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已有 5243 次阅读 2017-9-6 20:39 |系统分类:论文交流| 干旱, GPP, 全球植被光合



近期,伍兹霍尔研究中心(Woods Hole Research Center)的Schwalm等人基于全球植被总的第一性生产力(GPP,植被总光合能力)和量化干旱的较好指标SPEI进行了全球尺度植被响应干旱的恢复力评估。作者发现,影响干旱恢复时间首当其冲的因子是温度和降水等气象指标,像生物多样性和二氧化碳的施肥效应则排在其次。有意思的是,作者还发现,从干旱中恢复过来的时间最久的生态系统类型竟然是热带雨林和北方高纬度地区的植被(如冻原或荒漠、不毛之地等)。他们解释道,热带雨林由于很少经历干旱,对干旱的适应能力较弱,因此需要更长时间恢复;而北方稀疏植被由于低温或者降雨较少,帮助恢复的资源不充分,因此恢复能力也有较大削弱,因此也需要更长时间恢复。作者进一步解释,过热、过冷和少雨的地区恢复时间都会较长。


目前,Schwalm等人的研究论文“Global patterns of drought recovery”已经发表在Nature上。


Drought, a recurring phenomenon with major impacts on both human and natural systems1, 2, 3, is the most widespread climatic extreme that negatively affects the land carbon sink2, 4. Although twentieth-century trends in drought regimes are ambiguous5, 6, 7, across many regions more frequent and severe droughts are expected in the twenty-first century3, 7, 8, 9. Recovery time—how long an ecosystem requires to revert to its pre-drought functional state—is a critical metric of drought impact. Yet the factors influencing drought recovery and its spatiotemporal patterns at the global scale are largely unknown. Here we analyse three independent datasets of gross primary productivity and show that, across diverse ecosystems, drought recovery times are strongly associated with climate and carbon cycle dynamics, with biodiversity and CO2 fertilization as secondary factors. Our analysis also provides two key insights into the spatiotemporal patterns of drought recovery time: first, that recovery is longest in the tropics and high northern latitudes (both vulnerable areas of Earth’s climate system10) and second, that drought impacts11 (assessed using the area of ecosystems actively recovering and time to recovery) have increased over the twentieth century. If droughts become more frequent, as expected, the time between droughts may become shorter than drought recovery time, leading to permanently damaged ecosystems and widespread degradation of the land carbon sink.


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2 杨正瓴 朱晓刚

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