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把图还给书 精选

已有 6075 次阅读 2014-1-6 09:29 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:海外观察





我有两本以Fallout为题的书,一本是OS 和原子弹的政治(O是奥本海默,SSzilard,爱因斯坦签署的关于原子弹的信,就是他写的),另一本是Beforethe Fallout,从居里夫人说到广岛。没想到的是,前一本竟然是漫画书,而且是我讨厌的那种流行的日本漫画的样子(我喜欢以前的卡通),本想一怒之下退货的,但因为文字内容还算丰富,就免了。(还有本玻尔传,完全的漫画本,坚决不要了。)我喜欢有图的书,喜欢“插图本”,就像面条加辣椒油;但厌恶某些“风格”的图画,就像粉蒸牛肉加香菜。


那天看到邮报头版有张图片,是一些图书的封面,图下的标题是,don't ban these books from schools。原来是漫画家Michael Cavna在呼吁学校不要禁止小朋友读图画书。开头讲了一个小故事:一个小女孩儿津津有味读一本画书(graphic novel),遭到了老师的严厉训斥:课堂不许读那种书。“Graphic. Novels. Aren’t. Books.




What this essayis, at heart, is an extended hand in the name of better understanding — especially as our schools are filled with so-called“reluctant readers” and other struggling learners. We face an educational imperative: Why not use every effective teaching tool at our disposal? Decades of studieshave shown the power of visual learning as an effective scholastic technique. Weknow that comics — the marriage of word and picture in a dynamic relationship that fires synapses across the brain — can be a bridge to literacy and a pathto learning. Armed with that knowledge, the last thing we need blocking that footbridge is the Reluctant Teacher.


对了,那小朋友读的是DavidSmallStitches:a memoir.





下一篇:雪梅香 和庆华兄登苍山
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