中还提到“批眼”(the critic eye)一节,可能是The Dunciad IV里的一段:
The critic eye, that microscope of wit,
Sees hairs and pores, examines bit bybit:
How parts relate to parts, or they towhole,
The body's harmony, the beaming soul,
Are things which Kuster, Burman, Wasseshall see,
When man's whole frame is obvious to a flea.
锺书君的文字似乎就是在运行微观的“批眼”,践行老蒲的damn with faint praise,《猫》算是一道课外作业,却几乎不能算小说——它的艺术没有那么成功,须加现实影子当作料,才能酿出麻辣的味道。(本文题目是Johnson博士说的read with the microscope of criticism。)
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