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北京大学森林生态学Markku Larjavaara课题组招聘2名博士后

已有 7553 次阅读 2019-6-19 16:34 |系统分类:博客资讯| 博士后, 生态学


北京大学森林生态学课题组(Research group on forest ecology)是新成立的课题组,隶属北京大学生态学中心(Institute of Ecology: http://www.ecology.pku.edu.cn/),PI为副教授(Tenure-track associate professor) Markku Larjavaara。Markku是一位在森林生态学、森林管理和植物生态学颇有建树的青年科学家,他于2019年4月加入北大生态学中心。

Markku已在Nature Climate ChangeTrends in Ecology & EvolutionNew PhytologistMethods in Ecology and EvolutionGlobal Ecology and Biogeography等众多业内一流期刊发表研究论文,详情可浏览ORCID页面: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3484-889X,或他的主页: https://www.forestecology.info/



Posted on 19 June 2019 - Apply latest 20 August

Postdoctoral researcher 

or / and

Research scientist/assistant/technician

The research group on forest ecology is inviting applications for research in one of the following topics:

a. Trees grow fast in the tropics but old-growth forest biomasses are greatest in maritime temperate climates. Knowledge of the temperature driven physiological bases of these patterns can be used for several applications: climate change caused impacts on old-growth forest biomass can be quantified and optimal distribution to maximize both production and carbon conservation can be computed.

b. Current models on forest stand development take biomechanical requirements and the timings of energetic investments poorly into account. With the new model we can understand better evolution of wood traits, “investment strategy” of trees and apply it to optimize carbon storage and production in a stand scale.

c. Other topics based on the interests of the researchers can be discussed.

The postdoctoral researcher has a doctoral degree in ecology, forestry, geography, computer science or related disciplines and is recruited to a fixed two-year-programme of Peking University. There is more flexibility with the contract and educational background of the research scientist/assistant/technician and the focus could be on statistics, programming or GIS. For both researchers a knowledge of both written and spoken Chinese and English is required. For more information, contact Markku LARJAVAARA at markku@pku.edu.cn. Send your application latest 20 August 2019 to markku@pku.edu.cn. Attach a short cover letter, curriculum vitae and list of publications that are merged in one pdf-file of no more than two pages long and with all information in English.

详情可见: https://www.forestecology.info/open-positions




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