Heinz Post在伦敦大学ChelseaCollege的就职演说(Against Ideologies)中,在传统的归纳模型和演绎模型外,提出一种“漂浮”(Floating)模型——它不是演绎的,因为要么没有基础理论,要么漠视那个理论;它也不是归纳的,因为模型与观测之间存在有趣的冲突。([it] isneither deductive (either because there is no overriding theory or because suchtheory is ignored) nor is it inductive, for scientists find interestingmismatches between their model and observation.)
数学家Truesdel(Clifford Ambrose Truesdell III, 1919-2000)在他的文集《痴人漫谈科学》(An Idiot's Fugitive Essays on Science)中,拿“应用突变论”(Applied Catastrophe Theory)作为“漂浮模型”的例子。他说,有些数学家似乎没有经典物理学的经验,也没经过那样的训练,却提出什么“一般形态学”(general morphology),没有任何物理、化学、生理学和经济学或社会学的背景,却声称能解释狗怎么生气,股票怎么交易,胚胎怎么发育,星云怎么旋转了,战争怎么打起来了……他认为这是纯数学家造的孽(数学家应该比谁都明白这一点)(a disaster, already notorious, that mathematicians -- of all people, those who ought to know better -- have engendered.)。
Truesdel说的突变论大概指Rene Thom的《结构稳定性与形态发生》(Structural Stability and Morphogenesis),他那本文集里有篇文章谈法国传统,也提到突变(Our Debt to the French Tradition: “Catastrophes” and Our Search for Structure Today),可惜我没原文,不知怎么讲的。(前两页看,提到了“突变”与法国传统的“连续”正好呼应——如Leibniz提出过著名的连续性定律(law of continuity))。
写过“一本坏书”《科学的终结》(The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Science in the Twilight of the Scientific Age)的John Horgan在《科学美国人》的一篇文章(From Complexity to Perplexity(June 1995))里,认为所谓的“万物理论”也是“漂浮模型”。他引用Naomi Oreskes等人的话说:小说可以令人信以为真,但问题是它有几分像?又丢了几分真?同样,一个模型有几分现象?几分判断?几分方便(的假定)?(we might ask the same of a model: How much is based on observation and measurement of accessible phenomena, how much is based on informed judgment, and how much is convenience?)(见Science 263 (5147):641-646.)
Witten说过一句有趣的话:“string theory is 21st century physics which fell into the 20th century by accident.”我想也许可以将“fell into”改成“is floating over”。
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