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13世纪大马士革的医学家纳菲(或称伊本·那非斯,ibn al’Nafis,1213~1288年)对盖仑的血液循环学说进行了积极的批判。盖仑认为血液的流程是右心腔→左心腔,而纳菲发现心脏左右心腔之间的隔膜很厚,而且隔膜上面没有像盖伦所设想的那种孔道,血液不可能从右心腔直接流至左心腔。为了纠正盖仑的谬误,纳菲提出一种血液小循环(肺循环)理论,即血液在此的流程是右心腔→肺动脉→肺(交换空气)→肺静脉→左心腔。这种血液小循环理论比后来的塞尔维特(Servetus,1511~1553年,因蔑视基督教的“三位一体”学说被宗教裁判所裁决处死)的发现要早300多年。遗憾的是他的学说并未在当时引起人们的重视,被淹没了700多年直至20世纪才重新被后人在布满尘埃的档案中发现。另外,1547年,安德里亚·阿尔帕戈(Andrea Alpago)曾经将伊本·纳菲的一些书稿翻译成拉丁语,因此欧洲人完全有条件了解伊本·纳菲的重要工作(甚至包括直接阅读阿拉伯语书稿),而就在这前后欧洲的医学家便获得了与伊本·纳菲相同的“发现”。难道这只是巧合?以下是纳菲手稿的英译。
……the blood from the right chamber of the heart must arrive at the left chamber, but there is no direct pathway between them. The thick septum of the heart is not perforated and does not have visible pores as some people thought or invisible pores as Galen thought. The blood from the right chamber must flow through the vena arteriosa (pulmonary artery) to the lungs, spread through its substance, be mingled with air, pass through the arteria venosa (pulmonary vein) to reach the left chamber of the heart……the nourishment of the heart is from the blood that goes through the vessels that permeate the body of the heart……
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